Abano Terme - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende
Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)
/ 5589
This majestic and historical Venetian villa for sale dates back to the 16th century and is located in the province of Padua, just a few steps from the heart of Abano Terme, a Venetian town famous for being one of the main spa areas in Europe. Characterized by an imposing façade, embellished with Ionic-style columns and completed by other motifs of classical architectural decoration, the splendid residence houses inside large reception rooms embellished with beautiful frescoes by a master of the Italian Renaissance, a pupil of Veronese. perfectly maintained, and paintings that evoke biblical and mythological themes. Immersed in the greenery of a large private land of 20,000 square meters, which includes a garden with several parks, embellished with orchards, the important property boasts a total internal area of 6,500 square meters and consists of several buildings: next to the main villa, we find the beautiful barn, a private consecrated chapel, a vast archive of documents on the history of the area, the dovecote tower, some barns and a thermal water well, which was partially damaged during the Second World War. Ref. 5589
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In provincia di Padova, a pochi passi dal centro del rinomato centro termale di Abano Terme, questa maestosa villa veneta è in vendita. Risalente alla seconda metà del Sedicesimo secolo, la residenza presenta l'inconfondibile stile palladiano: caratterizzata da un'imponente facciata, impreziosita da colonne in stile ionico e completata da altri motivi di decorazione architettonica classica, la splendida dimora internamente è impreziosita da stupendi affreschi di un maestro del Rinascimento italiano, allievo del Veronese, e dipinti che evocano temi biblici e mitologici. Immersa nel verde di un grande terreno privato di 20.000 mq con bellissimo fruttteto, la proprietà di lusso vanta una superficie interna complessiva di 6.500 mq e si compone della villa padronale, la barchessa, una cappella privata consacrata, un vasto archivio di documenti sulla storia della zona, la torre colombaia, alcuni fienili e un pozzo d'acqua termale. Per il suo immenso valore storico e pregio artistico, questa splendida villa veneta d'epoca in vendita è perfetta sia per una destinazione d'uso residenziale, sia per attività turistico-ricettive di boutique hotel. Rif. 5589
В Падуе выставлена на продажу старинная вилла класса люкс, расположенная в нескольких шагах от термального курорта Абано-Терме. Вилла отличается величественным фасадом, украшенным колоннами в ионическом стиле. Салоны виллы украшены фресками эпохи Возрождения. Виллу окружает парк в 20 000 кв.м., на территории которого высажена фруктовая роща. Площадь внутренних помещений комплекса составляет 6500 кв.м. Он состоит из нескольких построек, среди которых господская резиденция, склад, частная часовня, архив с историческими документами и голубиная башня. Особняк идеально подойдет как в качестве частной резиденции, так и в качестве отеля класса люкс или летней резиденции. Стратегическое местоположение виллы позволяет ее обитаелям с легкостью перемещаться по крупным городам региона. Ссылка: 5589
This majestic and historical Venetian villa for sale dates back to the 16th century and is located in the province of Padua, just a few steps from the heart of Abano Terme, a Venetian town famous for being one of the main spa areas in Europe. Characterized by an imposing façade, embellished with Ionic-style columns and completed by other motifs of classical architectural decoration, the splendid residence houses inside large reception rooms embellished with beautiful frescoes by a master of the Italian Renaissance, a pupil of Veronese. perfectly maintained, and paintings that evoke biblical and mythological themes. Immersed in the greenery of a large private land of 20,000 square meters, which includes a garden with several parks, embellished with orchards, the important property boasts a total internal area of 6,500 square meters and consists of several buildings: next to the main villa, we find the beautiful barn, a private consecrated chapel, a vast archive of documents on the history of the area, the dovecote tower, some barns and a thermal water well, which was partially damaged during the Second World War. Ref. 5589
Dans la province de Padoue, à quelques pas du centre de la célèbre station thermale d'Abano Terme, cette majestueuse villa vénitienne est à vendre. Datant de la seconde moitié du XVIème siècle, la villa présente un caractéristique style palladien : caractérisée par une façade imposante, ornée de colonnes de style ionique et complétée par d'autres motifs de la décoration architecturale classique, la splendide demeure est embellie à l'intérieur de belles fresques d'un maître de la Renaissance italienne, un élève de Véronèse, et de peintures qui évoquent des thèmes bibliques et mythologiques. Entourée par la verdure d'un grand terrain privé de 20 000 mètres carrés avec un superbe verger, la propriété de luxe bénéficie d'une superficie interne totale de 6500 mètres carrés et se compose de la villa principale, de la barchessa, d'une chapelle privée consacrée, de vastes archives de documents sur l'histoire de la région, de la tour pigeonnier, de quelques granges et d'un puits d'eau thermale. En raison de son immense valeur historique et artistique, cette splendide villa vénitienne d'époque à vendre est parfaite à la fois pour un usage résidentiel et pour les activités d'hébergement touristique des hôtels de charme. Réf. 5589
Abano Terme
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Subtipo de inmeuble:
6.400 m²
Cuartos de baño: