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San Casciano dei Bagni - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

1.600.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

terreno 50.000
Referencia: KPMQ-T36 / 1955
"Il Casale sulla collina" is a farmhouse for sale in Tuscany and is within walking distance of the charming village of San Casciano dei Bagni and only a short walk from the famous Fonteverde thermal baths. The property enjoys an enchanting panoramic view of the hills of Siena and includes a farmhouse with a gross floor area of about 292sqm on two levels as well as about 5 ha of land. Within the project there are plans for a solar panel heated swimming pool located within the farmhouse’s grounds. On the property’s ground floor, there will be the living area; including a fitted kitchen, a spacious dining room and a bright living room of 45 sqm in size. All three rooms have direct access with the most panoramic side of the garden. The area between the garden and living areas will be maximized to the full, with the opportunity to enjoy outdoor dining as well as a life in the country contemplating unique landscapes and breathtaking sunsets. There will also be two beautiful wooden pergolas with climbing plants (of about 50.30sqm of which will be the side of the swimming pool and 26.30sqm, the side of the entrance). The ground floor internally has a hallway, a bathroom and a utility room with outside access. The upper floor has instead access via an internal staircase, where there are three bedrooms each with their own private bathroom, while the master bedroom will have ample wardrobe space and a private double ensuite bathroom.The property is currently under construction while material specifications are available on request. The building’s exterior will be plastered in the antique style of some of the Tuscan farmhouses and villas and will have copper gutters and down pipes. It will also be adapted to conform to new seismic legislation, with its radical renovation, demolition and subsequent faithful reconstruction. All quality materials used for the finish could be customized (floors, walls, bathrooms and painting).There is mains water, guaranteed by the municipal water supply and a well, while an underground GPL gas tank supplies the underfloor heating. There are also solar panels and electricity.This charming farmhouse would make an ideal private luxury holiday home in one of the most beautiful areas of southern Tuscany. The property would also be perfect for those who want to buy a beautiful property as their main residence giving the importance and convenience of space and comforts offered.The property is only a few kilometres from the centre of San Casciano dei Bagni (Si) in Tuscany, but is also within a great private location. The farmhouse is situated in a strategic location with respect to the area: it can be reached from the Fabro exit of the A1 motorway in only 15 km from the south, and from the Chiusi-Chianciano Terme exit of the A1 motorway in only 25 km from the north. The farmhouse is only a few kilometres from the centre of San Casciano dei Bagni, Hospitality and Spa centre included in the Leading Small Hotels of the World and The Great Spa Hotels in the World. Montepulciano, Montalcino, Pienza, Cortona, Arezzo, Perugia, Orvieto and other historic towns can be reached in about 40 minutes.The buildings are registered at the Catasto Fabbricati for the municipality of San Casciano dei Bagni (SI) and the land is registered at the Catasto terreni for the same municipality.A company owns the property and therefore the subsequent sale is subject to 10% V.A.T. Ver más Ver menos “Il Casale sulla collina” in vendita in Toscana, si trova a poca distanza dall’ incantevole paese di San Casciano dei Bagni e a due passi dal famoso centro Termale Fonteverde. La proprietà gode di un panorama incantevole sulle dolci colline senesi e si compone di un casale della superficie lorda di c.ca 292 mq su due livelli, e un terreno di pertinenza esclusiva di c.ca 5 ha. Nel progetto è prevista la realizzazione di una piscina all'interno del parco del casale, riscaldata con pannelli solari. Al piano terreno del fabbricato troveranno ubicazione i locali adibiti a zona giorno ed in particolare una cucina abitabile, un’ampia sala pranzo e un luminosissimo soggiorno della superficie di 45 mq. Tutti e tre gli ambienti sono direttamente a contatto con il giardino della casa, sul lato più panoramico. La zona tra giardino ed ambienti giorno, sarà sfruttabile al massimo, con possibilità di godere di tale area soprattutto per mangiare all’aperto o godere della vita di campagna contemplando panorami unici e tramonti mozzafiato, infatti saranno presenti due stupendi pergolati in legno con rampicanti ( di circa 50.30 mq quello lato piscina e 26.30 mq quello sul lato dell’ingresso). Il piano terra internamente è completato da una zona disimpegno, un bagno, un locale tecnico con accesso dall’esterno. Al piano superiore invece, con accesso tramite scala interna, si troveranno tre camere da letto ciascuna con bagno privato, oltre alla camera padronale con ampio spazio guardaroba e doppio servizio privato en suite.L'immobile attualmente è allo stato grezzo. Disponibile su richiesta il capitolato dei materiali. Il fabbricato esternamente sarà completamente intonacato con intonaco antichizzato sullo stile di alcuni casali e ville toscane, avrà gronde e pluviali in rame. Il radicale intervento di ristrutturazione edilizia, volendo anche adeguare il fabbricato dal punto di vista sismico alla nuova normativa, è passato di fatto attraverso una demolizione e successiva fedele ricostruzione. Tutti i materiali di pregio utilizzati per le rifiniture possono essere personalizzati.L'approvvigionamento idrico è garantito dall'allaccio all'acquedotto comunale e da un pozzo, mentre il sistema di riscaldamento a pavimento, sarà alimentato da un serbatoio interrato GPL, oltre che da dei pannelli solari. Presente allaccio alla linea elettrica.L’affascinante casale può essere una perfetta residenza di lusso privata per trascorrere le proprie vacanze in una delle aree più belle della Toscana meridionale. La proprietà è comunque anche indicata per coloro che volessero acquistare un bellissimo immobile dove destinare la propria residenza vista la superficie importante e la comodità degli spazi offerti.Toscana – a pochi chilometri dal centro storico di San Casciano dei Bagni (Si), ed al contempo in una situazione di grande privacy, il casale oggetto di vendita è collocato in un punto strategico rispetto alla zona: lo si raggiunge dall’A1 dall’uscita di Fabro in soli 15 km, per chi proviene da sud, e dall’uscita di Chiusi-Chianciano Terme per chi proviene da nord percorrendo 25 km. Il casale dista soltanto pochi chilometri dal centro storico di San Casciano dei Bagni, centro Alberghiero e Termale inserito fra i Leading Small Hotels in the World e The Great Spa Hotels in the World.Sotto il profilo catastale i fabbricati sono regolarmente censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di San Casciano dei Bagni (SI) ed il terreno al Catasto terreni di detto Comune.Tutta la proprietà è intestata ad una società e la vendita è soggetta a i.v.a. del 10 %. Вилла на продажу в Тоскане в Сан Кашьяно дей Баньи – «Il Casale sulla collina». Предлагаемая нами на продажу вилла находится недалеко от красивейшего городка Сан Кашьяно дей Баньи и всего в двух шагах от знаменитого центра с термальными источниками Термале Фонтеверде. Эта собственность располагает восхитительными панорамными видами на пологие сиенские холмы и состоит из самой двухэтажной виллы с общей площадью в 292 кв.м. и участка земли в 5 га. Кроме того в проекте предусмотрена постройка бассейна с отоплением за счёт солнечных батарей, что будет находиться в пределах парка, относящегося к данной недвижимости. ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЙ КЛАСС: На данный момент не определён, так как недвижимость находится в процессе постройки. "Il Casale sulla collina" is a farmhouse for sale in Tuscany and is within walking distance of the charming village of San Casciano dei Bagni and only a short walk from the famous Fonteverde thermal baths. The property enjoys an enchanting panoramic view of the hills of Siena and includes a farmhouse with a gross floor area of about 292sqm on two levels as well as about 5 ha of land. Within the project there are plans for a solar panel heated swimming pool located within the farmhouse’s grounds. On the property’s ground floor, there will be the living area; including a fitted kitchen, a spacious dining room and a bright living room of 45 sqm in size. All three rooms have direct access with the most panoramic side of the garden. The area between the garden and living areas will be maximized to the full, with the opportunity to enjoy outdoor dining as well as a life in the country contemplating unique landscapes and breathtaking sunsets. There will also be two beautiful wooden pergolas with climbing plants (of about 50.30sqm of which will be the side of the swimming pool and 26.30sqm, the side of the entrance). The ground floor internally has a hallway, a bathroom and a utility room with outside access. The upper floor has instead access via an internal staircase, where there are three bedrooms each with their own private bathroom, while the master bedroom will have ample wardrobe space and a private double ensuite bathroom.The property is currently under construction while material specifications are available on request. The building’s exterior will be plastered in the antique style of some of the Tuscan farmhouses and villas and will have copper gutters and down pipes. It will also be adapted to conform to new seismic legislation, with its radical renovation, demolition and subsequent faithful reconstruction. All quality materials used for the finish could be customized (floors, walls, bathrooms and painting).There is mains water, guaranteed by the municipal water supply and a well, while an underground GPL gas tank supplies the underfloor heating. There are also solar panels and electricity.This charming farmhouse would make an ideal private luxury holiday home in one of the most beautiful areas of southern Tuscany. The property would also be perfect for those who want to buy a beautiful property as their main residence giving the importance and convenience of space and comforts offered.The property is only a few kilometres from the centre of San Casciano dei Bagni (Si) in Tuscany, but is also within a great private location. The farmhouse is situated in a strategic location with respect to the area: it can be reached from the Fabro exit of the A1 motorway in only 15 km from the south, and from the Chiusi-Chianciano Terme exit of the A1 motorway in only 25 km from the north. The farmhouse is only a few kilometres from the centre of San Casciano dei Bagni, Hospitality and Spa centre included in the Leading Small Hotels of the World and The Great Spa Hotels in the World. Montepulciano, Montalcino, Pienza, Cortona, Arezzo, Perugia, Orvieto and other historic towns can be reached in about 40 minutes.The buildings are registered at the Catasto Fabbricati for the municipality of San Casciano dei Bagni (SI) and the land is registered at the Catasto terreni for the same municipality.A company owns the property and therefore the subsequent sale is subject to 10% V.A.T.
Referencia: KPMQ-T36
País: IT
Provincia: Siena
Ciudad: San Casciano dei Bagni
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Subtipo de inmeuble: Finca
Terreno: 50.000



Precio medio por
Dic 2018
3 Meses
1 Año
1.918 EUR


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