oportunidad de negocio (En venta)
/ 10929
Wonderful relais of 850 square meters - obtained from a medieval abbey of the thirteenth century - on sale in the Tiber Valley in the province of Perugia, on top of a hill immersed between vineyards, olive groves and Mediterranean forest. The original structure, Bunned on an enchanting panoramic hill at the gates of Todi, this property, currently used as a accommodation, develops on 3 levels for a total of 850 square meters, and is divided into 3 adjacent and separate buildings: the main villa, the ancient Church and the Dependance. Outside, immersed in the enchanting 1.5 garden protected from high pine trees, oaks and beech trees, there are numerous panoramic terraces, relaxation areas and light lunch areas. Here, protected from large stone solarium, there are the 2 swimming pools of the abbey. The 2,5 HA ownership completes Oliveto, used for the production of the green gold of Umbria, the extra virgin olive oil. Witness of the secular tradition of the Relais is the ancient Benedictine Church, which preserves the same structure dating back to the early 11th century. With the austere facade in stone adorned with a Romanesque portal, a small central sailing bell tower and a window, the building is now used as a modern art gallery and relaxation area. Jewel of this small church is the 16th century fresco preserved in the apse, depicting the crucifixion and made by Giovanni Di Pietro, pupil of Perugino. Ref. 10929
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Wonderful relais of 850 square meters - obtained from a medieval abbey of the thirteenth century - on sale in the Tiber Valley in the province of Perugia, on top of a hill immersed between vineyards, olive groves and Mediterranean forest. The original structure, Bunned on an enchanting panoramic hill at the gates of Todi, this property, currently used as a accommodation, develops on 3 levels for a total of 850 square meters, and is divided into 3 adjacent and separate buildings: the main villa, the ancient Church and the Dependance. Outside, immersed in the enchanting 1.5 garden protected from high pine trees, oaks and beech trees, there are numerous panoramic terraces, relaxation areas and light lunch areas. Here, protected from large stone solarium, there are the 2 swimming pools of the abbey. The 2,5 HA ownership completes Oliveto, used for the production of the green gold of Umbria, the extra virgin olive oil. Witness of the secular tradition of the Relais is the ancient Benedictine Church, which preserves the same structure dating back to the early 11th century. With the austere facade in stone adorned with a Romanesque portal, a small central sailing bell tower and a window, the building is now used as a modern art gallery and relaxation area. Jewel of this small church is the 16th century fresco preserved in the apse, depicting the crucifixion and made by Giovanni Di Pietro, pupil of Perugino. Ref. 10929
Meraviglioso relais di 850 mq - ricavato da un’Abbazia medievale del XIII secolo - in vendita nella Valle del Tevere in provincia di Perugia, in cima a una collina immersa tra vigneti, oliveti e bosco mediterraneo. La struttura originale, Incastonata su un’incantevole collina panoramica alle porte di Todi, questa proprietà, attualmente adibita a struttura ricettiva, si sviluppa su 3 livelli per un totale di 850 mq, e si suddivide in 3 edifici adiacenti e separati: la villa principale, l’antica chiesa e la dependance. All’esterno, immerse nell’incantevole giardino di 1,5 ha protetto da alti pini, querce e faggi, si trovano numerose terrazze panoramiche, aree relax e zone light lunch. Qui, protette da ampi solarium in pietra, si trovano le 2 piscine dell’Abbazia. Completano la proprietà 2,5 ha di oliveto, adibiti alla produzione dell’oro verde dell’Umbria, l’olio extra vergine di oliva. Testimone della tradizione secolare del relais è l’antica chiesa Benedettina, che conserva la stessa struttura risalente ai primi dell’XI secolo. Con la facciata austera in pietra ornata da un portale Romanico, un piccolo campanile centrale a vela e una finestrella, l’edificio è ora adibito a galleria d’arte moderna e area relax. Gioiello di questa piccola chiesa è l’affresco del XVI secolo conservato nell’abside, raffigurante la crocifissione e realizzato da Giovanni di Pietro, allievo del Perugino. Rif. 10929
Продается великолепный особняк площадью 850 кв. м в долине Тибра, на вершине холма, окруженном виноградниками и оливковыми рощами. Этот роскошный дом был перестроен из средневекового аббатства XIII века, сохранив свою первоначальную структуру. Он располагает двумя бассейнами, 1,5 га роскошного сада и 2,5 га оливковых рощ. Старинная бенедиктинская церковь на территории особняка служит галереей современного искусства и зоной отдыха. Великолепный сад с многочисленными террасами предлагает захватывающие виды на долину и холмы, а два бассейна создают уникальную атмосферу расслабления. Это идеальное место для тех, кто ценит историю и природу и ищет роскошное жилье в уединенном и прекрасном месте. Ссылка: 10929
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
oportunidad de negocio
Subtipo de inmeuble:
Bar, Hotel, Restaurante
850 m²
Cuartos de baño:
Ciudad |
Precio m2 medio casa |
Precio m2 medio piso |
Provincia de Arezzo | 1.714 EUR | - |
Marcas | - | 2.098 EUR |
Italy | 2.036 EUR | 2.609 EUR |
Abruzos | - | 1.384 EUR |
Lacio | 2.026 EUR | 3.016 EUR |
Tuscany | 2.228 EUR | 2.560 EUR |
Provincia de Lucca | 2.423 EUR | 2.872 EUR |
Bastia | - | 2.501 EUR |
Alta Córcega | 2.654 EUR | 2.811 EUR |
Córcega | 2.680 EUR | 3.045 EUR |
Porto-Vecchio | 4.349 EUR | 4.707 EUR |
Venecia | - | 5.160 EUR |