Zabok - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende
88.000 EUR
Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)
8.769 m²
/ 10209
Código postal:
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
8.769 m²
Building land in the undeveloped part of the construction area of the settlement of 8,769 m2 wide along the road about 90 m.
Distance to Krapinske toplice 3.8 km.
Possible construction:
- Residential buildings - family houses with auxiliary buildings
- Residential buildings - apartment buildings with auxiliary buildings
- Public and social buildings
- Production and business buildings
- Catering and tourist buildings
- Agricultural - commercial buildings
- Prefabricated buildings
Infrastructure: electricity, water
Price: 88.000 EUR
Brokerage fee: 2% + VAT from the agreed purchase price ID - 10209
Ver más Ver menos Krapinske toplice, Vrtnjakovec
Bauland im unbebauten Teil des Baugebietes der Siedlung von 8.769 m2 Breite entlang der Straße ca. 90 m.
Entfernung zum Krapinske toplice 3,8 km.
Mögliche Konstruktion:
- Wohngebäude - Familienhäuser mit Nebengebäuden
- Wohngebäude - Mehrfamilienhäuser mit Nebengebäuden
- Öffentliche und soziale Gebäude
- Produktions- und Geschäftsgebäude
- Catering- und Touristengebäude
- Landwirtschaftliche - Gewerbebauten
- Vorgefertigte Gebäude
Infrastruktur: Strom, Wasser
Preis: 88.000 EUR
Maklergebühr: 2% + MwSt. Vom vereinbarten Kaufpreis ID - 10209
Krapinske toplice, Vrtnjakovec
Građevinsko zemljište u neizgrađenom dijelu građevinskog područja naselja površine 8.769 m2 širine uz cestu cca 90 m.
Udaljenost do Krapinskih toplica 3,8 km.
Moguća izgradnja:
- Stambenih građevina – obiteljske kuće s pomoćnim građevinama
- Stambenih građevina – višestambene s pomoćnim građevinama
- Javnih i društvenih građevina
- Proizvodnih i poslovnih građevina
- Ugostiteljsko – turističkih građevina
- Poljoprivredno – gospodarskih građevina
- Montažnih građevina
Infrastruktura: struja, voda
Cijena: 88.000,00 EUR
Posrednička naknada: 2% + PDV od ugovorene kupoprodajne cijene ID – 10209
Крапинске Топлице, Вртняковец
Земля под застройку в незастроенной части строительной площадки населенного пункта 8 769 м2 шириной вдоль дороги около 90 м.
Расстояние до Крапинске Топлице 3,8 км.
Возможная конструкция:
- Жилые здания - жилые дома со вспомогательными зданиями
- Жилые здания - жилые дома со вспомогательными зданиями
- Общественные и общественные здания
- Производственные и деловые здания
- Здания общественного питания и туристические
- Сельскохозяйственные - коммерческие здания
- Сборные дома
Инфраструктура: электричество, вода
Цена: 88.000 €
Брокерский сбор: 2% + НДС от согласованной цены покупки ID - 10209
Krapinske toplice, Vrtnjakovec
Building land in the undeveloped part of the construction area of the settlement of 8,769 m2 wide along the road about 90 m.
Distance to Krapinske toplice 3.8 km.
Possible construction:
- Residential buildings - family houses with auxiliary buildings
- Residential buildings - apartment buildings with auxiliary buildings
- Public and social buildings
- Production and business buildings
- Catering and tourist buildings
- Agricultural - commercial buildings
- Prefabricated buildings
Infrastructure: electricity, water
Price: 88.000 EUR
Brokerage fee: 2% + VAT from the agreed purchase price ID - 10209