
Criterios de búsqueda avanzada

Tipo de inmueble
Categoría de inmueble
Categoría de inmueble
Edad de los propietarios
Superficie terreno
Cuartos de baño
Año de construcción
Año de constitución
Tipo de calefacción
Modo de calefacción
Certificación Energética
Gas efecto de invernadero
Precio / m²
Alquiler / m²/ an
Resultado neto

Nin - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

430.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

5 hab
terreno 300
Referencia: EDEN-T98361884 / 98361884

We present to you a modern villa with a swimming pool, newly built in a well-known tourist resort near Zadar - Vrsi. The villa is located in an extremely quiet area of this settlement, which provides you with a sufficient dose of intimacy. And considering that you are only 1000m away from the sea and local beaches, you will have the perfect combination of intimacy and proximity to the sea. The villa also offers a wonderful view of the sea.

The villa has a total net area of 159.52 m2, and is spread over two floors. It has a southwest orientation and receives a significant amount of sunlight throughout the day.
The villa consists of the ground floor, where we have a spacious open kitchen, dining room and living room, from which we have direct access and exit to the outdoor pool and sunbathing area. In addition, there is also a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, a toilet with a laundry room and a covered terrace.
On the 1st floor, which is connected to the ground floor by an internal staircase, there are 3 bedrooms, each with its own en suite bathroom, a loggia and a covered terrace with a view of the sea and the surrounding landscape rich in Mediterranean vegetation.

However, what makes this villa special is its outdoor pool with an electrolysis system and preparation for heating, and there is also a spacious garden that surrounds all 4 sides of the house. In addition, we have 4 parking spaces available in the paved courtyard.

The villa has an interesting and modern design, and during the construction and furnishing, top quality materials and equipment were used, of which we highlight:
- Air conditioners in all rooms and living room
- Floor heating in the bathrooms
- PVC joinery with three-layer glass filled with gas, electrically operated blinds and roller mosquito nets on all windows
- Anti-burglary and fire-resistant front door
- Floor coverings in the form of high-profile ceramic tiles
- Preparation for video surveillance
- Traventino stone on the front of the villa
- And more..

Ownership and all documentation are in order, and the villa will be fully habitable by the beginning of the summer season in 2024!

Contact us for more information and to arrange a viewing of the property:

Filip Lustica

Jakov Kutija

ID CODE: DA100062445

Filip Luštica - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/544-2160
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Jakov Kutija - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/893-8595
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Garden
- Terrace

Wir präsentieren Ihnen eine moderne Villa mit Swimmingpool, neu gebaut in einem bekannten Touristenort in der Nähe von Zadar - Vrsi. Die Villa liegt in einer äußerst ruhigen Gegend dieser Siedlung, die Ihnen eine ausreichende Portion Intimität bietet. Und wenn man bedenkt, dass Sie nur 1000 m vom Meer und den örtlichen Stränden entfernt sind, haben Sie die perfekte Kombination aus Intimität und Nähe zum Meer. Die Villa bietet außerdem einen wunderbaren Blick auf das Meer.

Die Villa hat eine Gesamtnettofläche von 159,52 m2 und erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen. Es ist nach Südwesten ausgerichtet und erhält den ganzen Tag über viel Sonnenlicht.
Die Villa besteht aus dem Erdgeschoss, wo wir über eine geräumige offene Küche, ein Esszimmer und ein Wohnzimmer verfügen, von denen aus wir direkten Zugang und Ausgang zum Außenpool und zur Liegewiese haben. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch ein Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad, eine Toilette mit Waschküche und eine überdachte Terrasse.
Im 1. Obergeschoss, das über eine Innentreppe mit dem Erdgeschoss verbunden ist, befinden sich 3 Schlafzimmer mit jeweils eigenem Bad en suite, eine Loggia und eine überdachte Terrasse mit Blick auf das Meer und die umliegende Landschaft mit reicher mediterraner Vegetation .

Das Besondere an dieser Villa ist jedoch ihr Außenpool mit Elektrolyseanlage und Heizungsvorbereitung sowie ein großzügiger Garten, der alle 4 Seiten des Hauses umgibt. Darüber hinaus stehen uns im gepflasterten Innenhof 4 Parkplätze zur Verfügung.

Die Villa hat ein interessantes und modernes Design und beim Bau und der Einrichtung wurden hochwertige Materialien und Geräte verwendet, von denen wir Folgendes hervorheben:
- Klimaanlagen in allen Zimmern und im Wohnzimmer
- Fußbodenheizung in den Badezimmern
- PVC-Tischlerei mit gasgefülltem dreischichtigem Glas, elektrisch betriebenen Jalousien und Rollmoskitonetzen an allen Fenstern
- Einbruchhemmende und feuerbeständige Vordertür
- Bodenbeläge in Form von hochkarätigen Keramikfliesen
- Vorbereitung zur Videoüberwachung
- Traventino-Stein an der Vorderseite der Villa
- Und mehr..

Das Eigentum und alle Unterlagen sind in Ordnung und die Villa wird zu Beginn der Sommersaison im Jahr 2024 vollständig bewohnbar sein!

Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen und um eine Besichtigung der Immobilie zu vereinbaren:

Filip Lustica

Jakov Kutija

ID CODE: DA100062445

Filip Luštica - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/544-2160
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Jakov Kutija - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/893-8595
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Garden
- Terrace

Predstavljamo Vam modernu vilu s bazenom novogradnji u poznatom turističkom naselju pokraj Zadra - Vrsima. Vila se nalazi u iznimno mirnom predjelu ovog naselja, što vam osigurava dovoljnu dozu initime. A s obzirom da ste od mora i lokalnih plaža udaljeni svega 1000m, imati ćete savršenu kombinaciju intime i blizine more. S vile se također pruža i predivan pogled na more.

Vila je ukupne neto površine 159,52m2, a prostire se na ukupno dvije etaže. Jugozapadne je orijentacije te prima značajnu količinu sunčevog svijetla tokom cijelog dana.
Vila se sastoji od prizemlja na kojem imamo prostrani otvoreni prostor kuhinje, blagaovaonice i dnevnog boravka s kojeg imamo direktan pristup i izlaz na vanjski bazen i sunčalište. Uz to, tu su još i spavaća soba s en suite kupaonicom, WC s praonicom i natkrivena terasa.
Na 1. katu koje je s prizemljem povezano unutarnjim stubištem, nalazimo 3 spavaće sobe, svaku s vlastitom en suite kupaonicom, lođu i natkrivenu terasu s koje se pruža pogled na more i okolni krajolik bogat mediteranskom vegetacijom.

No, ono što posebno ističe ovu vilu je njen vanjski bazen sa sustavom za elektrolizu te pripremom za grijanje, također tu nam je još i prostrani vrt koji okružuje sve 4 strane kuće. Uz to, u popločanom dvorištu imamo na raspolaganju 4 parkirna mjesta.

Vila je zanimljivog i modernog dizajna, a prilikom izgradanje i opremanja korišteni su vrhunski materijali i oprema od čega izdvajamo:
- Klima uređaji u svim sobama i dnevnom boravku
- Podno grijanje u kupaonicama
- PVC stolariju sa troslojnim staklom punjenim plinom, rolete na električni pogon i rolo komarnike na svim prozorima
- Protuprovalna i vatrootporna ulazna vrata
- Podne obloge u vidu keramičkih pločica visokog profila
- Priprema za video nadzor
- Traventino kamen na pročelju vile
- I još mnogo toga..

Vlasništvo i sva dokumentacija su uredni, a vila će biti potpuno useljiva do početka ljetnje sezone 2024.!

Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija i dogovor oko razgledavnja nekretnine:

Filip Luštica

Jakov Kutija


Filip Luštica - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/544-2160
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Jakov Kutija - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/893-8595
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Garden
- Terrace

Vi presentiamo una villa moderna con piscina, di nuova costruzione in una nota località turistica vicino a Zara - Vrsim. La villa si trova in una zona estremamente tranquilla di questo insediamento, che vi garantisce una sufficiente dose di intimità. E considerando che siete a soli 1000 mt dal mare e dalle spiagge locali, avrete il connubio perfetto tra intimità e vicinanza al mare. La villa offre anche una meravigliosa vista sul mare.

La villa ha una superficie netta totale di 159,52 mq, e si sviluppa complessivamente su due piani. Ha un orientamento sud-ovest e riceve una quantità significativa di luce solare durante il giorno.
La villa è composta dal piano terra, dove disponiamo di un ampio spazio aperto con cucina, sala da pranzo e soggiorno, dal quale abbiamo accesso e uscita diretti alla piscina esterna e alla zona prendisole. Inoltre c'è anche una camera da letto con bagno privato, un WC con lavanderia e una terrazza coperta.
Al 1° piano, collegato al piano terra tramite scala interna, si trovano 3 camere da letto, ciascuna con il proprio bagno en suite, una loggia e un terrazzo coperto con vista sul mare e sul paesaggio circostante ricco di vegetazione mediterranea .

Ma ciò che rende speciale questa villa è la sua piscina esterna con sistema di elettrolisi e predisposizione per il riscaldamento, inoltre c'è un ampio giardino che circonda tutti e 4 i lati della casa. Inoltre disponiamo di 4 posti auto nel cortile pavimentato.

La villa ha un design interessante e moderno, e durante la sua costruzione e arredamento sono stati utilizzati materiali e attrezzature di prima qualità, tra cui segnaliamo:
- Condizionatori in tutte le stanze e nel soggiorno
- Riscaldamento a pavimento nei bagni
- Infissi in PVC con vetro a tre strati riempito di gas, tapparelle elettriche e zanzariere a rullo su tutte le finestre
- Porta d'ingresso antieffrazione e resistente al fuoco
- Rivestimenti per pavimenti sotto forma di piastrelle ceramiche di alto profilo
- Predisposizione per la videosorveglianza
- Pietra di Traventino sul fronte della villa
- E altro ancora..

La proprietà e tutta la documentazione sono in ordine e la villa sarà completamente abitabile entro l'inizio della stagione estiva 2024!

Contattaci per maggiori informazioni e per fissare una visita dell'immobile:

Filippo Lustica

Jakov Kutija

ID CODE: DA100062445

Filip Luštica - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/544-2160
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Jakov Kutija - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/893-8595
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Garden
- Terrace

We present to you a modern villa with a swimming pool, newly built in a well-known tourist resort near Zadar - Vrsi. The villa is located in an extremely quiet area of this settlement, which provides you with a sufficient dose of intimacy. And considering that you are only 1000m away from the sea and local beaches, you will have the perfect combination of intimacy and proximity to the sea. The villa also offers a wonderful view of the sea.

The villa has a total net area of 159.52 m2, and is spread over two floors. It has a southwest orientation and receives a significant amount of sunlight throughout the day.
The villa consists of the ground floor, where we have a spacious open kitchen, dining room and living room, from which we have direct access and exit to the outdoor pool and sunbathing area. In addition, there is also a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, a toilet with a laundry room and a covered terrace.
On the 1st floor, which is connected to the ground floor by an internal staircase, there are 3 bedrooms, each with its own en suite bathroom, a loggia and a covered terrace with a view of the sea and the surrounding landscape rich in Mediterranean vegetation.

However, what makes this villa special is its outdoor pool with an electrolysis system and preparation for heating, and there is also a spacious garden that surrounds all 4 sides of the house. In addition, we have 4 parking spaces available in the paved courtyard.

The villa has an interesting and modern design, and during the construction and furnishing, top quality materials and equipment were used, of which we highlight:
- Air conditioners in all rooms and living room
- Floor heating in the bathrooms
- PVC joinery with three-layer glass filled with gas, electrically operated blinds and roller mosquito nets on all windows
- Anti-burglary and fire-resistant front door
- Floor coverings in the form of high-profile ceramic tiles
- Preparation for video surveillance
- Traventino stone on the front of the villa
- And more..

Ownership and all documentation are in order, and the villa will be fully habitable by the beginning of the summer season in 2024!

Contact us for more information and to arrange a viewing of the property:

Filip Lustica

Jakov Kutija

ID CODE: DA100062445

Filip Luštica - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/544-2160
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Jakov Kutija - Zadar
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/893-8595
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Garden
- Terrace
Referencia: EDEN-T98361884
País: HR
Ciudad: Vrsi
Código postal: 23235
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Superficie: 160
Terreno: 300
Habitaciones: 5
Aseos: 4
Aparcamiento(s): 1


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