/ 13428
Código postal:
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
oportunidad de negocio
Subtipo de inmeuble:
Agricultura, Horticultura, Viticultura
1.250.000 m²
Considering the area, there is a possibility of construction, but the building as part of OPG, for the needs of rural tourism.
For the construction of an economic building on agricultural land, the following conditions must be met:
- the size of the land in the coastal zone is at least 3ha. On 3 ha and more, the building can have a ground floor of up to 400 m2 and/or a fully buried basement of up to 1000 m2.
- surfaces must be planted with permanent plants, at least approx. 70% of the area.
The entire land offers an open view of the sea and offers the opportunity to build an economy, enriched with plantations of gardens, vineyard, olive groves, orchards, fig trees, plantations of medicinal herbs and aromatic plants (lavender, rosemary, immortelle...), to build a winery with a catering area, etc.
Ownership in order. ID: 13428 Ver más Ver menos Pelješac, Orebić, landwirtschaftliches Land mit einer Fläche von 1.250.000 m2
In Anbetracht der Fläche besteht die Möglichkeit einer Bebauung, allerdings ist das Gebäude Teil von OPG, für die Bedürfnisse des ländlichen Tourismus.
Für die Errichtung eines Wirtschaftsgebäudes auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen müssen folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein:
- Die Grundstücksfläche in der Küstenzone beträgt mindestens 3 ha. Ab 3 ha kann das Gebäude über ein Erdgeschoss von bis zu 400 m2 und/oder einen voll erdverlegten Keller von bis zu 1000 m2 verfügen.
- Flächen müssen mit Dauerpflanzen bepflanzt sein, mindestens ca. 70 % der Fläche.
Das gesamte Grundstück bietet einen freien Blick auf das Meer und bietet die Möglichkeit, eine Wirtschaft aufzubauen, die durch Anpflanzungen von Gärten, Weinbergen, Olivenhainen, Obstgärten, Feigenbäumen, Anpflanzungen von Heilkräutern und aromatischen Pflanzen (Lavendel, Rosmarin, Immortelle) bereichert wird. .), ein Weingut mit Gastronomiebereich zu bauen usw.
Eigentum in Ordnung. - ID: 13428 Pelješac, Orebić, poljoprivredno zemljište površine 1.250.000 m2
Obzirom na površinu, postoji mogućnost gradnje, ali objekta u sklopu OPG-a, za potrebe seoskog turizma.
Za gradnju gospodarskog objekta na poljoprivrednom zemljištu, potrebno je da su ispunjeni sljedeći uvjeti:
- veličina zemljišta u obalnom pojasu iznosi najmanje 3ha. Na 3 ha i više, građevina može imati prizemlje do 400 m2 i/ili potpuno ukopan podrum do 1000 m2.
- površine moraju biti zasađene trajnim zasadima, najmanje cca. 70% površine.
Sa cijelog zemljišta pruža se otvoren pogled na more i nudi priliku za izgradnju gospodarstva oplemenjenog nasadima vrtova, vinograda, maslinika , voćnjaka, smokvika, plantaže ljekovitog začinskog i aromatičnog bilja (lavanda, ružmarin , smilje…), za izgradnju vinarije sa ugostiteljskim dijelom i slično.
Vlasništvo uredno. ID:13428 Pelješac, Orebić, agricultural land with an area of 1.250.000 m2
Considering the area, there is a possibility of construction, but the building as part of OPG, for the needs of rural tourism.
For the construction of an economic building on agricultural land, the following conditions must be met:
- the size of the land in the coastal zone is at least 3ha. On 3 ha and more, the building can have a ground floor of up to 400 m2 and/or a fully buried basement of up to 1000 m2.
- surfaces must be planted with permanent plants, at least approx. 70% of the area.
The entire land offers an open view of the sea and offers the opportunity to build an economy, enriched with plantations of gardens, vineyard, olive groves, orchards, fig trees, plantations of medicinal herbs and aromatic plants (lavender, rosemary, immortelle...), to build a winery with a catering area, etc.
Ownership in order. ID: 13428