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Resultado neto

São Mamede de Infesta - Casa multifamiliar se vende

650.000 EUR

Casa multifamiliar (En venta)

terreno 692
Referencia: OYEF-T2817 / edi_2298
Edificio a comprar con proyecto aprobado para 14 apartamentos - São Mamede de Infesta, junto a ISCAP y Hospital São João - Porto.La propiedad forma parte de ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), con beneficios fiscales (aplicación de la tasa reducida del 6% en construcción, prevista en el presupuesto 2.23 de la Lista I adjunta a la CIVA), reducción de tasas en el CMM, IRS, IMT etc. La declaración emitida por la Cámara sigue en los documentos ahora enviados.
Para el terreno, con 692m2 de superficie, se aprueba un proyecto arquitectónico para un edificio de viviendas plurifamiliares con una superficie total de construcción de 1565m2, siendo 1201,3 m2 sobre rasante y 363,7m2 de construcción por debajo.
Está prevista la construcción de 14 viviendas con tipologías comerciales de T1 a T3, y 12 plazas de aparcamiento.Aproveche esta oportunidad de inversión en el centro de São Mamede de Infesta, junto a ISCAP y el Hospital de São João con un proyecto aprobado para 14 apartamentos.¡¡Llama ahora para más información!!Nota: Si usted es un consultor de bienes raíces, esta propiedad está disponible para compartir negocios. No dude en presentar a sus clientes compradores y hablar con nosotros para programar su visita.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate es una empresa que se encuentra en el mercado de Venta y Gestión Inmobiliaria con la intención de marcar la diferencia por su estándar de seriedad, respeto y ética en la prestación de servicios inmobiliarios.
Nuestro equipo de empleados está formado por profesionales experimentados y multilingües, con un enfoque personalizado para cada cliente.
Buscamos incansablemente la satisfacción de nuestros clientes, ya sean compradores o vendedores, buscando dar a nuestros clientes la mayor rentabilidad y calidad, utilizando las más diversas y actuales tecnologías para garantizar una difusión amplia y de calidad.
Nos ocupamos de toda la burocracia hasta después de la escritura con un alto grado de profesionalidad.
Para Entreparedes un cliente satisfecho es el mayor logro y satisfacción de la misión cumplida.
Categoría Energética: E
Ver más Ver menos Prédio para comprar com projeto aprovado para 14 apartamentos - São Mamede de Infesta, junto ao ISCAP e Hospital São João - Porto.O imóvel insere-se em ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), contando com benefícios fiscais (aplicação da taxa reduzida de 6% na construção, prevista na verba 2.23 da Lista I anexa ao CIVA), redução de taxas na CMM, IRS, IMT etc. A declaração emitida pela Câmara segue nos documentos agora enviados.
Para o terreno, com 692m2 de área, encontra-se aprovado um projeto de arquitetura para um edifício de habitação multifamiliar com área total de construção de 1565m2, sendo 1201.3 m2 acima do solo e 363.7m2 de construção abaixo.
Prevê-se a construção de 14 frações habitacionais com tipologias comerciais de T1 a T3, e 12 lugares de estacionamento.Aproveite esta oportunidade de investimento no centro de São Mamede de Infesta, junto ao ISCAP e Hospital São João com projeto aprovado para 14 apartamentos.Ligue já para mais informações!!Nota: Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita.AMI:13781
A Entreparedes Real Estate é uma empresa que está no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis com a intenção de fazer a diferença pelo seu padrão de seriedade, respeito e ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.
A nossa equipa de colaboradores é formada por profissionais experientes e multilíngue, com uma abordagem personalizada a cada cliente.
Buscamos, incansavelmente, a satisfação dos nossos clientes, sejam eles compradores ou vendedores, procurando dar aos nossos clientes a maior rentabilidade e qualidade, utilizando as mais diversas e atuais tecnologias para garantir uma divulgação ampla e de qualidade.
Tratamos de toda a burocracia até depois da escritura com elevado grau de profissionalismo.
Para Entreparedes um cliente satisfeito é a maior realização e satisfação de missão cumprida.
Categoria Energética: E
Building to buy with approved project for 14 apartments - São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and Hospital São João - Porto.The property is part of ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), with tax benefits (application of the reduced rate of 6% in construction, provided for in budget 2.23 of List I attached to the CIVA), reduction of rates in the CMM, IRS, IMT etc. The declaration issued by the Chamber follows in the documents now sent.
For the land, with 692m2 of area, an architectural project is approved for a multifamily housing building with a total construction area of 1565m2, being 1201.3 m2 above ground and 363.7m2 of construction below.
It is planned the construction of 14 housing units with commercial typologies from T1 to T3, and 12 parking spaces.Take advantage of this investment opportunity in the center of São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and São João Hospital with an approved project for 14 apartments.Call now for more information!!Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is formed by experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Energiekategorie: E
Edificio a comprar con proyecto aprobado para 14 apartamentos - São Mamede de Infesta, junto a ISCAP y Hospital São João - Porto.La propiedad forma parte de ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), con beneficios fiscales (aplicación de la tasa reducida del 6% en construcción, prevista en el presupuesto 2.23 de la Lista I adjunta a la CIVA), reducción de tasas en el CMM, IRS, IMT etc. La declaración emitida por la Cámara sigue en los documentos ahora enviados.
Para el terreno, con 692m2 de superficie, se aprueba un proyecto arquitectónico para un edificio de viviendas plurifamiliares con una superficie total de construcción de 1565m2, siendo 1201,3 m2 sobre rasante y 363,7m2 de construcción por debajo.
Está prevista la construcción de 14 viviendas con tipologías comerciales de T1 a T3, y 12 plazas de aparcamiento.Aproveche esta oportunidad de inversión en el centro de São Mamede de Infesta, junto a ISCAP y el Hospital de São João con un proyecto aprobado para 14 apartamentos.¡¡Llama ahora para más información!!Nota: Si usted es un consultor de bienes raíces, esta propiedad está disponible para compartir negocios. No dude en presentar a sus clientes compradores y hablar con nosotros para programar su visita.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate es una empresa que se encuentra en el mercado de Venta y Gestión Inmobiliaria con la intención de marcar la diferencia por su estándar de seriedad, respeto y ética en la prestación de servicios inmobiliarios.
Nuestro equipo de empleados está formado por profesionales experimentados y multilingües, con un enfoque personalizado para cada cliente.
Buscamos incansablemente la satisfacción de nuestros clientes, ya sean compradores o vendedores, buscando dar a nuestros clientes la mayor rentabilidad y calidad, utilizando las más diversas y actuales tecnologías para garantizar una difusión amplia y de calidad.
Nos ocupamos de toda la burocracia hasta después de la escritura con un alto grado de profesionalidad.
Para Entreparedes un cliente satisfecho es el mayor logro y satisfacción de la misión cumplida.
Categoría Energética: E
Immeuble à acheter avec projet approuvé pour 14 appartements - São Mamede de Infesta, à côté de l'ISCAP et de l'hôpital São João - Porto.La propriété fait partie de l'ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), avec des avantages fiscaux (application du taux réduit de 6% dans la construction, prévu dans le budget 2.23 de la liste I jointe au CIVA), réduction des taux dans la CMM, IRS, IMT etc. La déclaration émise par la Chambre suit dans les documents maintenant envoyés.
Pour le terrain, avec 692m2 de surface, un projet architectural est approuvé pour un bâtiment de logements multifamiliaux avec une superficie totale de construction de 1565m2, soit 1201,3 m2 au-dessus du sol et 363,7m2 de construction en dessous.
Il est prévu la construction de 14 logements avec des typologies commerciales du T1 au T3, et de 12 places de parking.Profitez de cette opportunité d'investissement dans le centre de São Mamede de Infesta, à côté de l'ISCAP et de l'hôpital São João avec un projet approuvé de 14 appartements.Appelez maintenant pour plus d'informations!!Remarque: Si vous êtes un consultant immobilier, cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d'affaires. N'hésitez pas à présenter vos clients acheteurs et à nous parler pour planifier votre visite.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate est une entreprise qui est sur le marché de la vente et de la gestion immobilière avec l'intention de faire une différence par son niveau de sérieux, de respect et d'éthique dans la fourniture de services immobiliers.
Notre équipe d'employés est formée de professionnels expérimentés et multilingues, avec une approche personnalisée de chaque client.
Nous recherchons inlassablement la satisfaction de nos clients, qu'ils soient acheteurs ou vendeurs, cherchant à donner à nos clients la plus haute rentabilité et qualité, en utilisant les technologies les plus diverses et les plus actuelles pour assurer une diffusion large et de qualité.
Nous traitons avec toute la bureaucratie jusqu'après l'acte avec un haut degré de professionnalisme.
Pour Entreparedes, un client satisfait est la plus grande réalisation et la plus grande satisfaction de la mission accomplie.
Performance Énergétique: E
Building to buy with approved project for 14 apartments - São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and Hospital São João - Porto.The property is part of ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), with tax benefits (application of the reduced rate of 6% in construction, provided for in budget 2.23 of List I attached to the CIVA), reduction of rates in the CMM, IRS, IMT etc. The declaration issued by the Chamber follows in the documents now sent.
For the land, with 692m2 of area, an architectural project is approved for a multifamily housing building with a total construction area of 1565m2, being 1201.3 m2 above ground and 363.7m2 of construction below.
It is planned the construction of 14 housing units with commercial typologies from T1 to T3, and 12 parking spaces.Take advantage of this investment opportunity in the center of São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and São João Hospital with an approved project for 14 apartments.Call now for more information!!Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is formed by experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Energy Rating: E
Building to buy with approved project for 14 apartments - São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and Hospital São João - Porto.The property is part of ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), with tax benefits (application of the reduced rate of 6% in construction, provided for in budget 2.23 of List I attached to the CIVA), reduction of rates in the CMM, IRS, IMT etc. The declaration issued by the Chamber follows in the documents now sent.
For the land, with 692m2 of area, an architectural project is approved for a multifamily housing building with a total construction area of 1565m2, being 1201.3 m2 above ground and 363.7m2 of construction below.
It is planned the construction of 14 housing units with commercial typologies from T1 to T3, and 12 parking spaces.Take advantage of this investment opportunity in the center of São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and São João Hospital with an approved project for 14 apartments.Call now for more information!!Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is formed by experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Energie Categorie: E
Building to buy with approved project for 14 apartments - São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and Hospital São João - Porto.The property is part of ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), with tax benefits (application of the reduced rate of 6% in construction, provided for in budget 2.23 of List I attached to the CIVA), reduction of rates in the CMM, IRS, IMT etc. The declaration issued by the Chamber follows in the documents now sent.
For the land, with 692m2 of area, an architectural project is approved for a multifamily housing building with a total construction area of 1565m2, being 1201.3 m2 above ground and 363.7m2 of construction below.
It is planned the construction of 14 housing units with commercial typologies from T1 to T3, and 12 parking spaces.Take advantage of this investment opportunity in the center of São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and São João Hospital with an approved project for 14 apartments.Call now for more information!!Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is formed by experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
: E
Building to buy with approved project for 14 apartments - São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and Hospital São João - Porto.The property is part of ARU (ARU de S. Mamede de Infesta), with tax benefits (application of the reduced rate of 6% in construction, provided for in budget 2.23 of List I attached to the CIVA), reduction of rates in the CMM, IRS, IMT etc. The declaration issued by the Chamber follows in the documents now sent.
For the land, with 692m2 of area, an architectural project is approved for a multifamily housing building with a total construction area of 1565m2, being 1201.3 m2 above ground and 363.7m2 of construction below.
It is planned the construction of 14 housing units with commercial typologies from T1 to T3, and 12 parking spaces.Take advantage of this investment opportunity in the center of São Mamede de Infesta, next to ISCAP and São João Hospital with an approved project for 14 apartments.Call now for more information!!Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.AMI:13781
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is formed by experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Energy Rating: E
Referencia: OYEF-T2817
País: PT
Provincia: Porto
Ciudad: Matosinhos
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa multifamiliar
Superficie: 1.201
Terreno: 692
Garajes: 1


Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
3.366 EUR


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