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Precio / m²
Alquiler / m²/ an
Resultado neto

Virgin islands (British) - Parcela se vende

36.424.160 EUR

Parcela (En venta)

Referencia: EDEN-T66597831 / 66597831
Owning and developing a private island in the Caribbean sounds like the ultimate dream. Not many can say they've done it. And it not just about having sufficient cash. Sure, not many have the means to even consider taking on such a venture. Fewer still have the wherewithal, the fortitude and the patience to pull it off.The Owners of Scrub Island can proudly say they have done it. The island is named appropriately, 20 years ago it consisted of nothing but scrub.Grand Scrub Island is attached to Little Scrub via a small isthmus. Rather than develop a second private island, its Owners have decided to sell Grand Scrub Island in its entirety. The fortunate new developer stands to benefit greatly from the substantial investment in infrastructure made by the current Owners. They have brought power to the island via undersea cable and installed a desalination plant, all with capacity to service both Little Scrub and Grand Scrub.. They have built not only a full service upscale marina but also a service area, barge ramp and commercial dock. They have built and are operating restaurants, bars and accommodations, all of which can be utilized by the developer of Grand Scrub.The hard work has been done. The risk has been greatly reduced. Its time for a very fortunate developer to recognise the opportunity and take full advantage. Ver más Ver menos Owning and developing a private island in the Caribbean sounds like the ultimate dream. Not many can say they've done it. And it not just about having sufficient cash. Sure, not many have the means to even consider taking on such a venture. Fewer still have the wherewithal, the fortitude and the patience to pull it off.The Owners of Scrub Island can proudly say they have done it. The island is named appropriately, 20 years ago it consisted of nothing but scrub.Grand Scrub Island is attached to Little Scrub via a small isthmus. Rather than develop a second private island, its Owners have decided to sell Grand Scrub Island in its entirety. The fortunate new developer stands to benefit greatly from the substantial investment in infrastructure made by the current Owners. They have brought power to the island via undersea cable and installed a desalination plant, all with capacity to service both Little Scrub and Grand Scrub.. They have built not only a full service upscale marina but also a service area, barge ramp and commercial dock. They have built and are operating restaurants, bars and accommodations, all of which can be utilized by the developer of Grand Scrub.The hard work has been done. The risk has been greatly reduced. Its time for a very fortunate developer to recognise the opportunity and take full advantage. Vlastnit a rozvíjet soukromý ostrov v Karibiku zní jako největší sen. Málokdo může říct, že to dokázal. A nejde jen o to mít dostatek hotovosti. Jistě, málokdo má prostředky na to, aby o takovém podniku vůbec uvažoval. Ještě méně lidí má prostředky, odvahu a trpělivost, aby to zvládli.Majitelé Scrub Islandu mohou hrdě prohlásit, že se jim to podařilo. Ostrov je pojmenován příznačně, před 20 lety se skládal pouze z křovin.Grand Scrub Island je připojen k Little Scrub malou šíjí. Namísto výstavby druhého soukromého ostrova se jeho majitelé rozhodli prodat Grand Scrub Island jako celek. Šťastný nový developer bude mít velký prospěch ze značných investic do infrastruktury, které provedli současní vlastníci. Přivedli na ostrov elektřinu podmořským kabelem a nainstalovali odsolovací zařízení, to vše s kapacitou pro obsluhu Little Scrub i Grand Scrub. Vybudovali nejen luxusní přístav s kompletním servisem, ale také servisní zónu, rampu pro čluny a komerční doky. Vybudovali a provozují restaurace, bary a ubytování, které může developer Grand Scrub využít.Tvrdá práce byla vykonána. Riziko se výrazně snížilo. Je čas, aby velmi šťastný vývojář rozpoznal příležitost a plně ji využil.
Referencia: EDEN-T66597831
País: VG
Ciudad: Scrub Island
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Parcela
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