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Categoría de inmueble
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Superficie terreno
Cuartos de baño
Año de construcción
Año de constitución
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Alcabideche - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

1.100.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

4 dorm
5 baños
terreno 315
Referencia: GTWW-T610 / nr8042 da
Fabulosa villa de 4 dormitorios con piscina y jardín en Cascais, que consta de 3 plantas:Planta 0 - Hall de entrada 5m2, salón 38m2, cocina 14m2, wc social 3,44 m2 y oficina/dormitorio planta baja 10,12m2Planta 1 - 3 suites: Hall de los dormitorios con armario 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 con armario 3.37m2 y wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 con armario y wc 4m2 ambos con acceso a un balcón de 30m2, suite con armario 12m2 y wc con 4m2Sótano - Bodega 6m2, lavadero 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 áreas de almacenamiento distintas (17m2, 8m2 y 65m2)Esta villa tiene en el proyecto una plaza de aparcamiento para 3 coches, todavía hay muchas plazas de aparcamiento en la puerta.Este proyecto tiene un jardín y una piscina donde se pueden pasar momentos maravillosos con la familia, situado en una zona residencial de barrio tranquilo, seguro y bueno, rodeado de espacios verdes, a 25 minutos de Lisboa, 5-10 minutos del centro de Cascais, Sintra, playa de Guincho, parques, cerca de la autopista A5, transporte público, deportes, ocio, servicios y compras.CASCAIS
Cascais nació como un pueblo de pescadores, pero hoy son las terrazas, los restaurantes y el comercio que animan la bahía y el centro histórico.
Un primer recorrido servirá para sentir la conexión con el mar y el espíritu relajado de quienes viven en Cascais. Los palacios del siglo. XIX y principios de siglo. XX, de carácter aristocrático son hoy espacios culturales y de ocio, que dan a conocer más sobre la historia de este pueblo. Como el Museo de los Condes de Castro Guimarães, la Casa de Santa María, el Faro de Santa Marta o el Museo del Mar - Rey D. Carlos. Muy cerca de esta última, no podemos dejar de notar la Casa de las Historias de Paula Rego, un edificio contemporáneo de arquitectura muy peculiar, donde se encuentra parte de las obras de la artista portuguesa y que merece la pena visitar.Justo al lado del mar, en uno de los puntos más altos, vemos el Palacio de la Ciudadela, hogar del ex gobernador de Cascais, que fue elegido por el rey D. Luís para su residencia. Actualmente está supervisado por la Presidencia de la República Portuguesa. En el lado frente al mar, se puede ver el puerto deportivo de Cascais.Naturalmente, la proximidad del Atlántico siempre ha ayudado a mantener viva la tradición de la pesca y los deportes acuáticos, en los que destaca la vela. Las condiciones del puerto deportivo de Cascais, el mar tranquilo, el clima, las playas y el patrimonio son razones más que suficientes para ser una elección de muchos navegantes que pasan aquí de vacaciones y para la realización frecuente de regatas, ya sean de ocio o de competición.Private Luxury - Real Estate, es una agencia inmobiliaria con sede en Lisboa, en la Avenida da Liberdade, con tiendas en Cascais y Azeitão.Somos una referencia en el segmento medio-alto, y hemos seleccionado para usted las propiedades más exclusivas.
Categoría Energética: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Ver más Ver menos Fabulous 4 bedroom villa with pool and garden in Cascais, consisting of 3 floors:Floor 0 - Entrance hall 5m2, living room 38m2, kitchen 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 and office/bedroom ground floor 10.12m2Floor 1 - 3 suites: Hall of the bedrooms with wardrobe 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 with closet 3.37m2 and wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 with wardrobe and wc 4m2 both with access to a balcony of 30m2, suite with wardrobe 12m2 and wc with 4m2Basement - Wine cellar 6m2, laundry 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 distinct storage areas (17m2, 8m2 and 65m2)This villa has in the project a parking space for 3 cars, there are still many parking spaces at the door.This project has a garden and a swimming pool where you can spend wonderful moments with the family, located in a quiet, safe and good neighborhood residential area, surrounded by green spaces, 25 minutes from Lisbon, 5-10 minutes from the center of Cascais, Sintra, Guincho beach, parks, near the A5 motorway, public transport, sports, leisure, services, and shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais was born as a fishing village, but today it is the terraces, restaurants and commerce that animate the bay and the historic center.
A first tour will serve to feel the connection to the sea and the relaxed spirit of those who live in Cascais. The palaces of the century. XIX and beginning of the century. XX, of aristocratic character are today cultural and leisure spaces, which make known more about the history of this village. Like the Museum of the Counts of Castro Guimarães, the House of Santa Maria, the Lighthouse of Santa Marta or the Museum of the Sea - King D. Carlos. Very close to the latter, we can not fail to notice the House of Stories of Paula Rego, a contemporary building of very peculiar architecture, where part of the works of the Portuguese artist is located and which is worth visiting.Right by the sea, at one of the highest points, we see the Citadel Palace, home of the former governor of Cascais, which was chosen by King D. Luís for his residence. It is currently supervised by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. On the side facing the sea, you can see the Cascais Marina.Naturally, the proximity of the Atlantic has always helped to keep alive the tradition of fishing and water sports, in which sailing stands out. The conditions of the Cascais Marina, the calm sea, the climate, the beaches and the heritage are more than enough reasons to be a choice of many sailors who spend here on vacation and for the frequent realization of regattas, whether leisure or competition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, is a real estate agency based in Lisbon, on Avenida da Liberdade, with shops in Cascais and Azeitão.We are a reference in the medium-high segment, and we have selected for you the most exclusive properties.
Energiekategorie: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulosa villa de 4 dormitorios con piscina y jardín en Cascais, que consta de 3 plantas:Planta 0 - Hall de entrada 5m2, salón 38m2, cocina 14m2, wc social 3,44 m2 y oficina/dormitorio planta baja 10,12m2Planta 1 - 3 suites: Hall de los dormitorios con armario 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 con armario 3.37m2 y wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 con armario y wc 4m2 ambos con acceso a un balcón de 30m2, suite con armario 12m2 y wc con 4m2Sótano - Bodega 6m2, lavadero 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 áreas de almacenamiento distintas (17m2, 8m2 y 65m2)Esta villa tiene en el proyecto una plaza de aparcamiento para 3 coches, todavía hay muchas plazas de aparcamiento en la puerta.Este proyecto tiene un jardín y una piscina donde se pueden pasar momentos maravillosos con la familia, situado en una zona residencial de barrio tranquilo, seguro y bueno, rodeado de espacios verdes, a 25 minutos de Lisboa, 5-10 minutos del centro de Cascais, Sintra, playa de Guincho, parques, cerca de la autopista A5, transporte público, deportes, ocio, servicios y compras.CASCAIS
Cascais nació como un pueblo de pescadores, pero hoy son las terrazas, los restaurantes y el comercio que animan la bahía y el centro histórico.
Un primer recorrido servirá para sentir la conexión con el mar y el espíritu relajado de quienes viven en Cascais. Los palacios del siglo. XIX y principios de siglo. XX, de carácter aristocrático son hoy espacios culturales y de ocio, que dan a conocer más sobre la historia de este pueblo. Como el Museo de los Condes de Castro Guimarães, la Casa de Santa María, el Faro de Santa Marta o el Museo del Mar - Rey D. Carlos. Muy cerca de esta última, no podemos dejar de notar la Casa de las Historias de Paula Rego, un edificio contemporáneo de arquitectura muy peculiar, donde se encuentra parte de las obras de la artista portuguesa y que merece la pena visitar.Justo al lado del mar, en uno de los puntos más altos, vemos el Palacio de la Ciudadela, hogar del ex gobernador de Cascais, que fue elegido por el rey D. Luís para su residencia. Actualmente está supervisado por la Presidencia de la República Portuguesa. En el lado frente al mar, se puede ver el puerto deportivo de Cascais.Naturalmente, la proximidad del Atlántico siempre ha ayudado a mantener viva la tradición de la pesca y los deportes acuáticos, en los que destaca la vela. Las condiciones del puerto deportivo de Cascais, el mar tranquilo, el clima, las playas y el patrimonio son razones más que suficientes para ser una elección de muchos navegantes que pasan aquí de vacaciones y para la realización frecuente de regatas, ya sean de ocio o de competición.Private Luxury - Real Estate, es una agencia inmobiliaria con sede en Lisboa, en la Avenida da Liberdade, con tiendas en Cascais y Azeitão.Somos una referencia en el segmento medio-alto, y hemos seleccionado para usted las propiedades más exclusivas.
Categoría Energética: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabuleuse villa de 4 chambres avec piscine et jardin à Cascais, composée de 3 étages:Etage 0 - Hall d'entrée 5m2, séjour 38m2, cuisine 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 et bureau/chambre rez-de-chaussée 10.12m2Etage 1 - 3 suites: Hall des chambres avec placard 6m2, Suite parentale 16 m2 avec placard 3.37m2 et wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 avec placard et wc 4m2 tous deux avec accès à un balcon de 30m2, suite avec placard 12m2 et wc avec 4m2Sous-sol - Cave à vin 6m2, buanderie 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 rangements distincts (17m2, 8m2 et 65m2)Cette villa a dans le projet une place de parking pour 3 voitures, il y a encore beaucoup de places de parking à la porte.Ce projet dispose d'un jardin et d'une piscine où vous pourrez passer de merveilleux moments en famille, situé dans un quartier résidentiel calme, sûr et bon, entouré d'espaces verts, à 25 minutes de Lisbonne, à 5-10 minutes du centre de Cascais, Sintra, plage de Guincho, parcs, près de l'autoroute A5, transports en commun, sports, loisirs, services et magasins.CASCAIS
Cascais est né comme un village de pêcheurs, mais aujourd'hui ce sont les terrasses, les restaurants et le commerce qui animent la baie et le centre historique.
Une première visite servira à ressentir la connexion à la mer et l'esprit détendu de ceux qui vivent à Cascais. Les palais du siècle. XIX et début du siècle. XX, de caractère aristocratique sont aujourd'hui des espaces culturels et de loisirs, qui font connaître davantage l'histoire de ce village. Comme le Musée des Comtes de Castro Guimarães, la Maison de Santa Maria, le Phare de Santa Marta ou le Musée de la Mer - Roi D. Carlos. Très proche de ce dernier, nous ne pouvons manquer de remarquer la Maison des Histoires de Paula Rego, un bâtiment contemporain à l'architecture très particulière, où se trouve une partie des uvres de l'artiste portugais et qui vaut le détour.Juste au bord de la mer, à l'un des points les plus élevés, nous voyons le Palais de la Citadelle, résidence de l'ancien gouverneur de Cascais, qui a été choisi par le roi D. Luís pour sa résidence. Il est actuellement supervisé par la présidence de la République portugaise. Du côté face à la mer, vous pouvez voir la marina de Cascais.Naturellement, la proximité de l'Atlantique a toujours contribué à maintenir vivante la tradition de la pêche et des sports nautiques, dans laquelle la voile se distingue. Les conditions de la marina de Cascais, la mer calme, le climat, les plages et le patrimoine sont plus que suffisantes pour être un choix de nombreux marins qui passent ici en vacances et pour la réalisation fréquente de régates, que ce soit de loisir ou de compétition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, est une agence immobilière basée à Lisbonne, sur l'Avenida da Liberdade, avec des magasins à Cascais et Azeitão.Nous sommes une référence dans le segment moyen-haut, et nous avons sélectionné pour vous les propriétés les plus exclusives.
Performance Énergétique: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulous 4 bedroom villa with pool and garden in Cascais, consisting of 3 floors:Floor 0 - Entrance hall 5m2, living room 38m2, kitchen 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 and office/bedroom ground floor 10.12m2Floor 1 - 3 suites: Hall of the bedrooms with wardrobe 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 with closet 3.37m2 and wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 with wardrobe and wc 4m2 both with access to a balcony of 30m2, suite with wardrobe 12m2 and wc with 4m2Basement - Wine cellar 6m2, laundry 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 distinct storage areas (17m2, 8m2 and 65m2)This villa has in the project a parking space for 3 cars, there are still many parking spaces at the door.This project has a garden and a swimming pool where you can spend wonderful moments with the family, located in a quiet, safe and good neighborhood residential area, surrounded by green spaces, 25 minutes from Lisbon, 5-10 minutes from the center of Cascais, Sintra, Guincho beach, parks, near the A5 motorway, public transport, sports, leisure, services, and shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais was born as a fishing village, but today it is the terraces, restaurants and commerce that animate the bay and the historic center.
A first tour will serve to feel the connection to the sea and the relaxed spirit of those who live in Cascais. The palaces of the century. XIX and beginning of the century. XX, of aristocratic character are today cultural and leisure spaces, which make known more about the history of this village. Like the Museum of the Counts of Castro Guimarães, the House of Santa Maria, the Lighthouse of Santa Marta or the Museum of the Sea - King D. Carlos. Very close to the latter, we can not fail to notice the House of Stories of Paula Rego, a contemporary building of very peculiar architecture, where part of the works of the Portuguese artist is located and which is worth visiting.Right by the sea, at one of the highest points, we see the Citadel Palace, home of the former governor of Cascais, which was chosen by King D. Luís for his residence. It is currently supervised by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. On the side facing the sea, you can see the Cascais Marina.Naturally, the proximity of the Atlantic has always helped to keep alive the tradition of fishing and water sports, in which sailing stands out. The conditions of the Cascais Marina, the calm sea, the climate, the beaches and the heritage are more than enough reasons to be a choice of many sailors who spend here on vacation and for the frequent realization of regattas, whether leisure or competition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, is a real estate agency based in Lisbon, on Avenida da Liberdade, with shops in Cascais and Azeitão.We are a reference in the medium-high segment, and we have selected for you the most exclusive properties.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulous 4 bedroom villa with pool and garden in Cascais, consisting of 3 floors:Floor 0 - Entrance hall 5m2, living room 38m2, kitchen 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 and office/bedroom ground floor 10.12m2Floor 1 - 3 suites: Hall of the bedrooms with wardrobe 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 with closet 3.37m2 and wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 with wardrobe and wc 4m2 both with access to a balcony of 30m2, suite with wardrobe 12m2 and wc with 4m2Basement - Wine cellar 6m2, laundry 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 distinct storage areas (17m2, 8m2 and 65m2)This villa has in the project a parking space for 3 cars, there are still many parking spaces at the door.This project has a garden and a swimming pool where you can spend wonderful moments with the family, located in a quiet, safe and good neighborhood residential area, surrounded by green spaces, 25 minutes from Lisbon, 5-10 minutes from the center of Cascais, Sintra, Guincho beach, parks, near the A5 motorway, public transport, sports, leisure, services, and shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais was born as a fishing village, but today it is the terraces, restaurants and commerce that animate the bay and the historic center.
A first tour will serve to feel the connection to the sea and the relaxed spirit of those who live in Cascais. The palaces of the century. XIX and beginning of the century. XX, of aristocratic character are today cultural and leisure spaces, which make known more about the history of this village. Like the Museum of the Counts of Castro Guimarães, the House of Santa Maria, the Lighthouse of Santa Marta or the Museum of the Sea - King D. Carlos. Very close to the latter, we can not fail to notice the House of Stories of Paula Rego, a contemporary building of very peculiar architecture, where part of the works of the Portuguese artist is located and which is worth visiting.Right by the sea, at one of the highest points, we see the Citadel Palace, home of the former governor of Cascais, which was chosen by King D. Luís for his residence. It is currently supervised by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. On the side facing the sea, you can see the Cascais Marina.Naturally, the proximity of the Atlantic has always helped to keep alive the tradition of fishing and water sports, in which sailing stands out. The conditions of the Cascais Marina, the calm sea, the climate, the beaches and the heritage are more than enough reasons to be a choice of many sailors who spend here on vacation and for the frequent realization of regattas, whether leisure or competition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, is a real estate agency based in Lisbon, on Avenida da Liberdade, with shops in Cascais and Azeitão.We are a reference in the medium-high segment, and we have selected for you the most exclusive properties.
Energie Categorie: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulosa moradia T4 com piscina e jardim em Cascais, constituída por 3 pisos e 6 assoalhadas:Piso 0 - Hall de entrada 5m2 , sala 38m2 , cozinha 14m2, wc social 3,44 m2 e escritório (possibilidade de transformar também em quarto) 10,12m2Piso 1 - 3 suites : Hall dos quartos com roupeiro 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 com closet 3,37m2 e wc 4m2, suite 11,20 m2 com roupeiro e wc 4m2 ambas com acesso a uma varanda de 30m2 , suite com roupeiro 12m2 e wc com 4m2Cave - Quarto 16m2 , lavandaria 7m2 , wc completa 3m2, zona de sala de jogos/lounge+cinema 68m2Esta moradia tem no projeto um espaço para estacionamento de 3 carros, existindo ainda muitos lugares de estacionamento à porta.Este projeto tem um jardim e uma piscina onde poderá passar momentos maravilhosos em família, localizada numa zona residencial tranquila, segura e com boa vizinhança, rodeada de espaços verdes, a 25 minutos de Lisboa, 5-10 minutos do centro de Cascais, Sintra, praia do Guincho, parques, perto da auto-estrada A5, transportes públicos, desporto, lazer, serviços, e shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais nasceu como vila piscatória, mas actualmente são as esplanadas, os restaurantes e o comércio que animam a baía e o centro histórico.
Um primeiro passeio servirá para sentir a ligação ao mar e o espírito descontraído de quem vive em Cascais. Os palacetes do séc. XIX e início do séc. XX, de carácter aristocrata são hoje espaços culturais e de lazer, que dão a conhecer mais sobre a história desta vila. Como o Museu dos Condes de Castro Guimarães, a Casa de Santa Maria, o Farol de Santa Marta ou o Museu do Mar - Rei D. Carlos. Muito perto deste último, não podemos deixar de reparar na Casa das Histórias de Paula Rego, um edifício contemporâneo de arquitectura muito peculiar, onde se encontra parte das obras da artista portuguesa e que vale a pena visitar.Mesmo à beira-mar, num dos pontos mais altos, vemos o Palácio da Cidadela, casa do antigo governador de Cascais, a que foi escolhida pelo rei D. Luís para sua residência. Actualmente é tutelada pela Presidência da República Portuguesa. No lado virado para o mar, vê-se a Marina de Cascais.Naturalmente, a proximidade do Atlântico sempre ajudou a manter viva a tradição da pesca e dos desportos náuticos, em que se destaca a vela. As condições da Marina de Cascais, o mar calmo, o clima, as praias e o património são razões mais do que suficientes para ser uma escolha de muitos marujos que aqui passam em férias e para a realização frequente de regatas, sejam de lazer ou de competição.A Private Luxury - Real Estate, é uma agência imobiliária com sede em Lisboa, na Avenida da Liberdade, com lojas em Cascais e Azeitão.Somos uma referência no segmento médio-alto, e selecionamos para si as propriedades mais exclusivas.
Categoria Energética: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulous 4 bedroom villa with pool and garden in Cascais, consisting of 3 floors:Floor 0 - Entrance hall 5m2, living room 38m2, kitchen 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 and office/bedroom ground floor 10.12m2Floor 1 - 3 suites: Hall of the bedrooms with wardrobe 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 with closet 3.37m2 and wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 with wardrobe and wc 4m2 both with access to a balcony of 30m2, suite with wardrobe 12m2 and wc with 4m2Basement - Wine cellar 6m2, laundry 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 distinct storage areas (17m2, 8m2 and 65m2)This villa has in the project a parking space for 3 cars, there are still many parking spaces at the door.This project has a garden and a swimming pool where you can spend wonderful moments with the family, located in a quiet, safe and good neighborhood residential area, surrounded by green spaces, 25 minutes from Lisbon, 5-10 minutes from the center of Cascais, Sintra, Guincho beach, parks, near the A5 motorway, public transport, sports, leisure, services, and shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais was born as a fishing village, but today it is the terraces, restaurants and commerce that animate the bay and the historic center.
A first tour will serve to feel the connection to the sea and the relaxed spirit of those who live in Cascais. The palaces of the century. XIX and beginning of the century. XX, of aristocratic character are today cultural and leisure spaces, which make known more about the history of this village. Like the Museum of the Counts of Castro Guimarães, the House of Santa Maria, the Lighthouse of Santa Marta or the Museum of the Sea - King D. Carlos. Very close to the latter, we can not fail to notice the House of Stories of Paula Rego, a contemporary building of very peculiar architecture, where part of the works of the Portuguese artist is located and which is worth visiting.Right by the sea, at one of the highest points, we see the Citadel Palace, home of the former governor of Cascais, which was chosen by King D. Luís for his residence. It is currently supervised by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. On the side facing the sea, you can see the Cascais Marina.Naturally, the proximity of the Atlantic has always helped to keep alive the tradition of fishing and water sports, in which sailing stands out. The conditions of the Cascais Marina, the calm sea, the climate, the beaches and the heritage are more than enough reasons to be a choice of many sailors who spend here on vacation and for the frequent realization of regattas, whether leisure or competition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, is a real estate agency based in Lisbon, on Avenida da Liberdade, with shops in Cascais and Azeitão.We are a reference in the medium-high segment, and we have selected for you the most exclusive properties.
: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Fabulous 4 bedroom villa with pool and garden in Cascais, consisting of 3 floors:Floor 0 - Entrance hall 5m2, living room 38m2, kitchen 14m2, wc social 3.44 m2 and office/bedroom ground floor 10.12m2Floor 1 - 3 suites: Hall of the bedrooms with wardrobe 6m2, Master suite 16 m2 with closet 3.37m2 and wc 4m2, suite 11.20 m2 with wardrobe and wc 4m2 both with access to a balcony of 30m2, suite with wardrobe 12m2 and wc with 4m2Basement - Wine cellar 6m2, laundry 7m2, wc 3m2, 3 distinct storage areas (17m2, 8m2 and 65m2)This villa has in the project a parking space for 3 cars, there are still many parking spaces at the door.This project has a garden and a swimming pool where you can spend wonderful moments with the family, located in a quiet, safe and good neighborhood residential area, surrounded by green spaces, 25 minutes from Lisbon, 5-10 minutes from the center of Cascais, Sintra, Guincho beach, parks, near the A5 motorway, public transport, sports, leisure, services, and shopping.CASCAIS
Cascais was born as a fishing village, but today it is the terraces, restaurants and commerce that animate the bay and the historic center.
A first tour will serve to feel the connection to the sea and the relaxed spirit of those who live in Cascais. The palaces of the century. XIX and beginning of the century. XX, of aristocratic character are today cultural and leisure spaces, which make known more about the history of this village. Like the Museum of the Counts of Castro Guimarães, the House of Santa Maria, the Lighthouse of Santa Marta or the Museum of the Sea - King D. Carlos. Very close to the latter, we can not fail to notice the House of Stories of Paula Rego, a contemporary building of very peculiar architecture, where part of the works of the Portuguese artist is located and which is worth visiting.Right by the sea, at one of the highest points, we see the Citadel Palace, home of the former governor of Cascais, which was chosen by King D. Luís for his residence. It is currently supervised by the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. On the side facing the sea, you can see the Cascais Marina.Naturally, the proximity of the Atlantic has always helped to keep alive the tradition of fishing and water sports, in which sailing stands out. The conditions of the Cascais Marina, the calm sea, the climate, the beaches and the heritage are more than enough reasons to be a choice of many sailors who spend here on vacation and for the frequent realization of regattas, whether leisure or competition.Private Luxury - Real Estate, is a real estate agency based in Lisbon, on Avenida da Liberdade, with shops in Cascais and Azeitão.We are a reference in the medium-high segment, and we have selected for you the most exclusive properties.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:NR8042 DA
Referencia: GTWW-T610
País: PT
Provincia: Lisboa
Ciudad: Cascais
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Superficie: 180
Terreno: 315
Dormitorios: 4
Cuartos de baño: 5



Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
6.105 EUR
4.314 EUR



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