905.000 EUR
898.000 EUR
850.000 EUR
950.000 EUR
2 dorm
143 m²
950.000 EUR
2 dorm
143 m²
745.000 EUR
Nestled at the heart of the Algarve, enclosed by nature reserves and picturesque, white-walled villages, Ombria Resort is easily accessible from nearby Faro Airport, so magnificent golf courses, spectacular beaches and your own hidden spots are never more than a step away.A natural climate of pleasant summers, mild winters and our bioclimatic architecture ensures the perfect temperature throughout the year. With turn-key management leaving you free to enjoy warm blue skies and time-forgotten villages, rich with gastronomy, culture and history. Soon you’ll share our passion to preserve them and understand why we call this the heart of the Algarve. Enjoy the pleasures of a timeless way of life. Cycling, hiking and kayaking to renew the spirit. Secluded forests and tucked-away villages. Locally-cured hams and freshly caught fish. Regional wines and artisanal produce. The natural invigoration of the outdoors is complimented by the exquisite service of Viceroy Hotels & Resorts. Your path to a better quality of life. Each owner may spend up to ten weeks a year here, with special memories with friends and family at a vibrant resort infused with natural serenity. You are investing in a blossoming property market, the local community and in time spent together. For the remainder of the year, your property will be rental-managed by Viceroy Hotels & Resorts.The pooled rental income covers all maintenance costs, with the remainder divided out among owners as profit – a guaranteed minimum 5% return for your first five years. Transparent rental management is as stress-free as your stay. Ranging from 70 to 173 m² of internal area, every room is fully furnished and equipped, featuring immaculately bespoke kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and terraces.With private swimming pools and jacuzzi available, you can easily find the perfect one to suit your needs. Smart climate control via geothermal technology with under-floor heating in all bathrooms. Bathrooms equipped with glass-door showers, Portuguese marble sink, wall-mounted toilet and bidet, chrome taps and free-standing bathtub. Solid oak wardrobes with custom glass paneling and integrated lighting. Smart LED lighting throughout. Heat-efficient polyethylene plumbing. Fully fitted and equipped kitchen with stone countertops and mosaic tile backsplash. 55” LED Smart TVs with international channel access and high-speed internet. Underground parking for 40 vehicles with access to charge electric vehicles. Landscaped gardens with automated lighting and irrigation. Ver más Ver menos Aninhado no coração do Algarve, cercado por reservas naturais e pitorescas vilas de paredes brancas, magníficos campos de golfe e praias espetaculares, encontramos o Ombria Resort.Um clima natural de verões agradáveis, invernos amenos e a nossa arquitetura bioclimática garantem a temperatura perfeita ao longo do ano. Com uma gestão completa tem total liberdade para desfrutar de céus azuis quentes e vilas esquecidas pelo tempo, ricas em gastronomia, cultura e história. Desfrute dos prazeres de um estilo de vida atemporal. Pedalar, fazer caminhadas e praticar caiaque para renovar o espírito. Florestas isoladas e vilas escondidas. Presuntos curados localmente e peixes frescos. Vinhos regionais e produtos artesanais. A revigorante natureza ao ar livre é completada pelo serviço requintado dos Hotéis e Resorts Viceroy. Cada proprietário pode passar até dez semanas por ano aqui, criando memórias especiais com amigos e família num resort vibrante impregnado de serenidade natural. Estará a investir num mercado imobiliário em expansão e na comunidade local. Durante o resto do ano, a sua propriedade será gerida para arrendamento pelos Hotéis e Resorts Viceroy.As receita de arrendamento em grupo cobrem todos os custos de manutenção, sendo o restante dividido pelos proprietários como lucro - um retorno mínimo garantido de 5% para os primeiros cinco anos. A gestão transparente de arrendamento é tão tranquila quanto a sua estadia. Descubra o seu refúgio de sonho nas Residências Viceroy. Com áreas internas que variam entre 70 a 173 m², cada divisão foi cuidadosamente projetada para oferecer uma experiência única. Desde a cozinha até a sala de estar, quartos, casas de banho e terraços, tudo está perfeitamente mobiliado e equipado, proporcionando o máximo de conforto e sofisticação.Aqui, o seu conforto é uma prioridade. Graças ao controle inteligente do clima por meio da tecnologia geotérmica, desfrutará de uma temperatura ideal durante todo o ano. As casas de banho são verdadeiras obras de arte, com chuveiros de porta de vidro, lavatórios de mármore português, sanitas e bidês suspensos, torneiras cromadas e banheiras independentes. Os guarda-roupas de carvalho maciço com painéis de vidro personalizados e iluminação integrada, proporcionam um toque de elegância e funcionalidade. A iluminação LED inteligente em todo o espaço cria uma atmosfera acolhedora e relaxante.Além disso, a qualidade é evidente em cada detalhe. A canalização de polietileno de alta eficiência térmica garante um desempenho excepcional. A cozinha totalmente equipada apresenta bancadas de pedra e um lindo azulejo de mosaico, oferecendo o ambiente perfeito para preparar suas refeições. As TVs inteligentes LED de 55" proporcionam acesso a canais internacionais e uma conexão de internet de alta velocidade, mantendo você conectado ao mundo.E não se preocupe com estacionamento! O Ombria Resort oferece um estacionamento subterrâneo para 40 veículos, com acesso para carregar veículos elétricos, garantindo comodidade e praticidade.Para completar esta experiência única, encontrará jardins paisagísticos que exalam beleza e tranquilidade. E, é claro, não podemos esquecer das piscinas privativas e jacuzzis, que são o cenário perfeito para relaxar.Venha descobrir o luxo, o conforto e a qualidade de vida que você merece. Seja bem-vindo ao seu novo lar! Located in Loulé.
Nestled at the heart of the Algarve, enclosed by nature reserves and picturesque, white-walled villages, Ombria Resort is easily accessible from nearby Faro Airport, so magnificent golf courses, spectacular beaches and your own hidden spots are never more than a step away.A natural climate of pleasant summers, mild winters and our bioclimatic architecture ensures the perfect temperature throughout the year. With turn-key management leaving you free to enjoy warm blue skies and time-forgotten villages, rich with gastronomy, culture and history. Soon you’ll share our passion to preserve them and understand why we call this the heart of the Algarve. Enjoy the pleasures of a timeless way of life. Cycling, hiking and kayaking to renew the spirit. Secluded forests and tucked-away villages. Locally-cured hams and freshly caught fish. Regional wines and artisanal produce. The natural invigoration of the outdoors is complimented by the exquisite service of Viceroy Hotels & Resorts. Your path to a better quality of life. Each owner may spend up to ten weeks a year here, with special memories with friends and family at a vibrant resort infused with natural serenity. You are investing in a blossoming property market, the local community and in time spent together. For the remainder of the year, your property will be rental-managed by Viceroy Hotels & Resorts.The pooled rental income covers all maintenance costs, with the remainder divided out among owners as profit – a guaranteed minimum 5% return for your first five years. Transparent rental management is as stress-free as your stay. Ranging from 70 to 173 m² of internal area, every room is fully furnished and equipped, featuring immaculately bespoke kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and terraces.With private swimming pools and jacuzzi available, you can easily find the perfect one to suit your needs. Smart climate control via geothermal technology with under-floor heating in all bathrooms. Bathrooms equipped with glass-door showers, Portuguese marble sink, wall-mounted toilet and bidet, chrome taps and free-standing bathtub. Solid oak wardrobes with custom glass paneling and integrated lighting. Smart LED lighting throughout. Heat-efficient polyethylene plumbing. Fully fitted and equipped kitchen with stone countertops and mosaic tile backsplash. 55” LED Smart TVs with international channel access and high-speed internet. Underground parking for 40 vehicles with access to charge electric vehicles. Landscaped gardens with automated lighting and irrigation.