/ 101399109
Land with privileged views over the river Zêzere! This is the ideal place to place non-permanent structures, from caravans, mobile homes, tents, etc., which will allow you to wake up in the morning to a wonderful view that will make your soul fall in love! Located less than 10 minutes from Pedrógão Grande, the path takes a forest path, being the place private and isolated. Come and enjoy the best of nature and peace of mind in this wonderful location!
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Terreno com vistas privilegiadas sobre o rio Zêzere! Este é o local ideal para colocar estruturas de carácter não-permanente, desde caravanas, mobile homes, tendas, etc., o que lhe permitirá acordar de manhã para uma maravilhosa vista que apaixonará a sua alma! Localizado a menos de 10 minutos de Pedrógão Grande, o caminho dá-se por um percurso florestal, sendo o local privado e isolado. Venha gozar o melhor da natureza e da paz de espírito neste local maravilhoso!
Grundstück mit privilegiertem Blick über den Fluss Zêzere! Dies ist der ideale Ort, um nicht dauerhafte Strukturen zu platzieren, von Wohnwagen, Wohnmobilen, Zelten usw., die es Ihnen ermöglichen, morgens mit einer wunderbaren Aussicht aufzuwachen, in die Sie sich verlieben werden! Der Weg liegt weniger als 10 Minuten von Pedrógão Grande entfernt und führt über einen Waldweg, da er ein privater und isolierter Ort ist. Kommen Sie und genießen Sie das Beste der Natur und die Ruhe an diesem wunderbaren Ort!
Land with privileged views over the river Zêzere! This is the ideal place to place non-permanent structures, from caravans, mobile homes, tents, etc., which will allow you to wake up in the morning to a wonderful view that will make your soul fall in love! Located less than 10 minutes from Pedrógão Grande, the path takes a forest path, being the place private and isolated. Come and enjoy the best of nature and peace of mind in this wonderful location!
Pedrogao Grande
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
4.250 m²
Ciudad |
Precio m2 medio casa |
Precio m2 medio piso |
Condeixa-a-Nova | - | 9.364 RON |
Coimbra | 8.306 RON | 14.042 RON |
Distrito de Coímbra | 7.386 RON | 13.100 RON |
Portugal | 13.289 RON | 18.145 RON |
Distrito de Castelo Branco | 6.170 RON | - |
Castelo Branco | 5.986 RON | - |
Leiria | 7.515 RON | 11.341 RON |
Oliveira do Bairro | 7.233 RON | - |
Distrito de Leiría | 9.081 RON | 12.078 RON |
Alcobaça | 7.201 RON | - |
Alcobaza | 8.266 RON | 13.966 RON |
Santarém | 6.049 RON | - |
Nazaré | - | 13.297 RON |
Aveiro | 10.552 RON | 18.239 RON |