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Pedrógão Grande - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

140.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

6 hab
6 dorm
2 baños
terreno 500
Referencia: EDEN-T84641402 / 84641402
6 bedroom villa with great potential for expansion. It has an old "shop" and the garage that, making changes, you can get a lounge on the ground floor, next to the balcony / terrace with the trellis, shading all this overlooking the land, where there are olive trees, various fruit trees and the swimming pool. There is still the possibility of using the attic. The views are very good, the house needs a little update and a general paint job on the inside. Windows in all rooms, including the bathroom, all with shutters. The villa is located in the parish of Derreada de Cimeira, a place with several neighbors, coffee and small shops. In the area there is the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary. It has Pedrogão Grande at 9 kms, and the river beach of Cabril, at 7 kms there is the river beach of Mega Fundeira. Pedrógão Grande is a Portuguese village in the district of Leiria, in the province of Beira Litoral, part of the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Leiria, in the Central region of Portugal, with less than 2,000 inhabitants. It is the seat of the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, which has an area of 128.75 km² and 3,391 inhabitants (2021), and is subdivided into 3 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the northwest by the municipality of Castanheira de Pera, to the east by Góis and Pampilhosa da Serra, to the southeast by Sertã and to the west by Figueiró dos Vinhos.It is about 75 km from Leiria, its district capital, about 85 km from Castelo Branco and about 55 km from Coimbra. The municipality of Pedrógão Grande is one of the regions of the country where the natural beauty, customs and popular traditions combined with the purity of the air and water are maintained. The landscapes are dynamic, with distinct characteristics and strong tourist potential. It is a vast region of granites and schists embedded in the basins of the Zêzere and Unhais rivers and the Pêra and Mega streams, today increased by the reservoirs of two large dams, the Cabril and the Bouçã. The climate, which used to be continental, with harsh winters and torrid and dry summers, is now milder, influenced by the two large reservoirs, which are also very rich fish areas. The archaeological remains found in the region give evidence of its history dating back to prehistoric times, probably to the end of the Bronze Age. The first charter was granted in February 1206 by D. Pedro Afonso, bastard son of D. Afonso Henriques. On August 8, 1513, King Manuel I granted Pedrógão Grande its second charter. On September 7, 1895, the county and municipality were extinguished, following the territorial reorganization of the district of Leiria. On January 13, 1898, the county was restored, with its comarca remaining in Figueiró dos Vinhos. Features: - Balcony - Garage - Garden - Parking - SwimmingPool - Terrace Ver más Ver menos Moradia T6 com grande potencial de expansão. Tem antiga "loja" e a garagem que fazendo alteração, pode-se obter um salão no r/c, junto à varanda / terraço com a latada, a fazer sombra isto tudo com vista para o terreno, onde existe as Oliveiras, árvores de fruto diversas e a Piscina. Ainda existe a possibilidade de aproveitamento do sótão.
As Vistas são muito boas, a casa precisa de uma pequena atualização e uma pintura geral pelo interior.
Janelas em todas as divisões, incluindo a casa de banho, todas com portadas.
A moradia localiza-se na freguesia de Derreada de Cimeira, local com vários vizinhos, café e pequeno comércio. Na zona existe a Capela de Senhora do Rosário.

Tem Pedrogão Grande a 9 kms, e a praia Fluvial do Cabril, a 7 kms existe a Praia Fluvial de Mega Fundeira. Pedrógão Grande é uma vila portuguesa do distrito de Leiria,na província da Beira Litoral, integrando a Comunidade Intermunicipal da Regiãode Leiria, na região do Centro de Portugal, com menos de 2 000 habitantes.
É sede do município de Pedrógão Grande que tem 128,75 km² deárea e 3 391 habitantes (2021), e está subdividido em 3 freguesias. O municípioé limitado a noroeste pelo município de Castanheira de Pera, a este por Góis ePampilhosa da Serra, a sudeste pela Sertã e a oeste por Figueiró dos Vinhos.Dista cerca de 75 km de Leiria, a sua capital de distrito, cerca de 85 km deCastelo Branco e cerca de 55 km de Coimbra. O município de Pedrógão Grande é uma das regiões do paísonde a beleza natural, os costumes e as tradições populares aliadas à purezados ares e das águas se mantêm. As paisagens são dinâmicas, com característicasdistintas e com fortes potencialidades turísticas. É uma vasta região de granitos e xistos incrustada nasbacias dos rios Zêzere e Unhais e das ribeiras de Pêra e Mega, hoje aumentada pelasalbufeiras de duas grandes barragens, a do Cabril e a da Bouçã. O clima, queantigamente era de características continentais, de invernos rigorosos e verõestórridos e secos, é hoje mais ameno, influenciado pelas duas grandes albufeirasque são também zonas piscícolas muito ricas. Os vestígios arqueológicos encontrados na região dão provasda sua história remontar aos tempos pré-históricos, provavelmente ao final daIdade do Bronze. O primeiro foral é concedido em fevereiro de 1206 por D.Pedro Afonso, filho bastardo de D. Afonso Henriques. No dia 8 de agosto de1513, D. Manuel I concedeu a Pedrógão Grande a sua segunda carta de foral. A 7de setembro de 1895 a comarca e concelho são extintos, na sequência dareorganização territorial do distrito de Leiria. A 13 de janeiro de 1898 o concelhoé restaurado, permanecendo a sua comarca em Figueiró dos Vinhos.
- Balcony
- Garage
- Garden
- Parking
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
Maison T6 avec un grand potentiel d’expansion. Il a l’ancien « magasin » et le garage qui fait de la modification, vous pouvez obtenir un salon au rez-de-chaussée, à côté du balcon / terrasse avec la boîte, pour faire de l’ombre tout cela donnant sur le terrain, où il y a les oliviers, divers arbres fruitiers et la piscine. Il y a toujours la possibilité d’utiliser le grenier. Les vues sont très bonnes, la maison a besoin d’une petite mise à jour et d’une peinture générale à l’intérieur. Fenêtres dans toutes les chambres, y compris la salle de bain, toutes avec portes. La villa est située dans la paroisse de Derreada de Cimeira, un endroit avec plusieurs voisins, café et petit commerce. Dans la région il y a la chapelle de Senhora do Rosário. Il a Pedrogão Grande à 9 kms, et la plage Fluvial do Cabril, à 7 kms il y a la plage fluviale de Mega Fundeira. Pedrógão Grande est un village portugais de moins de 2 000 habitants, situé dans la province de Beira Litoral, dans la région de Leiria. C’est le siège de la municipalité de Pedrógão Grande qui a une superficie de 128,75 km² et 3 391 habitants (2021), et est subdivisée en 3 paroisses. La municipalité est bordée au nord-ouest par la municipalité de Castanheira de Pera, à l’est par Góis et Pampilhosa da Serra, au sud-est par Sertã et à l’ouest par Figueiró dos Vinhos.It est à environ 75 km de Leiria, sa capitale de district, à environ 85 km de Castelo Branco et à environ 55 km de Coimbra. La municipalité de Pedrógão Grande est l’une des régions du pays où la beauté naturelle, les coutumes et les traditions populaires combinées à la pureté de l’air et des eaux sont maintenues. Les paysages sont dynamiques, avec des caractéristiques distinctes et avec un fort potentiel touristique. C’est une vaste région de granites et de schistes incrustés dans les bassins des rivières Zêzere et Unhais et des ruisseaux de Pêra et Mega, aujourd’hui augmentées par les réservoirs de deux grands barrages, le Cabril et le Bouçã. Le climat, autrefois aux caractéristiques continentales, aux hivers rigoureux et aux étés torrides et secs, est aujourd’hui plus doux, influencé par les deux grands réservoirs qui sont également des zones de poissons très riches. Les vestiges archéologiques trouvés dans la région témoignent de son histoire remontant à la préhistoire, probablement à la fin de l’âge du bronze. La première charte est accordée en février 1206 par D. Pedro Afonso, fils bâtard de D. Afonso Henriques. Le 8 août 1513, Manuel I accorda à Pedrógão Grande sa deuxième charte. Le 7 septembre 1895, la comarque et la municipalité sont éteintes, à la suite de la réorganisation territoriale du district de Leiria. Le 13 janvier 1898, le comté est restauré, restant sa comarque à Figueiró dos Vinhos. Features: - Balcony - Garage - Garden - Parking - SwimmingPool - Terrace 6 bedroom villa with great potential for expansion. It has an old "shop" and the garage that, making changes, you can get a lounge on the ground floor, next to the balcony / terrace with the trellis, shading all this overlooking the land, where there are olive trees, various fruit trees and the swimming pool. There is still the possibility of using the attic. The views are very good, the house needs a little update and a general paint job on the inside. Windows in all rooms, including the bathroom, all with shutters. The villa is located in the parish of Derreada de Cimeira, a place with several neighbors, coffee and small shops. In the area there is the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary. It has Pedrogão Grande at 9 kms, and the river beach of Cabril, at 7 kms there is the river beach of Mega Fundeira. Pedrógão Grande is a Portuguese village in the district of Leiria, in the province of Beira Litoral, part of the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Leiria, in the Central region of Portugal, with less than 2,000 inhabitants. It is the seat of the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, which has an area of 128.75 km² and 3,391 inhabitants (2021), and is subdivided into 3 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the northwest by the municipality of Castanheira de Pera, to the east by Góis and Pampilhosa da Serra, to the southeast by Sertã and to the west by Figueiró dos Vinhos.It is about 75 km from Leiria, its district capital, about 85 km from Castelo Branco and about 55 km from Coimbra. The municipality of Pedrógão Grande is one of the regions of the country where the natural beauty, customs and popular traditions combined with the purity of the air and water are maintained. The landscapes are dynamic, with distinct characteristics and strong tourist potential. It is a vast region of granites and schists embedded in the basins of the Zêzere and Unhais rivers and the Pêra and Mega streams, today increased by the reservoirs of two large dams, the Cabril and the Bouçã. The climate, which used to be continental, with harsh winters and torrid and dry summers, is now milder, influenced by the two large reservoirs, which are also very rich fish areas. The archaeological remains found in the region give evidence of its history dating back to prehistoric times, probably to the end of the Bronze Age. The first charter was granted in February 1206 by D. Pedro Afonso, bastard son of D. Afonso Henriques. On August 8, 1513, King Manuel I granted Pedrógão Grande its second charter. On September 7, 1895, the county and municipality were extinguished, following the territorial reorganization of the district of Leiria. On January 13, 1898, the county was restored, with its comarca remaining in Figueiró dos Vinhos. Features: - Balcony - Garage - Garden - Parking - SwimmingPool - Terrace Vila se 6 ložnicemi s velkým potenciálem rozšíření. Má starý "obchod" a garáž, která po provedení změn může získat salonek v přízemí, vedle balkonu / terasy s mřížovím, zastínění toho všeho s výhledem na pozemek, kde jsou olivovníky, různé ovocné stromy a bazén. Stále je zde možnost využití podkroví. Výhledy jsou velmi dobré, dům potřebuje trochu aktualizovat a celkově vymalovat interiér. Okna ve všech místnostech včetně koupelny, všechna s žaluziemi. Vila se nachází ve farnosti Derreada de Cimeira, místě s několika sousedy, kavárnou a malými obchůdky. V areálu se nachází kaple Panny Marie Růžencové. Má Pedrogão Grande na 9 km a říční pláž Cabril, na 7 km je říční pláž Mega Fundeira. Pedrógão Grande je portugalská vesnice v okrese Leiria, v provincii Beira Litoral, která je součástí meziobecního společenství regionu Leiria, v centrální oblasti Portugalska, s méně než 2 000 obyvateli. Je sídlem obce Pedrógão Grande, která má rozlohu 128,75 km² a 3 391 obyvatel (2021) a je rozdělena do 3 farností. Obec sousedí na severozápadě s obcí Castanheira de Pera, na východě s obcemi Góis a Pampilhosa da Serra, na jihovýchodě se Sertã a na západě s městem Figueiró dos Vinhos.It je asi 75 km od okresního města Leiria, asi 85 km od Castelo Branco a asi 55 km od Coimbry. Obec Pedrógão Grande je jedním z regionů země, kde jsou zachovány přírodní krásy, zvyky a lidové tradice v kombinaci s čistotou vzduchu a vody. Krajina je dynamická, s výraznými charakteristikami a silným turistickým potenciálem. Jedná se o rozsáhlou oblast žul a břidlic zasazených do povodí řek Zêzere a Unhais a potoků Pêra a Mega, které jsou dnes rozšířeny nádržemi dvou velkých přehrad, Cabril a Bouçã. Podnebí, které bývalo kontinentální, s tuhými zimami a horkými a suchými léty, je nyní mírnější, ovlivněné dvěma velkými nádržemi, které jsou také velmi bohatými rybími oblastmi. Archeologické pozůstatky nalezené v regionu svědčí o jeho historii sahající až do pravěku, pravděpodobně do konce doby bronzové. První listina byla udělena v únoru 1206 D. Pedrem Afonsem, nemanželským synem D. Afonsa Henriquese. Dne 8. srpna 1513 udělil král Manuel I. Pedrógão Grande druhou výsadní listinu. Dne 7. září 1895 zaniklo hrabství a obec v důsledku územní reorganizace okresu Leiria. Dne 13. ledna 1898 bylo hrabství obnoveno a jeho comarca zůstala ve Figueiró dos Vinhos. Features: - Balcony - Garage - Garden - Parking - SwimmingPool - Terrace
Referencia: EDEN-T84641402
País: PT
Ciudad: Pedrogao Grande
Código postal: 3270
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Superficie: 130
Terreno: 500
Habitaciones: 6
Dormitorios: 6
Cuartos de baño: 2
Aparcamiento(s): 1
Garajes: 1



Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
842 EUR


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