Kendall Lakes - Oportunidad de negocio se vende
3.747.965 EUR
oportunidad de negocio (En venta)
/ 99919658
Canvas Real Estate is proud to market the Chase NNN lease bank property located in Kendall, Miami, Florida. The building was built in 2004 and covers 4,280 square feet ( lot 8,540 sqft) and is ideally located in the heart of a dense growing Miami-Dade submarket with over 200,000 people living within three miles of the subject property. This is a pad site within the South Kendall Square shopping center that is also anchored by Walgreens, Starbuck’s. The bank location has very high annual deposits of over $180 Million. Chase Bank has Occupied the Site since 2005.
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A Canvas Real Estate tem o orgulho de comercializar a propriedade do banco de locação Chase NNN localizada em Kendall, Miami, Flórida. O edifício foi construído em 2004 e cobre 4.280 pés quadrados (lote de 8.540 pés quadrados) e está idealmente localizado no coração de um denso submercado em crescimento de Miami-Dade, com mais de 200.000 pessoas vivendo a menos de três milhas da propriedade em questão. Este é um local dentro do shopping center South Kendall Square que também é ancorado pela Walgreens, Starbuck's. A localização do banco tem depósitos anuais muito altos de mais de US $ 180 milhões. O Chase Bank ocupa o local desde 2005.
Canvas Real Estate is proud to market the Chase NNN lease bank property located in Kendall, Miami, Florida. The building was built in 2004 and covers 4,280 square feet ( lot 8,540 sqft) and is ideally located in the heart of a dense growing Miami-Dade submarket with over 200,000 people living within three miles of the subject property. This is a pad site within the South Kendall Square shopping center that is also anchored by Walgreens, Starbuck’s. The bank location has very high annual deposits of over $180 Million. Chase Bank has Occupied the Site since 2005.
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Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
oportunidad de negocio