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Roma - Apartamentos y condominios se vende

290.000 EUR

Apartamentos y Condominios (En venta)

2 hab
1 dorm
1 baños
Referencia: EDEN-T98226128 / 98226128
CBI ... In the lively setting of the San Lorenzo district, in one of the most iconic streets in the area, Via dei Sabelli, Coldwell Banker offers exclusively this delightful two-room apartment with balcony located on the second floor of a building with elevator of the early twentieth century. The views of the typical internal courtyard made up of characteristic connecting balconies, give extreme silence to the apartment, while at the same time evoking the history and architecture typical of this multifaceted and lively neighborhood. Internally it consists of an entrance open to the living area consisting of a kitchen area with a window leading to the balcony and a living area with a second window, a bedroom also with access to the balcony and a bathroom with shower. The balcony of about 1x9 meters is equipped with a comfortable storage room where the washing machine is located. Modern and functional, this apartment is in a perfect state of maintenance thanks to a careful and accurate total renovation carried out a few years ago that have equipped it with double glazed windows, independent heating with heated towel rails, air conditioning, parquet floors. With a total area of 55 square meters, of which 52 square meters are interior, the house is excellently distributed and comfortable. It is possible to buy separately a very comfortable garage of 20 square meters belonging to the apartment, in the nearby Via dei Luceri at about 500 meters, at 60,000. Thanks to its strategic location near La Sapienza University, the Umberto I Polyclinic and less than 2 km from Termini Station, this solution represents a great opportunity for singles, young couples or as an investment for rent, for those who want to live in a dynamic and lively area, a few steps from the historic center of Rome. THIS INFORMATION AND PLANS ARE MERELY INDICATIVE AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE CONTRACTUAL ELEMENTS. The Coldwell Banker story is one of leadership and success. From its origins in San Francisco in 1906, Coldwell Banker has grown to become the world's leading real estate network. Coldwell Banker® was founded with the intention of bringing professionalism and maximum dedication to the customer to the real estate world, values that are still at the heart of its business philosophy today. Coldwell Banker provides its franchisees with the highest level of support in the world of real estate so that they, in turn, can focus exclusively on the needs of their clients. Coldwell Banker, present in almost 50 countries with more than 3,100 offices and 85,000 agents, is today the world's leading group in the high-end and medium-high end residential market. Coldwell Banker has been present in Italy since 2009 and today, with 42 offices and over 200 consultants, it represents a leading group in the sector, able to promote its prestigious properties within the world luxury circuit, through the Coldwell Banker Previews International channel, the most prestigious international showcase in the sector.
- Lift
Ver más Ver menos CBI ... Dans le cadre animé du quartier de San Lorenzo, dans l’une des rues les plus emblématiques de la région, Via dei Sabelli, Coldwell Banker propose en exclusivité ce charmant appartement de deux pièces avec balcon situé au deuxième étage d’un immeuble avec ascenseur du début du XXe siècle. Les vues sur la cour intérieure typique composée de balcons communicants caractéristiques, donnent un silence extrême à l’appartement, tout en évoquant l’histoire et l’architecture typiques de ce quartier aux multiples facettes et animé. À l’intérieur, il se compose d’une entrée ouverte sur le salon composé d’un coin cuisine avec une fenêtre donnant sur le balcon et d’un salon avec une deuxième fenêtre, d’une chambre également avec accès au balcon et d’une salle de bain avec douche. Le balcon d’environ 1x9 mètres est équipé d’un débarras confortable où se trouve la machine à laver. Moderne et fonctionnel, cet appartement est en parfait état d’entretien grâce à une rénovation totale soignée et soignée réalisée il y a quelques années qui l’ont équipé de fenêtres à double vitrage, chauffage indépendant avec sèche-serviettes, climatisation, parquet. D’une superficie totale de 55 mètres carrés, dont 52 mètres carrés intérieurs, la maison est parfaitement distribuée et confortable. Il est possible d’acheter séparément un garage très confortable de 20 mètres carrés appartenant à l’appartement, dans la Via dei Luceri voisine à environ 500 mètres, à 60 000. Grâce à son emplacement stratégique près de l’Université La Sapienza, de la polyclinique Umberto I et à moins de 2 km de la gare Termini, cette solution représente une grande opportunité pour les célibataires, les jeunes couples ou comme investissement à louer, pour ceux qui veulent vivre dans un quartier dynamique et animé, à quelques pas du centre historique de Rome. CES INFORMATIONS ET PLANS NE SONT QU’INDICATIFS ET NE CONSTITUENT PAS DES ÉLÉMENTS CONTRACTUELS. L’histoire de Coldwell Banker est une histoire de leadership et de succès. Depuis ses origines à San Francisco en 1906, Coldwell Banker s’est développé pour devenir le premier réseau immobilier au monde. Coldwell Banker® a été fondée avec l’intention d’apporter professionnalisme et dévouement maximal au client du monde de l’immobilier, des valeurs qui sont encore aujourd’hui au cœur de sa philosophie d’entreprise. Coldwell Banker fournit à ses franchisés le plus haut niveau de soutien dans le monde de l’immobilier afin qu’ils puissent, à leur tour, se concentrer exclusivement sur les besoins de leurs clients. Coldwell Banker, présent dans près de 50 pays avec plus de 3 100 bureaux et 85 000 agents, est aujourd’hui le premier groupe mondial sur le marché résidentiel haut de gamme et moyen-haut de gamme. Coldwell Banker est présent en Italie depuis 2009 et aujourd’hui, avec 42 bureaux et plus de 200 consultants, il représente un groupe leader dans le secteur, capable de promouvoir ses propriétés prestigieuses dans le circuit mondial du luxe, à travers le canal Coldwell Banker Previews International, la vitrine internationale la plus prestigieuse du secteur.
- Lift
CBI ... Nella vivace cornice del quartiere di San Lorenzo, in una delle strade più iconiche della zona, Via dei Sabelli, la Coldwell Banker propone in esclusiva questo delizioso bilocale con balcone posto al secondo piano di uno stabile con ascensore dei primi Novecento. Gli affacci nella tipica corte interna composta da caratteristici ballatoi di collegamento, conferiscono estrema silenziosità all'appartamento, rievocando al contempo la storia e l'architettura tipica di questo quartiere così poliedrico e vivace. Internamente si compone da ingresso aperto sulla zona giorno composta da una zona cucina con finestra di accesso al balcone e una zona salone con seconda finestra, una camera da letto anch'essa con accesso al balcone e un bagno con box doccia. Il balcone di c.a. 1x9 mt è dotato di uno comodo ripostiglio dove è ubicata la lavatrice. Moderno e funzionale questo appartamento si presenta in perfetto stato di manutenzione grazie ad un'attenta ed accurata ristrutturazione totale eseguita alcuni anni fa che lo hanno dotato di infissi con doppi vetri, riscaldamento autonomo con termoarredo, aria condizionata, pavimenti in parquet. Con una superficie totale di 55 metri quadrati di cui 52 mq interni, l'abitazione risulta essere ottimamente distribuita e confortevole. E' possibile acquistare a parte un comodissimo box auto di mq 20 di pertinenza dell'appartamento, nella vicina Via dei Luceri a circa 500 mt, ad 60.000. Grazie alla sua posizione strategica vicino l'Università La Sapienza, il Policlinico Umberto I e a meno di 2 km dalla Stazione Termini questa soluzione rappresenta una grande opportunità per single, giovani coppie o come investimento per affitto, per chi desidera vivere in una zona dinamica e ricca di vita, a pochi passi dal centro storico di Roma. LE PRESENTI INFORMAZIONI E PLANIMETRIE SONO MERAMENTE INDICATIVE E NON COSTITUISCONO ELEMENTI CONTRATTUALI. La storia di Coldwell Banker è una storia di leadership e di successo. Dalle sue origini a San Francisco nel 1906 Coldwell Banker è cresciuta fino a diventare il più importante network di Real Estate nel mondo. Coldwell Banker® fu fondata con lintento di portare anche nel mondo immobiliare professionalità e massima dedizione al cliente, valori che ancor oggi sono al centro della sua filosofia di business. Coldwell Banker fornisce ai suoi affiliati il più alto livello di supporto nel mondo del Real Estate in modo che questi, a loro volta, possano dedicarsi esclusivamente alle esigenze dei clienti. Coldwell Banker, presente in quasi 50 paesi con più di 3.100 uffici e 85.000 agenti, rappresenta oggi il gruppo leader mondiale del mercato residenziale di fascia alta e medio-alta. In Italia, Coldwell Banker è presente dal 2009 ed oggi , con 42 uffici ed oltre 200 consulenti, rappresenta un gruppo leader nel settore, in grado di promuovere i propri immobili di prestigio allinterno del circuito mondiale del lusso, attraverso il canale Coldwell Banker Previews International, la più prestigiosa vetrina internazionale del comparto.
- Lift
CBI ... W tętniącej życiem dzielnicy San Lorenzo, przy jednej z najbardziej kultowych ulic w okolicy, Via dei Sabelli, Coldwell Banker oferuje wyłącznie ten uroczy dwupokojowy apartament z balkonem położony na drugim piętrze budynku z windą z początku XX wieku. Widoki na typowy wewnętrzny dziedziniec, składający się z charakterystycznych łączących się balkonów, nadają mieszkaniu niezwykłą ciszę, jednocześnie przywołując historię i architekturę typową dla tej wieloaspektowej i tętniącej życiem dzielnicy. Wewnątrz składa się z wejścia otwartego do części dziennej składającej się z części kuchennej z oknem prowadzącym na balkon oraz części dziennej z drugim oknem, sypialni również z wyjściem na balkon oraz łazienki z prysznicem. Balkon o wymiarach około 1x9 metrów wyposażony jest w wygodny schowek, w którym znajduje się pralka. Nowoczesny i funkcjonalny, ten apartament jest w idealnym stanie dzięki starannemu i dokładnemu całkowitemu remontowi przeprowadzonemu kilka lat temu, który wyposażył go w okna z podwójnymi szybami, niezależne ogrzewanie podgrzewanymi wieszakami na ręczniki, klimatyzację, parkiet. O łącznej powierzchni 55 metrów kwadratowych, z czego 52 metry kwadratowe to wnętrza, dom jest doskonale rozprowadzony i wygodny. Istnieje możliwość dokupienia osobno bardzo wygodnego garażu o powierzchni 20 metrów kwadratowych przynależnego do mieszkania, przy pobliskiej Via dei Luceri na około 500 metrach, na 60 000. Dzięki strategicznemu położeniu w pobliżu Uniwersytetu La Sapienza, Polikliniki Umberto I i niecałe 2 km od dworca Termini, rozwiązanie to stanowi doskonałą okazję dla singli, młodych par lub jako inwestycja pod wynajem, dla tych, którzy chcą mieszkać w dynamicznej i tętniącej życiem okolicy, kilka kroków od historycznego centrum Rzymu. TE INFORMACJE I PLANY MAJĄ JEDYNIE CHARAKTER ORIENTACYJNY I NIE STANOWIĄ ELEMENTÓW UMOWY. Historia bankiera z Coldwell to historia przywództwa i sukcesu. Od swoich początków w San Francisco w 1906 roku, Coldwell Banker stał się wiodącą na świecie siecią nieruchomości. Firma Coldwell Banker® została założona z zamiarem wniesienia profesjonalizmu i maksymalnego oddania klientowi do świata nieruchomości, wartości, które do dziś znajdują się w centrum filozofii biznesowej firmy. Coldwell Banker zapewnia swoim franczyzobiorcom najwyższy poziom wsparcia w świecie nieruchomości, aby ci z kolei mogli skupić się wyłącznie na potrzebach swoich klientów. Coldwell Banker, obecny w prawie 50 krajach, posiadający ponad 3 100 biur i 85 000 agentów, jest dziś wiodącą na świecie grupą na rynku mieszkaniowym z najwyższej i średniej półki. Coldwell Banker jest obecny we Włoszech od 2009 roku, a dziś, z 42 biurami i ponad 200 konsultantami, reprezentuje wiodącą grupę w sektorze, zdolną do promowania swoich prestiżowych nieruchomości w światowym obiegu luksusowym, poprzez kanał Coldwell Banker Previews International, najbardziej prestiżową międzynarodową prezentację w sektorze.
- Lift
CBI ... In the lively setting of the San Lorenzo district, in one of the most iconic streets in the area, Via dei Sabelli, Coldwell Banker offers exclusively this delightful two-room apartment with balcony located on the second floor of a building with elevator of the early twentieth century. The views of the typical internal courtyard made up of characteristic connecting balconies, give extreme silence to the apartment, while at the same time evoking the history and architecture typical of this multifaceted and lively neighborhood. Internally it consists of an entrance open to the living area consisting of a kitchen area with a window leading to the balcony and a living area with a second window, a bedroom also with access to the balcony and a bathroom with shower. The balcony of about 1x9 meters is equipped with a comfortable storage room where the washing machine is located. Modern and functional, this apartment is in a perfect state of maintenance thanks to a careful and accurate total renovation carried out a few years ago that have equipped it with double glazed windows, independent heating with heated towel rails, air conditioning, parquet floors. With a total area of 55 square meters, of which 52 square meters are interior, the house is excellently distributed and comfortable. It is possible to buy separately a very comfortable garage of 20 square meters belonging to the apartment, in the nearby Via dei Luceri at about 500 meters, at 60,000. Thanks to its strategic location near La Sapienza University, the Umberto I Polyclinic and less than 2 km from Termini Station, this solution represents a great opportunity for singles, young couples or as an investment for rent, for those who want to live in a dynamic and lively area, a few steps from the historic center of Rome. THIS INFORMATION AND PLANS ARE MERELY INDICATIVE AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE CONTRACTUAL ELEMENTS. The Coldwell Banker story is one of leadership and success. From its origins in San Francisco in 1906, Coldwell Banker has grown to become the world's leading real estate network. Coldwell Banker® was founded with the intention of bringing professionalism and maximum dedication to the customer to the real estate world, values that are still at the heart of its business philosophy today. Coldwell Banker provides its franchisees with the highest level of support in the world of real estate so that they, in turn, can focus exclusively on the needs of their clients. Coldwell Banker, present in almost 50 countries with more than 3,100 offices and 85,000 agents, is today the world's leading group in the high-end and medium-high end residential market. Coldwell Banker has been present in Italy since 2009 and today, with 42 offices and over 200 consultants, it represents a leading group in the sector, able to promote its prestigious properties within the world luxury circuit, through the Coldwell Banker Previews International channel, the most prestigious international showcase in the sector.
- Lift
Referencia: EDEN-T98226128
País: IT
Ciudad: Roma
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Apartamentos y Condominios
Superficie: 55
Habitaciones: 2
Dormitorios: 1
Cuartos de baño: 1
Planta: 2



Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
5.221 EUR


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