Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)
/ 98361894
Código postal:
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
184 m²
478 m²
Imagine yourself in an oasis of peace, surrounded by the blue sea and luxurious Mediterranean vegetation.
In the beautiful Čiovo, in Okrug Gornji, there is a villa that will leave you breathless with its beauty and incredible position - only 5 meters from the sea. This unique property is your opportunity for a new dream home or a perfect investment for a tourist rental.
When you step onto the separate, spacious terrace in the yard of this villa, you will feel delighted because the terrace, which is almost an extension of the beach, offers a spectacular view of the sea.
The villa's grounds, covered with lush greenery, provide an ideal environment for relaxation.
Inside the villa there are two separate apartments, each with an area of 75 m², decorated with care and taste.
Each apartment contains two comfortable bedrooms, a spacious and elegantly furnished living room with a kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and a hallway.
The large terraces provide a special charm - the one on the first floor has sliding glass walls that allow the space to be used even in winter.
The house is extremely well insulated, which ensures a comfortable temperature in all seasons.
The carefully maintained garden and grounds further emphasize the beauty of this property.
A garage of impressive dimensions - 15 meters long and 4 meters wide, ideal for parking a larger boat - is of particular importance to this villa. The garage is equipped with cranes and a ramp that allows the boat to be easily lowered into the sea. Your private marina is just a step away, which makes this villa ideal for boating enthusiasts.
In addition to the garage, the villa also has three additional parking spaces, which is an exceptional convenience.
The location of the villa is perfect - close to the famous Copacabana beach, restaurants and cafes, but at the same time far enough away to ensure peace and privacy. Hidden corners of the coast and picturesque bays are perfect for escaping the crowds.
Okrug Gornji is a magical Dalmatian place that exudes traditional charm, lush vegetation and crystal clear sea. Its archipelago of picturesque islets, countless small hidden bays and beaches make it one of the most attractive tourist destinations. The proximity of Split airport, only 8 km away, makes this location even more attractive and easily accessible.
If you are looking for your oasis to enjoy by the beach, come, feel the magic of this place and fall in love with this paradise on Čiovo.
Feel free to contact us with confidence for additional information or to arrange a viewing.
Draženka Blazinarić
Ivan Bronzović
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Ivan Bronzović - LIKA
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 099/444-4979
Tel: 021/293-201
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Garage
- Garden
- Barbecue
- Terrace
- Parking Ver más Ver menos ID CODE: ST2650
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Ivan Bronzović - LIKA
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 099/444-4979
Tel: 021/293-201
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Garage
- Garden
- Barbecue
- Terrace
- Parking Fantastična vila na 5 metara od mora u Okrugu Gornjem
Zamislite se u oazi mira, okruženi plavetnilom mora i raskošnom mediteranskom vegetacijom.
Na predivnom Čiovu, u mjestu Okrug Gornji, smještena je vila koja će vas ostaviti bez daha svojom ljepotom i nevjerojatnom pozicijom – samo 5 metara od mora. Ova jedinstvena nekretnina je vaša prilika za novi dom iz snova ili savršenu investiciju za turistički najam.
Kada kročite na zasebnu, prostranu terasu u dvorištu ove vile, osjetit ćete oduševljenje jer s terase, koja je gotovo produžetak plaže, pruža se spektakularan pogled na more.
Okućnica vile, prekrivena bujnim zelenilom, pruža idealno okruženje za opuštanje.
Unutar vile nalaze se dva odvojena stana, svaki površine 75 m², uređeni s pažnjom i ukusom.
Svaki stan sadrži dvije udobne spavaće sobe, prostrani i elegantno namješteni dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonicu i hodnik.
Posebnu čar pružaju velike terase sa spektakularnim pogledom na more – ona na prvom katu ima klizne staklene stijene koje omogućavaju da prostor bude korišten i zimi.
Kuća je izuzetno dobro izolirana, što osigurava ugodnu temperaturu u svim godišnjim dobima.
Pažljivo održavan vrt i okućnica dodatno ističu ljepotu ove nekretnine.
Poseban značaj ove vile ima garaža impresivnih dimenzija – 15 metara dužine i 4 metra širine, idealna za parkiranje većeg broda. Garaža je opremljena dizalicama i prilazom koji omogućuje jednostavno spuštanje broda u more. Vaša privatna marina na korak što ovu vilu čini idealnom za ljubitelje nautike.
Uz garažu, vila raspolaže i s tri dodatna parkirna mjesta, što je izuzetna pogodnost.
Lokacija vile je savršena – u blizini poznate plaže Copacabana, restorana i kafića, a istovremeno dovoljno udaljena da osigura mir i privatnost. Skriveni kutci obale i slikovite uvale, savršene su za bijeg od gužve.
Okrug Gornji je čarobno dalmatinsko mjesto koje odiše tradicionalnim šarmom, bujnom vegetacijom i kristalno čistim morem. Njegov arhipelag slikovitih otočića, bezbroj malih skrovitih uvala i plaža, čine ga jednim od najprivlačnijih turističkih odredišta. Blizina zračne luke Split, udaljene svega 8 km, čini ovu lokaciju još privlačnijom i lako dostupnom.
Ako ste u potrazi za vašom oazom za uživanje uz plažu, dođite, osjetite magiju ovog mjesta i zaljubite se u ovaj raj na Čiovu.
Slobodno nam se obratite s povjerenjem za dodatne informacije ili dogovor za razgled.
Draženka Blazinarić
Ivan Bronzović
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Ivan Bronzović - LIKA
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 099/444-4979
Tel: 021/293-201
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Garage
- Garden
- Barbecue
- Terrace
- Parking ID CODE: ST2650
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Ivan Bronzović - LIKA
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 099/444-4979
Tel: 021/293-201
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Garage
- Garden
- Barbecue
- Terrace
- Parking Fantastic villa 5 meters from the sea in Okrug Gornji.
Imagine yourself in an oasis of peace, surrounded by the blue sea and luxurious Mediterranean vegetation.
In the beautiful Čiovo, in Okrug Gornji, there is a villa that will leave you breathless with its beauty and incredible position - only 5 meters from the sea. This unique property is your opportunity for a new dream home or a perfect investment for a tourist rental.
When you step onto the separate, spacious terrace in the yard of this villa, you will feel delighted because the terrace, which is almost an extension of the beach, offers a spectacular view of the sea.
The villa's grounds, covered with lush greenery, provide an ideal environment for relaxation.
Inside the villa there are two separate apartments, each with an area of 75 m², decorated with care and taste.
Each apartment contains two comfortable bedrooms, a spacious and elegantly furnished living room with a kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and a hallway.
The large terraces provide a special charm - the one on the first floor has sliding glass walls that allow the space to be used even in winter.
The house is extremely well insulated, which ensures a comfortable temperature in all seasons.
The carefully maintained garden and grounds further emphasize the beauty of this property.
A garage of impressive dimensions - 15 meters long and 4 meters wide, ideal for parking a larger boat - is of particular importance to this villa. The garage is equipped with cranes and a ramp that allows the boat to be easily lowered into the sea. Your private marina is just a step away, which makes this villa ideal for boating enthusiasts.
In addition to the garage, the villa also has three additional parking spaces, which is an exceptional convenience.
The location of the villa is perfect - close to the famous Copacabana beach, restaurants and cafes, but at the same time far enough away to ensure peace and privacy. Hidden corners of the coast and picturesque bays are perfect for escaping the crowds.
Okrug Gornji is a magical Dalmatian place that exudes traditional charm, lush vegetation and crystal clear sea. Its archipelago of picturesque islets, countless small hidden bays and beaches make it one of the most attractive tourist destinations. The proximity of Split airport, only 8 km away, makes this location even more attractive and easily accessible.
If you are looking for your oasis to enjoy by the beach, come, feel the magic of this place and fall in love with this paradise on Čiovo.
Feel free to contact us with confidence for additional information or to arrange a viewing.
Draženka Blazinarić
Ivan Bronzović
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />
Ivan Bronzović - LIKA
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 099/444-4979
Tel: 021/293-201
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Garage
- Garden
- Barbecue
- Terrace
- Parking