Residencial - Venta
  • Gloucester


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Gloucester - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

2.144.897 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

7 dorm
3 baños
Referencia: EDEN-T102696800 / 102696800
A uniquely stunning Grade II listed Regency Period (1811-20) country family home, originally a 16th-century farmhouse. The Regency additions built for the Dowager to Apperley Court were chosen due to the superb location, enjoying a delightful outlook over the large, exquisite gardens with specimen trees and uninterrupted far-reaching views over the Cotswold escarpment, extensive garaging, and stables/outbuildings.Apperley House is superbly located and perfectly placed, set back from the village green, in its own grounds with far-reaching views of the beautiful countryside. The property has a feeling of grandeur and elegance, the owners have taken great pride in retaining the original features and have sensitively and extensively enhanced the property over the years. This is truly a very special and tranquil family home with further potential to make use of the extensive outbuildings. The internal space offers over 7000 sq. ft with additional outbuildings including, a barn, coaching house and stables, store, and garage with inspection pit, standing in almost two acres of land.The ground floor includes a delightful drawing room with high ceilings, ornate mouldings, a gorgeous fireplace, and elegant period features with French doors leading to the grounds at the front of the house. The Dining room benefits from similar features and leads through to a good-sized study/morning room, again overlooking the grounds to the front of the property. To the rear of the ground floor is a less formal area that consists of an open plan but still cosy sitting room with beautiful panelling and a wood burner. This leads into the dining room and then onto the kitchen/breakfast room with a four-door mains gas Aga, a walk-in store room, a laundry room, and a cloakroom. A newly constructed large orangery connects the spaces and looks out onto a well-designed sunny courtyard garden. The elegance continues to flow into the first floor which comprises a master bedroom, which benefits from an ensuite, walk-in wardrobe, and breathtaking views over the garden and open countryside. Four further good-sized double bedrooms, a shower room, and a bathroom with Jack and Jill doors that is accessed from a landing and one of the bedrooms. on the second floor, there are two attic-style rooms. The setting and the grounds are exceptional with a lawned area to the front of the property looking out to the rolling countryside with views across to the Cotswolds. At the far end of the garden is a large natural pond. There are extensive outbuildings located within the grounds and Apperley house currently has live planning permission granted should the new owners wish to develop the coaching house, stables, brick barn, and build a new triple garage. Apperley House sits in a peaceful location within the popular historic village of Apperley within walking distance of four local pubs. The village has a selection of local amenities with a thriving community, including a village hall, tennis court, children’s playground, football pitch, cricket club, and an outstanding Ofsted Primary school with an attached Preschool. There is an excellent choice of nearby secondary schools which are state, private and there is a highly reputed choice of grammar schools. The Medieval market town of Tewkesbury is approximately 4 miles away with a busy high street filled with shops, restaurants, and public houses along with a theatre, swimming pool, and hospital. The M5 offers easy access north to Birmingham and south to Bristol airports and the M50 west to Monmouthshire and the Welsh borders. The regency town of Cheltenham is famous for its racecourse, Cheltenham is the home of jump racing and hosts the Cheltenham Festival and Gold Cup every year, the city of Gloucester is also famous for its impressive Cathedral and historic docks they are both approximately 6 miles and 8 miles away respectively offering an extensive range of amenities, transport connections, and leisure activities. Freehold | EPC Exempt | Council Tax Band HServices, Utilities & Property Information
Utilities – Mains electricity, water, gas, and drainage.
Tenure – Freehold
Property Type – Grade II Listed Regency detached house
Construction Type – Standard - brick
Council Tax – Tewkesbury Borough Council
Council Tax Band H
Parking – There is garage parking for 2 cars and driveway parking for 4 plus cars.
Mobile Phone Coverage - 4G mobile signal is available in the area, we advise you to check with your provider.
Internet Connection – Ultrafast Broadband Speed is available in the area, with predicted highest available download speed 1,000 Mbps and highest available upload speed 1,000 Mbps. We advise you to check with your provider.
Special Notes – There are covenants on the property – please speak with the agent for further details.
There is a tree on the property with a Tree Preservation Order.
There is an adjacent plot building 3 bungalows. Work has commenced and is nearly complete.
The right to use land for drainage for the adjacent development was rejected by the planners and an alternative has been approved.
Wayleave for electrical pole carrying power.
- Garden
Ver más Ver menos Jedinečně ohromující venkovský rodinný dům z období regentství (1811-20) II. stupně, původně statek ze 16. století. Přístavby regentství postavené pro vdovu do Apperley Court byly vybrány kvůli vynikající poloze, která se těší nádhernému výhledu na rozlehlé, nádherné zahrady s exempláři stromů a nerušeným dalekým výhledem na sup Cotswold, rozsáhlé garáže a stáje/hospodářské budovy.Apperley House má vynikající polohu a perfektně umístěný, stranou od návsi, na vlastním pozemku s dalekým výhledem na krásnou krajinu. Nemovitost působí dojmem vznešenosti a elegance, majitelé si velmi zakládají na zachování původních prvků a v průběhu let nemovitost citlivě a rozsáhle zvelebili. Jedná se skutečně o velmi výjimečný a klidný rodinný dům s dalším potenciálem využití rozsáhlých hospodářských budov. Vnitřní prostor nabízí více než 7000 čtverečních stop s dalšími hospodářskými budovami včetně stodoly, kočárovny a stájí, obchodu a garáže s inspekční jámou, stojících na téměř dvou akrech půdy.V přízemí se nachází nádherný přijímací pokoj s vysokými stropy, zdobenými lištami, nádherným krbem a elegantními dobovými prvky s francouzskými dveřmi vedoucími na pozemek v přední části domu. Jídelna těží z podobných funkcí a vede do velké pracovny/ranní místnosti, opět s výhledem na pozemek v přední části nemovitosti. V zadní části přízemí je méně formální prostor, který se skládá z otevřeného, ale stále útulného obývacího pokoje s krásným obložením a hořákem na dřevo. Ta vede do jídelny a dále do kuchyně/snídaňové místnosti se čtyřdveřovým rozvodem plynu Aga, šatnou, prádelnou a šatnou. Prostory propojuje nově vybudovaná rozlehlá oranžerie, která má výhled do dobře řešené slunné zahrady ve vnitrobloku. Elegance se nadále přelévá do prvního patra, které zahrnuje hlavní ložnici, která těží z vlastní koupelny, šatny a úchvatného výhledu do zahrady a do otevřené krajiny. Čtyři další velké dvoulůžkové ložnice, sprchový kout a koupelna s dveřmi Jack a Jill, která je přístupná z podesty a jedné z ložnic. Ve druhém patře jsou dva pokoje podkrovního typu. Prostředí a areál jsou výjimečné s travnatou plochou v přední části pozemku s výhledem na zvlněnou krajinu s výhledem na Cotswolds. Na vzdálenějším konci zahrady je velké přírodní jezírko. Na pozemku se nacházejí rozsáhlé hospodářské budovy a dům Apperley má v současné době uděleno stavební povolení, pokud by si noví majitelé přáli vybudovat kočárovnu, stáje, zděnou stodolu a postavit novou trojgaráž. Apperley House se nachází na klidném místě v oblíbené historické vesnici Apperley, v docházkové vzdálenosti od čtyř místních hospod. Vesnice má výběr místní občanské vybavenosti s prosperující komunitou, včetně obecní radnice, tenisového kurtu, dětského hřiště, fotbalového hřiště, kriketového klubu a vynikající základní školy Ofsted s připojenou školkou. V okolí je vynikající výběr středních škol, které jsou státní, soukromé a je zde vysoce uznávaný výběr gymnázií. Středověké tržní město Tewkesbury je vzdáleno přibližně 4 míle s rušnou hlavní ulicí plnou obchodů, restaurací a veřejných domů spolu s divadlem, bazénem a nemocnicí. M5 nabízí snadný přístup na sever do Birminghamu a na jih na letiště v Bristolu a M50 na západ do Monmouthshire a na velšské hranice. Regentské město Cheltenham je známé svou dostihovou dráhou, Cheltenham je domovem skokových dostihů a každoročně hostí Cheltenham Festival a Gold Cup, město Gloucester je také známé svou působivou katedrálou a historickými doky, které jsou oba přibližně 6 mil a 8 mil daleko, respektive nabízejí širokou škálu občanské vybavenosti, dopravní spojení, volnočasové aktivity. Svobodná držba | Výjimka EPC | Obecní daňové pásmo HSlužby, inženýrské sítě a informace o majetku
Veřejné služby – Síťová elektřina, voda, plyn a kanalizace.
Držba – Freehold
Typ nemovitosti – Rodinný dům Regency Grade II Listed
Typ konstrukce – Standard – cihlová
Obecní daň – Rada městské části Tewkesbury
Obecní daňové pásmo H
Parkování – K dispozici je garážové stání pro 2 auta a parkování na příjezdové cestě pro 4 plus auta.
Pokrytí mobilním telefonem - V této oblasti je k dispozici mobilní signál 4G, doporučujeme vám ověřit si to u svého poskytovatele.
Připojení k internetu – V této oblasti je k dispozici ultra vysoká rychlost širokopásmového připojení s předpokládanou nejvyšší dostupnou rychlostí stahování 1 000 Mbps a nejvyšší dostupnou rychlostí odesílání 1 000 Mbps. Doporučujeme vám informovat se u svého poskytovatele.
Zvláštní poznámky – Na nemovitosti se vztahují smlouvy – pro další podrobnosti si prosím promluvte s agentem.
Na pozemku se nachází strom s nařízením o ochraně stromu.
Na přilehlém pozemku se nachází budova 3 bungalovů. Práce byly zahájeny a jsou téměř dokončeny.
Právo využívat půdu pro odvodnění přilehlé zástavby bylo projektanty zamítnuto a byla schválena alternativa.
Wayleave pro napájení elektrického sloupu.
- Garden
A uniquely stunning Grade II listed Regency Period (1811-20) country family home, originally a 16th-century farmhouse. The Regency additions built for the Dowager to Apperley Court were chosen due to the superb location, enjoying a delightful outlook over the large, exquisite gardens with specimen trees and uninterrupted far-reaching views over the Cotswold escarpment, extensive garaging, and stables/outbuildings.Apperley House is superbly located and perfectly placed, set back from the village green, in its own grounds with far-reaching views of the beautiful countryside. The property has a feeling of grandeur and elegance, the owners have taken great pride in retaining the original features and have sensitively and extensively enhanced the property over the years. This is truly a very special and tranquil family home with further potential to make use of the extensive outbuildings. The internal space offers over 7000 sq. ft with additional outbuildings including, a barn, coaching house and stables, store, and garage with inspection pit, standing in almost two acres of land.The ground floor includes a delightful drawing room with high ceilings, ornate mouldings, a gorgeous fireplace, and elegant period features with French doors leading to the grounds at the front of the house. The Dining room benefits from similar features and leads through to a good-sized study/morning room, again overlooking the grounds to the front of the property. To the rear of the ground floor is a less formal area that consists of an open plan but still cosy sitting room with beautiful panelling and a wood burner. This leads into the dining room and then onto the kitchen/breakfast room with a four-door mains gas Aga, a walk-in store room, a laundry room, and a cloakroom. A newly constructed large orangery connects the spaces and looks out onto a well-designed sunny courtyard garden. The elegance continues to flow into the first floor which comprises a master bedroom, which benefits from an ensuite, walk-in wardrobe, and breathtaking views over the garden and open countryside. Four further good-sized double bedrooms, a shower room, and a bathroom with Jack and Jill doors that is accessed from a landing and one of the bedrooms. on the second floor, there are two attic-style rooms. The setting and the grounds are exceptional with a lawned area to the front of the property looking out to the rolling countryside with views across to the Cotswolds. At the far end of the garden is a large natural pond. There are extensive outbuildings located within the grounds and Apperley house currently has live planning permission granted should the new owners wish to develop the coaching house, stables, brick barn, and build a new triple garage. Apperley House sits in a peaceful location within the popular historic village of Apperley within walking distance of four local pubs. The village has a selection of local amenities with a thriving community, including a village hall, tennis court, children’s playground, football pitch, cricket club, and an outstanding Ofsted Primary school with an attached Preschool. There is an excellent choice of nearby secondary schools which are state, private and there is a highly reputed choice of grammar schools. The Medieval market town of Tewkesbury is approximately 4 miles away with a busy high street filled with shops, restaurants, and public houses along with a theatre, swimming pool, and hospital. The M5 offers easy access north to Birmingham and south to Bristol airports and the M50 west to Monmouthshire and the Welsh borders. The regency town of Cheltenham is famous for its racecourse, Cheltenham is the home of jump racing and hosts the Cheltenham Festival and Gold Cup every year, the city of Gloucester is also famous for its impressive Cathedral and historic docks they are both approximately 6 miles and 8 miles away respectively offering an extensive range of amenities, transport connections, and leisure activities. Freehold | EPC Exempt | Council Tax Band HServices, Utilities & Property Information
Utilities – Mains electricity, water, gas, and drainage.
Tenure – Freehold
Property Type – Grade II Listed Regency detached house
Construction Type – Standard - brick
Council Tax – Tewkesbury Borough Council
Council Tax Band H
Parking – There is garage parking for 2 cars and driveway parking for 4 plus cars.
Mobile Phone Coverage - 4G mobile signal is available in the area, we advise you to check with your provider.
Internet Connection – Ultrafast Broadband Speed is available in the area, with predicted highest available download speed 1,000 Mbps and highest available upload speed 1,000 Mbps. We advise you to check with your provider.
Special Notes – There are covenants on the property – please speak with the agent for further details.
There is a tree on the property with a Tree Preservation Order.
There is an adjacent plot building 3 bungalows. Work has commenced and is nearly complete.
The right to use land for drainage for the adjacent development was rejected by the planners and an alternative has been approved.
Wayleave for electrical pole carrying power.
- Garden
Referencia: EDEN-T102696800
País: GB
Ciudad: Gloucester
Código postal: GL19 4DQ
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Dormitorios: 7
Cuartos de baño: 3
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