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  • Castiglione del Lago


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Castiglione del Lago - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

750.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

terreno 6.954
Referencia: KPMQ-T1979 / 9108
The property “Rifugio sul Lago” (Lakeside Retreat) extends over two levels for a total of 214 sqm. Every corner of this home is designed to welcome you in an embrace of warmth and comfort. On the ground floor, the spacious living area with kitchen and dining area represents the beating heart of the home's daily life, the ideal place to share laughter and unforgettable moments with friends and family. On the same level there are also two bedrooms complete with bathrooms and closet spaces. On the first floor we find a welcoming living room with a fireplace, a hallway with a study corner, and the master bedroom with a private bathroom overlooking the surrounding hilly landscape. On the ground floor there are a room for technical facilities with laundry and a small tool shed with a separate access from outside, as well as a 16 sqm wooden garage with a 30 sqm roof. The property also includes 6,700 sqm of land with a beautiful panoramic garden with lake views, a garage courtyard, and a small agricultural plot. The property incorporates building rights for an additional 133 sqm, resulting from the recovery of a former agricultural annex that was once present on the property. There is an option to purchase the property complete with all the interior and exterior antique furniture, lamps, objects, and equipment (+ 50,000 euros).Discover the authentic essence of this charming Umbrian farmhouse from 1850, an architectural work of art that retains the charm of the past thanks to a careful and thorough renovation that was meticulously conducted by the current owners in 2004. The original load-bearing brick walls tell stories of a distant time, while the roof, covered with elegant Roman-style tiles, protects an interior rich in characteristic details. Stepping inside the farmhouse, you are welcomed by a warm and inviting ambience, where the inter-floor ceilings, supported by exposed wooden beams, create a rustic and refined atmosphere. On the first floor, the beautiful gable roof adds a touch of grandeur and brightness, making each space unique and suggestive. The antique terracotta floors give warmth and authenticity to each room, evoking a history of tradition and craftsmanship. The brick kitchen, with its antique tile covering and natural stone sinks, is a place where every meal turns into a special experience, a reminder of the culinary roots of this region. The property, an object of great love and careful maintenance over the last 20 years, is today in excellent condition and is therefore ready to move in.The property features all utilities: electrical connection, water supply guaranteed by the public aqueduct + underground cistern for rainwater collection, autonomous LPG gas heating system, telephone line, ADSL, volumetric alarm system.“Rifugio sul Lago” is an ideal property to be used as a main residence or as a country getaway, for all lovers of nature and sunsets on the lake. Due to its peculiarities, the property would also be well suited as an international tourist rental, with the possibility of generating income.The privileged position of “Rifugio sul Lago” – right on the border between Umbria and Tuscany – enriches the property with a breathtaking panoramic view of Lake Montepulciano, where every sunset is a work of art. The splendid nature reserves of Lake Trasimeno, Lake Chiusi, and Lake Montepulciano are beautiful destinations in all seasons of the year and offer the possibility of combining fabulous excursions with fantastic food and wine tours. In the surrounding area, fortresses, castles, convents, and medieval villages provide a splendid backdrop to an incredible variety of landscapes. The property is located just a short distance from the urban centres of Chiusi (10 km) and Castiglione del Lago (12 km). The A1 motorway and the Chiusi-Chianciano train station are 12 km away.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered to a natural person/s and the sale will be subject to registration tax in accordance with current regulations (see costs of purchasing from a private individual). Ver más Ver menos Rifugio sul Lago erstreckt sich über zwei Ebenen mit einer Gesamtfläche von 214 Quadratmetern. Jeder Bereich dieses Hauses ist so gestaltet, dass Sie sich darin wohlfühlen können. Im Erdgeschoss ist der geräumige Wohnbereich mit Küche und Essbereich das Herzstück des Hauses, der ideale Ort, um gemeinsam mit Freunden und Familie zu feiern und unvergessliche Momente zu erleben. Auf der gleichen Ebene befinden sich auch zwei Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad und Ankleide. Im ersten Stock befinden sich ein gemütliches Wohnzimmer mit Kamin, ein Flur mit Arbeitsbereich und das Hauptschlafzimmer mit eigenem Bad und Blick auf die umliegende Hügellandschaft. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es einen Technikraum mit Waschküche und einen kleinen Geräteschuppen mit eigenem Zugang von außen, sowie eine 16 qm große Holzgarage mit einem 30 qm großen Schuppen. Das Grundstück des Anwesens erstreckt sich über 6.700 qm und umfasst einen schönen Garten mit Panoramablick auf den See, den Garagenbereich und eine kleine landwirtschaftliche Fläche. Die Immobilie verfügt über ein Baurecht für weitere 133 m², das sich aus der Wiederherstellung eines ehemaligen landwirtschaftlichen Gebäudes ergibt, das einst auf dem Grundstück stand. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, die Immobilie komplett mit allen antiken Möbeln, Lampen, Gegenständen und Ausstattungen im Innen- und Außenbereich zu erwerben (+ 50.000 Euro).Entdecken Sie die authentische Atmosphäre dieses schönen umbrischen Bauernhauses aus dem Jahr 1850, ein architektonisches Kunstwerk, das dank einer sorgfältigen und gründlichen Renovierung, die von den jetzigen Eigentümern im Jahr 2004 bis ins kleinste Detail durchgeführt wurde, den Charme der Vergangenheit bewahrt hat. Die originalen tragenden Ziegelmauern erzählen Geschichten aus einer fernen Vergangenheit, während das mit eleganten römischen Ziegeln gedeckte Dach ein an charakteristischen Details reiches Innenleben schützt. Wenn man die Schwelle überschreitet, wird man von einer warmen und einladenden Umgebung begrüßt, in der die Zwischenböden, die von freiliegenden Holzbalken getragen werden, eine rustikale und gleichzeitig elegante Atmosphäre schaffen. Im ersten Stock verleiht das schöne Giebeldach einen Hauch von Erhabenheit und Helligkeit und macht jeden Raum einzigartig und stimmungsvoll. Die alten Terrakottaböden verleihen jedem Raum Wärme und Authentizität und erinnern an die Geschichte von Tradition und Handwerk. Die gemauerte Küche mit ihren alten Kacheln und Natursteinspülbecken ist ein Ort, an dem jede Mahlzeit zu einem besonderen Erlebnis wird und an die kulinarischen Wurzeln dieses Landes erinnert. Das Haus wurde in den letzten 20 Jahren mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt instand gehalten und befindet sich heute in einem ausgezeichneten Zustand, so dass es sofort bewohnt werden kann.Die Immobilie verfügt über alle Versorgungseinrichtungen: Stromanschluss, Wasserversorgung durch die öffentliche Wasserleitung + unterirdische Regenwasserauffangzisterne, autonome LPG-Gasheizung, Telefonanschluss, ADSL, volumetrisches Alarmsystem.Rifugio sul Lago ist ein ideales Anwesen, das als Hauptwohnsitz oder als echtes ländliches „Refugium“ für alle Liebhaber der Natur und der Sonnenuntergänge über dem See genutzt werden kann. Aufgrund seiner Besonderheiten eignet sich das Anwesen gut für die Vermietung an internationale Touristen, mit der Möglichkeit, daraus Einnahmen zu erzielen.Die privilegierte Lage des Rifugio sul Lago an der Grenze zwischen Umbrien und der Toskana verleiht dem Anwesen einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick auf den See von Montepulciano, wo sich jeder Sonnenuntergang in ein Kunstwerk verwandelt. Die Naturschutzgebiete des Lago Trasimeno, des Lago di Chiusi und des Lago di Montepulciano sind zu jeder Jahreszeit wunderschön und bieten die Möglichkeit, schöne Ausflüge mit fantastischen kulinarischen und weinkundlichen Touren zu verbinden. In der Umgebung des Anwesens bilden Festungen, Schlösser, Klöster und mittelalterliche Ortschaften eine wunderbare Kulisse für eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Landschaften. Das Anwesen befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zu den Stadtzentren von Chiusi (10 km) und Castiglione del Lago (12 km). Die Autobahn A1 und der Bahnhof von Chiusi-Chianciano sind in 12 km zu erreichen.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.Die Immobilie ist auf den Namen einer oder mehrerer natürlicher Personen eingetragen und der Verkauf unterliegt der Grunderwerbssteuer gemäß den geltenden Vorschriften (siehe Kosten des privaten Kaufs). Il Rifugio sul Lago si estende su due livelli per un totale di 214 mq. Ogni angolo di questa casa è progettato per accoglierti in un abbraccio di calore e comfort. Al piano terra, la spaziosa area soggiorno con cucina e zona pranzo diventa il cuore pulsante della quotidianità della casa, il luogo ideale per condividere risate e momenti indimenticabili con amici e familiari. Sullo stesso livello sono inoltre presenti due camere da letto complete di servizi e locali guardaroba. Salendo al primo piano troviamo un accogliente soggiorno con camino ed un disimpegno con angolo studio e la camera padronale dotata di un bagno privato con vista sul paesaggio collinare circostante. Al piano terra troviamo inoltre un vano tecnico con lavanderia ed una piccola rimessa attrezzi con propri accessi dall'esterno, oltre ad garage in legno di 16 mq con tettoia di 30 mq. Il terreno della proprietà si estende per 6.700 mq. ed include un bellissimo giardino panoramico sul lago, l'area di resede del garage ed un piccolo appezzamento agricolo. La proprietà dispone di diritti edificatori per ulteriori 133 mq., derivanti dal recupero di un ex volume agricolo che in passato insisteva sulla proprietà. Opzione di acquisto della proprietà completa di tutta la mobilia di antiquariato interna ed esterna, lampade, oggettistica ed attrezzature (+ 50.000 euro).Scopri l’essenza autentica di questo affascinante casale umbro, risalente al 1850, un’opera d’arte architettonica che conserva il fascino del passato per merito di un'attenta e rigorosa ristrutturazione che è stata curata in ogni particolare dagli attuali proprietari, nell'anno 2004. Le murature portanti originali in mattoni raccontano storie di un tempo lontano, mentre il tetto, coperto da eleganti coppi in stile romano, protegge un interno ricco di dettagli caratteristici. Varcando la soglia, ti accoglie un ambiente caldo e avvolgente, dove i solai interpiano, sostenuti da travi in legno a vista, creano un'atmosfera rustica e raffinata. Al primo piano, il bellissimo tetto a capanna aggiunge un tocco di grandezza e luminosità, rendendo ogni spazio unico e suggestivo. Le pavimentazioni in cotto antico conferiscono calore e autenticità a ogni ambiente, evocando una storia di tradizione e artigianalità. La cucina in muratura, con il suo rivestimento in mattonelle d'epoca e lavandini in pietra naturale, è un luogo dove ogni pasto diventa un’esperienza speciale, un richiamo alle radici culinarie di questa terra. La proprietà, essendo stata oggetto di tanto amore ed ordinaria manutenzione nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni, si presenta oggi in eccellenti condizioni manutentive ed è quindi pronta all'uso abitativo.La proprietà dispone di tutte le utenze: allacciamento elettrico, approvvigionamento idrico garantito dal pubblico acquedotto + cisterna interrata di recupero acque piovane, sistema di riscaldamento autonomo a gas GPL, linea telefonica, ADSL, impianto di allarme volumetrico.Il Rifugio sul Lago è una proprietà ideale per essere adibita ad abitazione principale o come un vero e proprio "rifugio" di campagna, per tutti gli amanti della natura e dei tramonti sul lago. Per le sue peculiarità l'immobile ben si presterebbe ad essere inserito sul circuito degli affitti turistici internazionali, con la possibilità di ricavare del reddito dagli stessi.La posizione privilegiata del Rifugio sul Lago, a confine tra Umbria e Toscana, regala alla proprietà una vista panoramica mozzafiato sul lago di Montepulciano, dove ogni tramonto si trasforma in un’opera d’arte. I comprensori naturali del Lago Trasimeno, del Lago di Chiusi e del Lago di Montepulciano sono riserve naturali bellissime in tutte le stagioni dell'anno ed offrono la possibilità di abbinare belle escursioni con fantastici tour eno-gastronomici. Intorno alla proprietà, rocche, castelli, conventi e borghi medioevali fanno da splendida cornice ad un'incredibile varietà di paesaggi. La proprietà è posta a poca distanza dai centri urbani di Chiusi (10 km.) e Castiglione del Lago (12 km.). L'autostrada A1 e la stazione ferroviaria di Chiusi-Chianciano sono raggiungibili in 12 km.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.L'immobile è intestato a persona/e fisica/e e la vendita sarà soggetta a imposta di registro secondo le normative vigenti (vedi costi di acquisto da privato). Дом Rifugio sul Lago занимает площадь 214 кв.м на двух уровнях. Каждый уголок этого дома встречает вас атмосферой тепла и уюта. На первом этаже просторная гостиная с кухней и обеденным залом как центральное ядро повседневной жизни - идеальное место для незабываемых моментов с друзьями и семьей. На этом же уровне расположены две спальни с ванными комнатами и гардеробными. На втором этаже расположены уютная гостиная с камином, прихожая с уголком для занятий и главная спальня с ванной комнатой, откуда открывается вид на окружающий холмистый ландшафт. На первом этаже находится техническим помещением с прачечной и небольшим сараем для инструментов с собственным выходом наружу. Деревянный гараж площадью 16 кв.м с навесом площадью 30 кв.м. Земельный участок площадью 6 700 кв. м включает в себя красивый сад с панорамным видом на озеро, гаражную зону и небольшой сельскохозяйственный участок. Имеется право на строительство дополнительной площади 133 кв.м ( объем бывшей сельскохозяйственной постройки, которая когда-то находилась на территории). Вариант приобретения недвижимости в комплекте со всей внутренней антикварной и садовой мебелью, светильниками, предметами обстановки и инструментами (+ 50 000 евро). The property “Rifugio sul Lago” (Lakeside Retreat) extends over two levels for a total of 214 sqm. Every corner of this home is designed to welcome you in an embrace of warmth and comfort. On the ground floor, the spacious living area with kitchen and dining area represents the beating heart of the home's daily life, the ideal place to share laughter and unforgettable moments with friends and family. On the same level there are also two bedrooms complete with bathrooms and closet spaces. On the first floor we find a welcoming living room with a fireplace, a hallway with a study corner, and the master bedroom with a private bathroom overlooking the surrounding hilly landscape. On the ground floor there are a room for technical facilities with laundry and a small tool shed with a separate access from outside, as well as a 16 sqm wooden garage with a 30 sqm roof. The property also includes 6,700 sqm of land with a beautiful panoramic garden with lake views, a garage courtyard, and a small agricultural plot. The property incorporates building rights for an additional 133 sqm, resulting from the recovery of a former agricultural annex that was once present on the property. There is an option to purchase the property complete with all the interior and exterior antique furniture, lamps, objects, and equipment (+ 50,000 euros).Discover the authentic essence of this charming Umbrian farmhouse from 1850, an architectural work of art that retains the charm of the past thanks to a careful and thorough renovation that was meticulously conducted by the current owners in 2004. The original load-bearing brick walls tell stories of a distant time, while the roof, covered with elegant Roman-style tiles, protects an interior rich in characteristic details. Stepping inside the farmhouse, you are welcomed by a warm and inviting ambience, where the inter-floor ceilings, supported by exposed wooden beams, create a rustic and refined atmosphere. On the first floor, the beautiful gable roof adds a touch of grandeur and brightness, making each space unique and suggestive. The antique terracotta floors give warmth and authenticity to each room, evoking a history of tradition and craftsmanship. The brick kitchen, with its antique tile covering and natural stone sinks, is a place where every meal turns into a special experience, a reminder of the culinary roots of this region. The property, an object of great love and careful maintenance over the last 20 years, is today in excellent condition and is therefore ready to move in.The property features all utilities: electrical connection, water supply guaranteed by the public aqueduct + underground cistern for rainwater collection, autonomous LPG gas heating system, telephone line, ADSL, volumetric alarm system.“Rifugio sul Lago” is an ideal property to be used as a main residence or as a country getaway, for all lovers of nature and sunsets on the lake. Due to its peculiarities, the property would also be well suited as an international tourist rental, with the possibility of generating income.The privileged position of “Rifugio sul Lago” – right on the border between Umbria and Tuscany – enriches the property with a breathtaking panoramic view of Lake Montepulciano, where every sunset is a work of art. The splendid nature reserves of Lake Trasimeno, Lake Chiusi, and Lake Montepulciano are beautiful destinations in all seasons of the year and offer the possibility of combining fabulous excursions with fantastic food and wine tours. In the surrounding area, fortresses, castles, convents, and medieval villages provide a splendid backdrop to an incredible variety of landscapes. The property is located just a short distance from the urban centres of Chiusi (10 km) and Castiglione del Lago (12 km). The A1 motorway and the Chiusi-Chianciano train station are 12 km away.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered to a natural person/s and the sale will be subject to registration tax in accordance with current regulations (see costs of purchasing from a private individual).
Referencia: KPMQ-T1979
País: IT
Provincia: Perugia
Ciudad: Castiglione del Lago
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Subtipo de inmeuble: Finca
Terreno: 6.954



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1.017 EUR
996 EUR
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