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Quelfes - Apartamentos y condominios se vende

189.500 EUR

Apartamentos y Condominios (En venta)

2 dorm
1 baños
Referencia: BRIR-T169 / ga-9972
Categoría Energética: D
Ver más Ver menos Categoría Energética: D
Diese 2-Zimmer-Wohnung im ersten Stock eines vierstöckigen Gebäudes ohne Aufzug bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für einen festen Wohnsitz oder eine Mietinvestition. Dank ihrer zentralen Lage befindet sich die Immobilie in der Nähe von Einkaufszentren, Schulen, Supermärkten und anderen wichtigen Annehmlichkeiten.Die Wohnung besteht aus:- Eingangsbereich
- Küche mit Zugang zu einem Wintergarten
- Wohn- und Esszimmer mit Klimaanlage
- Zwei Schlafzimmer, beide mit Zugang zur südlich ausgerichteten Terrasse
- Badezimmer mit Dusche und BelüftungWeitere Merkmale:
- Brutto-Wohnfläche: 84,6 m²
- Brutto-Nutzfläche: 9,1 m²
- Balkon
- Guter Zustand
- Süd-Ausrichtung
- Baujahr 1983
- Energieklasse: DGebäude:
- Erster Stock
- Ohne AufzugAusstattung:
- Klimaanlage im WohnzimmerNur 2500 Meter vom Marktgebiet und der Marina von Olhão entfernt, verbindet diese Wohnung Komfort und Bequemlichkeit und ist somit eine hervorragende Wahl sowohl zum Wohnen als auch zum Investieren.
Energiekategorie: D
Cet appartement T2, situé au premier étage d'un immeuble de quatre étages sans ascenseur, offre une opportunité unique pour une résidence permanente ou un investissement locatif. Avec une localisation centrale, la propriété est proche des centres commerciaux, des écoles, des supermarchés et d'autres commodités essentielles.L'appartement se compose de :- Hall d'entrée
- Cuisine (nécessitant une rénovation) avec accès à une véranda
- Salon et salle à manger équipés de la climatisation
- Deux chambres, toutes deux avec accès à la terrasse orientée au sud
- Salle de bain avec douche et ventilationCaractéristiques supplémentaires :
- Surface brute privative : 84,6 m²
- Surface brute dépendante : 9,1 m²
- Balcon
- En bon état
- Orientation sud
- Construit en 1983
- Classe énergétique : DBâtiment :
- Premier étage
- Sans ascenseurÉquipement :
- Climatisation dans le salonSitué à seulement 2500 mètres de la zone des marchés et de la Marina d'Olhão, cet appartement allie confort et commodité, en faisant un excellent choix tant pour y vivre que pour investir. Olhão : Une Charmante Ville Côtière de l'Algarve
Histoire et Culture
- **Origine** : Fondée au XVIIe siècle, Olhão possède une riche histoire liée à la pêche et à la navigation. Elle a commencé comme un petit village de pêcheurs et s'est développée au fil du temps.
- **Architecture** : La ville est connue pour son architecture de style mauresque, particulièrement visible dans les maisons cubiques blanches avec des terrasses plates, rappelant l'influence nord-africaine. Économie
- **Pêche** : Olhão est l'un des principaux centres de pêche de l'Algarve. La ville a une longue tradition de pêche, et ses marchés aux poissons sont célèbres pour la qualité et la variété des produits frais.
- **Tourisme** : Ces dernières années, le tourisme est devenu une partie importante de l'économie locale, attirant des visiteurs avec ses beaux paysages, ses plages et sa culture vibrante.Attractions
- **Marchés Municipaux** : Les marchés d'Olhão, situés au bord de la Ria Formosa, sont un incontournable. Le marché aux poissons et le marché aux fruits et légumes sont connus pour la fraîcheur et la diversité des produits.
- **Ria Formosa** : Cette réserve naturelle est l'une des sept merveilles naturelles du Portugal. Composée d'un système d'îles barrières, c'est un paradis pour l'observation des oiseaux et un refuge pour diverses espèces marines.
- **Îles** : Les îles d'Armona, Culatra et Farol sont populaires parmi les visiteurs. Elles offrent des plages de sable blanc, des eaux cristallines et un environnement tranquille, parfait pour la détente.Gastronomie
- **Fruits de Mer et Poissons** : La cuisine d'Olhão est fortement influencée par la pêche. Des plats comme la cataplana de fruits de mer, le poulpe à la lagareiro et les poissons grillés sont très appréciés.
- **Douceurs Régionales** : En plus des plats de poissons et fruits de mer, Olhão offre de délicieuses douceurs régionales, comme les desserts à base de figues, d'amandes et de caroube. Événements
- **Festival des Fruits de Mer** : Organisé chaque année en août, ce festival est l'une des plus grandes attractions d'Olhão. Il propose une grande variété de fruits de mer, ainsi que de la musique en direct et d'autres activités culturelles.Qualité de Vie
- **Environnement** : Olhão combine un environnement urbain avec la proximité de la nature, offrant une excellente qualité de vie. C'est une ville relativement tranquille, avec de bonnes infrastructures et services.
- **Communauté** : La ville possède une communauté accueillante, avec un mélange de locaux et d'expatriés qui apprécient le climat doux et le mode de vie détendu de l'Algarve.
Performance Énergétique: D
This 2-bedroom apartment, located on the first floor of a four-story building without an elevator, presents a unique opportunity for permanent residence or rental investment. With a central location, the property is close to shopping, schools, supermarkets, and other essential amenities.The apartment consists of:- Entrance hall
- Kitchen (in need of renovation) access to a sunroom
- Living and dining room equipped with air conditioning
- Two bedrooms, both with access to the south-facing terrace
- Bathroom with shower base and ventilationAdditional features:
- Private gross area: 84.6 m²
- Dependent gross area: 9.1 m²
- Balcony
- Good condition
- South orientation
- Built in 1983
- Energy class: DBuilding:
- First floor
- No elevatorEquipment:
- Air conditioning in the living roomLocated just 2500 meters from the market area and Marina of Olhão, this apartment combines comfort and convenience, making it an excellent choice for both living and investing.Olhão is Charming Coastal Town in the Algarve
History and Culture
- **Origin**: Founded in the 17th century, Olhão has a rich history tied to fishing and navigation. It began as a small fishing village and grew over time.
- **Architecture**: The town is known for its Moorish-style architecture, especially evident in the white cubic houses with flat terraces, reminiscent of North African influence. Economy
- **Fishing**: Olhão is one of the main fishing centers in the Algarve. The town has a long fishing tradition, and its fish markets are famous for the quality and variety of fresh products.
- **Tourism**: In recent years, tourism has become an important part of the local economy, attracting visitors with its beautiful landscapes, beaches, and vibrant culture.Attractions
- **Municipal Markets**: The markets of Olhão, located by the Ria Formosa, are a must-visit. The Fish Market and the Fruit and Vegetable Market are known for their freshness and diversity of products.
- **Ria Formosa**: This natural reserve is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Portugal. Composed of a system of barrier islands, it is a paradise for bird watching and a refuge for various marine species.
- **Islands**: The islands of Armona, Culatra, and Farol are popular among visitors. They offer white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and a tranquil environment, perfect for relaxation.Gastronomy
- **Seafood and Fish**: Olhão's cuisine is heavily influenced by fishing. Dishes such as seafood cataplana, octopus à lagareiro, and grilled fish are highly appreciated.
- **Regional Sweets**: In addition to fish and seafood dishes, Olhão offers delicious regional sweets, such as fig, almond, and carob desserts. Events
- **Seafood Festival**: Held annually in August, this festival is one of Olhão's biggest attractions. It offers a wide variety of seafood, along with live music and other cultural activities.Quality of Life
- **Environment**: Olhão combines an urban environment with proximity to nature, providing an excellent quality of life. It is a relatively tranquil town with good infrastructure and services.
- **Community**: The town has a welcoming community, with a mix of locals and expatriates who enjoy the mild climate and relaxed lifestyle of the Algarve.
Energy Rating: D
Diese 2-Zimmer-Wohnung im ersten Stock eines vierstöckigen Gebäudes ohne Aufzug bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für einen festen Wohnsitz oder eine Mietinvestition. Dank ihrer zentralen Lage befindet sich die Immobilie in der Nähe von Einkaufszentren, Schulen, Supermärkten und anderen wichtigen Annehmlichkeiten.Die Wohnung besteht aus:- Eingangsbereich
- Küche mit Zugang zu einem Wintergarten
- Wohn- und Esszimmer mit Klimaanlage
- Zwei Schlafzimmer, beide mit Zugang zur südlich ausgerichteten Terrasse
- Badezimmer mit Dusche und BelüftungWeitere Merkmale:
- Brutto-Wohnfläche: 84,6 m²
- Brutto-Nutzfläche: 9,1 m²
- Balkon
- Guter Zustand
- Süd-Ausrichtung
- Baujahr 1983
- Energieklasse: DGebäude:
- Erster Stock
- Ohne AufzugAusstattung:
- Klimaanlage im WohnzimmerNur 2500 Meter vom Marktgebiet und der Marina von Olhão entfernt, verbindet diese Wohnung Komfort und Bequemlichkeit und ist somit eine hervorragende Wahl sowohl zum Wohnen als auch zum Investieren.
Energie Categorie: D
Este apartamento T2, situado no primeiro andar de um prédio de 4 andares sem elevador, oferece uma oportunidade única para residência permanente ou investimento em arrendamento. Com uma localização central, o imóvel está próximo ao shopping, escolas, supermercados e outras comodidades essenciais.O apartamento é composto por:- Hall de entrada
- Cozinha (a necessitar de remodelação) com acesso a uma marquise
- Sala de estar e jantar equipada com ar condicionado
- Dois quartos, ambos com acesso ao terraço virado a sul
- Casa de banho com base de duche e ventilaçãoCaracterísticas adicionais:
- Área bruta privativa: 84,6 m²
- Área bruta dependente: 9,1 m²
- Varanda
- Bom estado de conservação
- Orientação sul
- Construído em 1983
- Classe energética: DPrédio:
- Primeiro andar
- Sem elevadorEquipamento:
- Ar condicionado na salaLocalizado apenas a 2500 metros da zona dos mercados e da Marina de Olhão, este apartamento combina conforto e conveniência, sendo uma excelente escolha tanto para morar quanto para investir.Olhão é uma cidade charmosa localizada na região do Algarve, no sul de Portugal. Aqui estão alguns destaques sobre Olhão: História e Cultura
- **Origem**: Fundada no século XVII, Olhão tem uma rica história ligada à pesca e à navegação. Seu desenvolvimento começou como uma pequena vila de pescadores.
- **Arquitetura**: A cidade é conhecida por sua arquitetura mourisca, visível especialmente nas casas cúbicas brancas com terraços planos, que lembram a influência do norte da África. Economia
- **Pesca**: Olhão é um dos principais centros de pesca do Algarve. A cidade tem uma longa tradição pesqueira, e os seus mercados de peixe são famosos pela qualidade e variedade dos produtos frescos.
- **Turismo**: Nos últimos anos, o turismo tem se tornado uma parte importante da economia local, atraindo visitantes com suas belas paisagens, praias e cultura vibrante.Atrações
- **Mercados Municipais**: Os mercados de Olhão, situados à beira da Ria Formosa, são uma visita obrigatória. O Mercado do Peixe e o Mercado da Fruta e Legumes são conhecidos pela frescura e diversidade dos produtos.
- **Ria Formosa**: Esta reserva natural é uma das Sete Maravilhas Naturais de Portugal. Composta por um sistema de ilhas-barreira, é um paraíso para a observação de aves e um refúgio para várias espécies marinhas.
- **Ilhas**: As ilhas da Armona, Culatra e Farol são populares entre os visitantes. Oferecem praias de areia branca, águas cristalinas e um ambiente tranquilo, perfeito para relaxar.Gastronomia
- **Mariscos e Peixes**: A gastronomia de Olhão é fortemente influenciada pela pesca. Pratos como a cataplana de marisco, o polvo à lagareiro e os grelhados de peixe são muito apreciados.
- **Doces Regionais**: Além dos pratos de peixe e marisco, Olhão oferece deliciosos doces regionais, como os doces de figo, amêndoa e alfarroba.Eventos
- **Festival do Marisco**: Realizado anualmente em agosto, este festival é uma das maiores atrações de Olhão. Oferece uma ampla variedade de mariscos, além de música ao vivo e outras atividades culturais. Qualidade de Vida
- **Ambiente**: Olhão combina um ambiente urbano com a proximidade da natureza, proporcionando uma excelente qualidade de vida. É uma cidade relativamente tranquila, com boas infraestruturas e serviços.
- **Comunidade**: A cidade tem uma comunidade acolhedora, com uma mistura de locais e expatriados que apreciam o clima ameno e o estilo de vida descontraído do Algarve.
This 2-bedroom apartment, located on the first floor of a four-story building without an elevator, presents a unique opportunity for permanent residence or rental investment. With a central location, the property is close to shopping, schools, supermarkets, and other essential amenities.The apartment consists of:- Entrance hall
- Kitchen (in need of renovation) access to a sunroom
- Living and dining room equipped with air conditioning
- Two bedrooms, both with access to the south-facing terrace
- Bathroom with shower base and ventilationAdditional features:
- Private gross area: 84.6 m²
- Dependent gross area: 9.1 m²
- Balcony
- Good condition
- South orientation
- Built in 1983
- Energy class: DBuilding:
- First floor
- No elevatorEquipment:
- Air conditioning in the living roomLocated just 2500 meters from the market area and Marina of Olhão, this apartment combines comfort and convenience, making it an excellent choice for both living and investing.Olhão is Charming Coastal Town in the Algarve
History and Culture
- **Origin**: Founded in the 17th century, Olhão has a rich history tied to fishing and navigation. It began as a small fishing village and grew over time.
- **Architecture**: The town is known for its Moorish-style architecture, especially evident in the white cubic houses with flat terraces, reminiscent of North African influence. Economy
- **Fishing**: Olhão is one of the main fishing centers in the Algarve. The town has a long fishing tradition, and its fish markets are famous for the quality and variety of fresh products.
- **Tourism**: In recent years, tourism has become an important part of the local economy, attracting visitors with its beautiful landscapes, beaches, and vibrant culture.Attractions
- **Municipal Markets**: The markets of Olhão, located by the Ria Formosa, are a must-visit. The Fish Market and the Fruit and Vegetable Market are known for their freshness and diversity of products.
- **Ria Formosa**: This natural reserve is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Portugal. Composed of a system of barrier islands, it is a paradise for bird watching and a refuge for various marine species.
- **Islands**: The islands of Armona, Culatra, and Farol are popular among visitors. They offer white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and a tranquil environment, perfect for relaxation.Gastronomy
- **Seafood and Fish**: Olhão's cuisine is heavily influenced by fishing. Dishes such as seafood cataplana, octopus à lagareiro, and grilled fish are highly appreciated.
- **Regional Sweets**: In addition to fish and seafood dishes, Olhão offers delicious regional sweets, such as fig, almond, and carob desserts. Events
- **Seafood Festival**: Held annually in August, this festival is one of Olhão's biggest attractions. It offers a wide variety of seafood, along with live music and other cultural activities.Quality of Life
- **Environment**: Olhão combines an urban environment with proximity to nature, providing an excellent quality of life. It is a relatively tranquil town with good infrastructure and services.
- **Community**: The town has a welcoming community, with a mix of locals and expatriates who enjoy the mild climate and relaxed lifestyle of the Algarve.
: D
This 2-bedroom apartment, located on the first floor of a four-story building without an elevator, presents a unique opportunity for permanent residence or rental investment. With a central location, the property is close to shopping, schools, supermarkets, and other essential amenities.The apartment consists of:- Entrance hall
- Kitchen (in need of renovation) access to a sunroom
- Living and dining room equipped with air conditioning
- Two bedrooms, both with access to the south-facing terrace
- Bathroom with shower base and ventilationAdditional features:
- Private gross area: 84.6 m²
- Dependent gross area: 9.1 m²
- Balcony
- Good condition
- South orientation
- Built in 1983
- Energy class: DBuilding:
- First floor
- No elevatorEquipment:
- Air conditioning in the living roomLocated just 2500 meters from the market area and Marina of Olhão, this apartment combines comfort and convenience, making it an excellent choice for both living and investing.Olhão is Charming Coastal Town in the Algarve
History and Culture
- **Origin**: Founded in the 17th century, Olhão has a rich history tied to fishing and navigation. It began as a small fishing village and grew over time.
- **Architecture**: The town is known for its Moorish-style architecture, especially evident in the white cubic houses with flat terraces, reminiscent of North African influence. Economy
- **Fishing**: Olhão is one of the main fishing centers in the Algarve. The town has a long fishing tradition, and its fish markets are famous for the quality and variety of fresh products.
- **Tourism**: In recent years, tourism has become an important part of the local economy, attracting visitors with its beautiful landscapes, beaches, and vibrant culture.Attractions
- **Municipal Markets**: The markets of Olhão, located by the Ria Formosa, are a must-visit. The Fish Market and the Fruit and Vegetable Market are known for their freshness and diversity of products.
- **Ria Formosa**: This natural reserve is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Portugal. Composed of a system of barrier islands, it is a paradise for bird watching and a refuge for various marine species.
- **Islands**: The islands of Armona, Culatra, and Farol are popular among visitors. They offer white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and a tranquil environment, perfect for relaxation.Gastronomy
- **Seafood and Fish**: Olhão's cuisine is heavily influenced by fishing. Dishes such as seafood cataplana, octopus à lagareiro, and grilled fish are highly appreciated.
- **Regional Sweets**: In addition to fish and seafood dishes, Olhão offers delicious regional sweets, such as fig, almond, and carob desserts. Events
- **Seafood Festival**: Held annually in August, this festival is one of Olhão's biggest attractions. It offers a wide variety of seafood, along with live music and other cultural activities.Quality of Life
- **Environment**: Olhão combines an urban environment with proximity to nature, providing an excellent quality of life. It is a relatively tranquil town with good infrastructure and services.
- **Community**: The town has a welcoming community, with a mix of locals and expatriates who enjoy the mild climate and relaxed lifestyle of the Algarve.
Energy Rating: D
Referencia: BRIR-T169
País: PT
Provincia: Faro
Ciudad: Olhão
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Apartamentos y Condominios
Superficie: 85
Dormitorios: 2
Cuartos de baño: 1
Aire Acondicionado:



Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
2.771 EUR
2.933 EUR



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