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Isola della Scala - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

1.120.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

12 hab
4 dorm
6 baños
terreno 889
Referencia: VQVX-T82 / vi001265
A combination of prestige, luxury and history.
Behind a magnificent city wall, this fascinating Art Nouveau villa in Isola della Scala rises majestically. An architectural jewel designed by the famous Ettore Fagiuoli in 1920.
An enchanting journey through time begins as soon as you cross the walls, where you can admire, thanks to the care and dedication of the 1997 restoration, the historical heritage of the building preserved in excellent condition.
The villa has three sumptuous living rooms, four bedrooms, six bathrooms, two spacious terraces and a balcony, a generous tavern with a fully equipped kitchen and fireplace, a space dedicated to wellness, a gym and other hobby areas and zones. Completing his extraordinary property is a large garage of approximately 220 m2. A vast planted garden of about 3,500 m2 wraps the villa in a green embrace.
The pictorial decorations, the Venetian-style floor, the doors and windows made of fine larch, all details that evoke a bygone era and create a unique atmosphere. The property is spread over three levels above ground and a basement level, connected by a sumptuous self-supporting staircase in fine Botticino marble. Each floor, with elegant ceilings over 4 meters high, can also be reached via an internal lift inserted at the time of the restoration.
This exclusive villa represents the perfect residence for those seeking the ultimate in elegance and prestige. Not only is it the ideal representative residence, but it is also an enchanting location for special events. All this blends harmoniously with the private location of the property within an urban context. Located about 20 kilometers from Verona and 40 kilometers from Lake Garda, this extraordinary mansion is situated in a region renowned for the cultivation of rice and cereals, from which internationally renowned food and wine delicacies are born.
Thanks to the economic activity generated by the cultivation of rice, the area surrounding Isola della Scala is animated by numerous companies dedicated to the production, processing and marketing of this precious cereal, helping to create a vibrant and authentic community.
Isola della Scala offers easy accessibility from the airport and the main highways. This enchanting town, located along the river Tartaro, blends with the peaceful Veronese countryside, creating an atmosphere of calm and serenity.
If you are looking for a unique opportunity to experience luxury and history, this Liberty villa represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Contact us for further information and to book a visit to this extraordinary property.
Ver más Ver menos Eine Kombination aus Prestige, Luxus und Geschichte.
Hinter prächtigen Stadtmauern erhebt sich diese faszinierende Villa im Jugendstil in Isola della Scala majestätisch. Ein architektonisches Juwel, das 1920 von dem berühmten Arch. Ettore Fagiuoli entworfen wurde.
Eine bezaubernde Zeitreise beginnt, sobald man die Stadtmauern verlässt und das historische Erbe des Gebäudes bewundert, das dank der sorgfältigen und engagierten Restaurierung von 1997 in hervorragendem Zustand ist.
Die Villa verfügt über drei prächtige Salons, vier Schlafzimmer, sechs Badezimmer, zwei geräumige Terrassen und einen Balkon, eine großzügige Taverne mit einer voll ausgestatteten Küche und einem Kamin, einen Wellnessbereich, einen Fitnessraum und weitere Hobbyräume. Abgerundet wird dieses außergewöhnliche Anwesen durch einen großen Stellplatz von ca. 220 qm. Ein weitläufiger bepflanzter Garten von ca. 3.500 qm hüllt die Villa in eine grüne Umarmung.
Die malerischen Dekorationen, die venezianischen Fußböden, die Türen und Fenster aus kostbarem Lärchenholz, alles Details, die an eine vergangene Zeit erinnern und eine einzigartige Atmosphäre schaffen. Das Anwesen besteht aus drei oberirdischen Stockwerken und einem Untergeschoss, die durch eine prächtige freistehende Treppe aus kostbarem Botticino-Marmor verbunden sind. Jedes Stockwerk mit einer stattlichen Deckenhöhe von mehr als 4 Metern kann auch über einen internen Aufzug erreicht werden, der während der Renovierung hinzugefügt wurde.
Diese exklusive Villa ist das perfekte Domizil für alle, die ein Höchstmaß an Eleganz und Prestige suchen. Sie ist nicht nur der ideale repräsentative Wohnsitz, sondern auch ein bezaubernder Ort für besondere Veranstaltungen. All dies fügt sich harmonisch in die zurückhaltende Lage des Anwesens in einem städtischen Umfeld ein. Etwa 20 Kilometer von Verona und 40 Kilometer vom Gardasee entfernt, liegt diese außergewöhnliche Residenz in einer Region, die für den Anbau von Reis und Zerealien bekannt ist, aus denen international bekannte Köstlichkeiten der Gastronomie und des Weines hergestellt werden.
Dank der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität, die durch den Reisanbau generiert wird, gibt es in der Umgebung von Isola della Scala zahlreiche Unternehmen, die sich der Produktion, der Verarbeitung und der Vermarktung dieses wertvollen Getreides widmen und so zur Schaffung einer lebendigen und authentischen Gemeinschaft beitragen.
Isola della Scala ist vom Flughafen und von den wichtigsten Autobahnen aus leicht zu erreichen. Diese bezaubernde Stadt, die am Fluss Tartaro liegt, fügt sich in die friedliche veronesische Landschaft ein und schafft eine Atmosphäre der Ruhe und Gelassenheit.
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer einzigartigen Gelegenheit sind, Luxus und Geschichte zu erleben, ist diese Jugendstilvilla eine einmalige Gelegenheit. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Besichtigung dieses außergewöhnlichen Anwesens zu buchen.
Connubio di prestigio, lusso e storia.
Dietro una magnifica cinta muraria, si erge con maestosità questa affascinante villa Liberty a Isola della Scala. Un gioiello architettonico progettato dal celebre Ettore Fagiuoli nel 1920.
Un incantevole viaggio nel tempo inizia non appena si oltrepassano le mura, dove è possibile ammirare, grazie alla cura e alla dedizione del restauro del 1997, il patrimonio storico dell’edificio preservato in ottimo stato.
La villa dispone di tre sontuosi saloni, quattro camere da letto, sei bagni, due spaziose terrazze e un balcone, una generosa taverna con cucina completamente attrezzata e caminetto, uno spazio dedicato al benessere, una palestra e altre zone e aree per gli hobby. Completa questa proprietà straordinaria, un’ampia rimessa auto di circa 220 mq. Un vasto giardino piantumato di circa 3.500 mq avvolge la villa in un abbraccio verde.
Le decorazioni pittoriche, il pavimento alla veneziana, le porte e le finestre in pregiato larice, tutti dettagli che evocano un’epoca passata e creano un’atmosfera unica. L’immobile si sviluppa su tre livelli fuori terra e un livello interrato, connessi da una sontuosa scala autoportante in pregiato marmo botticino. Ogni piano, con soffitti signorili di oltre 4 metri di altezza, può essere raggiunto anche tramite un ascensore interno inserito al momento del restauro.
Questa esclusiva villa rappresenta la residenza perfetta per chi cerca il massimo dell’eleganza e del prestigio. Non solo è l’ideale dimora di rappresentanza, ma è anche una location incantevole per eventi speciali. Tutto questo si sposa armoniosamente con la posizione riservata dell’immobile all’interno di un contesto urbano. Situata a circa 20 chilometri da Verona e 40 chilometri dal Lago di Garda, questa straordinaria dimora si trova in una regione rinomata per la coltivazione di riso e cereali, da cui nascono prelibatezze enogastronomiche di fama internazionale.
Grazie all’attività economica generata dalla coltivazione del riso, l’area circostante Isola della Scala è animata da numerose aziende dedite alla produzione, lavorazione e commercializzazione di questo prezioso cereale, contribuendo a creare una vivace e autentica comunità.
Isola della Scala, offre una facile accessibilità dall’aeroporto e alle principali autostrade. Questa incantevole cittadina, situata lungo il corso del fiume Tartaro, si fonde con la tranquilla campagna veronese, creando così un’atmosfera di calma e serenità.
Se sei in cerca di un’opportunità unica per vivere il lusso e la storia, questa villa Liberty rappresenta un’occasione irripetibile. Contattaci per ulteriori informazioni e per prenotare una visita a questa straordinaria proprietà.
A combination of prestige, luxury and history.
Behind a magnificent city wall, this fascinating Art Nouveau villa in Isola della Scala rises majestically. An architectural jewel designed by the famous Ettore Fagiuoli in 1920.
An enchanting journey through time begins as soon as you cross the walls, where you can admire, thanks to the care and dedication of the 1997 restoration, the historical heritage of the building preserved in excellent condition.
The villa has three sumptuous living rooms, four bedrooms, six bathrooms, two spacious terraces and a balcony, a generous tavern with a fully equipped kitchen and fireplace, a space dedicated to wellness, a gym and other hobby areas and zones. Completing his extraordinary property is a large garage of approximately 220 m2. A vast planted garden of about 3,500 m2 wraps the villa in a green embrace.
The pictorial decorations, the Venetian-style floor, the doors and windows made of fine larch, all details that evoke a bygone era and create a unique atmosphere. The property is spread over three levels above ground and a basement level, connected by a sumptuous self-supporting staircase in fine Botticino marble. Each floor, with elegant ceilings over 4 meters high, can also be reached via an internal lift inserted at the time of the restoration.
This exclusive villa represents the perfect residence for those seeking the ultimate in elegance and prestige. Not only is it the ideal representative residence, but it is also an enchanting location for special events. All this blends harmoniously with the private location of the property within an urban context. Located about 20 kilometers from Verona and 40 kilometers from Lake Garda, this extraordinary mansion is situated in a region renowned for the cultivation of rice and cereals, from which internationally renowned food and wine delicacies are born.
Thanks to the economic activity generated by the cultivation of rice, the area surrounding Isola della Scala is animated by numerous companies dedicated to the production, processing and marketing of this precious cereal, helping to create a vibrant and authentic community.
Isola della Scala offers easy accessibility from the airport and the main highways. This enchanting town, located along the river Tartaro, blends with the peaceful Veronese countryside, creating an atmosphere of calm and serenity.
If you are looking for a unique opportunity to experience luxury and history, this Liberty villa represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Contact us for further information and to book a visit to this extraordinary property.
Referencia: VQVX-T82
País: IT
Ciudad: Isola della Scala
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Subtipo de inmeuble: Villa
Terreno: 889
Habitaciones: 12
Dormitorios: 4
Cuartos de baño: 6
Aire Acondicionado:


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