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Pernik - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

394.800 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

Referencia: EDEN-T97724783 / 97724783
CASA NUEVA REAL ESTATE is pleased to present an impeccable property that combines the tranquility of the forest environment with the functionality of the proximity to the city. The house is located in Pernik region, Dragichevo, 18km. from the center of Sofia. It can be reached by a private asphalt road, with year-round access. With a total built-up area of 385 sq.m., it has the following distribution: First floor - yard level: Kitchen (with electricity and gas) and dining room with direct access to the yard, convenient for everyday life Spacious closet adjacent to the kitchen Steam room with sink, shower cabin, laundry room Room with hydrophore and boilers Corridor and internal stairs Second floor: 50 sq.m. living room with fireplace with direct access to the courtyard Toilet Corridor and internal stairs Third floor: 3 rooms /bedrooms, study, etc./ Bathroom with toilet Corridor and internal stairs Fourth floor: 3 rooms /bedrooms, study, etc./ Bathroom with toilet Corridor and internal stairs The power supply is of two types - three-phase current / 380 volts / and single-phase / 220 volts /. Each floor has a separate current circle. Separate switchboards for groups of users. **The existing el. installation has the ability to take the load of a homemade charging station for charging a car on electricity. Heating: Automatic electric boiler three-phase Automatic oil boiler with oil holding /for 6 tons of oil/ Aluminium radiators, charged with antifreeze, with thermal screws in all rooms Circulation pump, providing quick start and uniform operation of the system Emergency hydrophore system, providing emergency protection of the boilers Seven air conditioners in each room / inverter / Wood burning fireplace **Full technical possibility for quick and trouble-free connection of a heat pump to the the built heating system with aluminum radiators. A hydrophore system was built, inside the house, with a Grundfos pump. Drainage system for surface and groundwater around the house and garage. Sewerage for rain, drainage and fecal water, and drainage of the pavements around the house with siphons. 2 boilers - 200 liters / electricity and coil from the heating / and another 80 liters / electricity /. Security and privacy - 1170sq.m perfectly maintained yard with a massive fence. The yard is professionally lit, with systems of automatic and manually controlled lighting fixtures. Cultivated and well-maintained lawns, flower beds, tui, trees, etc. Well in traditional style - 16 m. depth. About parking - 50 sq.m. garage and 120sq.m. paved parking. With a security system in place. The agency has a key to the property. For any questions, more detailed information and organizing a viewing, do not hesitate to contact us. For your convenience, our team has negotiated preferential terms for bank loans with our financial partners. The consultation, as well as the preparation of all documents is completely free of charge for clients of the agency! As an additional service, with our partners from MALLIOS DESIGN STUDIO, you can also take advantage of preferential prices for INTERIOR DESIGN, FURNITURE DESIGN, RENOVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION, FINISHING and overall PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Our team is here to help you. Ver más Ver menos CASA NUEVA REAL ESTATE има удоволствието да Ви представи безупречен имот, който съчетава в себе си спокойствието на горската среда, с функционалността на близостта до града. Къщата се намира в област Перник, с.Драгичево, на 18км. от центъра на гр.София. До нея се стига по частен асфалтиран път, с целогодишен достъп. С разгъната застроена площ от 385кв.м., тя има следното разпределение: Първи етаж - ниво двор: Кухня (с ток и газ) и трапезария с директен достъп до двора, удобен за ежедневието Обширен килер, прилежащ към кухнята Парно помещение с мивка, душ кабина, мокро помещение Помещение с хидрофор и бойлери Коридор и вътрешни стълби Втори етаж: 50 кв.м. дневна с камина с директен излаз към вътрешния двор Тоалетна Коридор и вътрешни стълби Трети етаж: 3 стаи /спални, кабинет и др./ Баня с тоалетна Коридор и вътрешни стълби Четвърти етаж: 3 стаи /спални, кабинет и др./ Баня с тоалетна Коридор и вътрешни стълби Електрозахранването е два вида - трифазен ток /380 волта/ и монофазен /220 волта/. Всеки етаж е с отделен токов кръг. Отделни ел.табла за групи потребители. **Съществуващата ел. инсталация има възможността да поеме натоварването на домашна зарядна станция за зареждане на автомобил на ток. Отоплението: Автоматичен електрически котел трифазен Автоматичен нафтов котел с нафтово стопанство /за 6 тона нафта/ Алуминиеви радиатори, заредени с антифриз, с термовинтили във всички помещения Циркулационна помпа, осигуряваща бърз старт и равномерна работа на системата Аварийна хидрофорна уредба, осигуряваща аварийна защита на котлите Седем броя климатици във всяка стая /инверторни/ Камина на дърва **Пълна техническа възможност за бързо и безпроблемно присъединяване на термопомпа към изградената отоплителна инсталация с алуминиеви радиатори. Изградена е хидрофорна система, вътре в къщата, с помпа Grundfos. Дренажна система за повърхностни и подпочвени води около къщата и гаража. Канализация за дъждовни, дренажни и фекални води, и отводняване на плочниците около къщата със сифони. 2 броя бойлери - 200 литра /на ток и със серпентина от парното/ и още един 80 литра /на ток/. Сигурност и уединение - 1170кв.м перфектно поддържан двор с масивна ограда. Дворът е професионално осветен, със системи от автоматични и ръчно управляеми осветителни тела. Облагородени и отлично поддържани тревни площи, цветни лехи, туи, дървета, и др. Кладенец в битов стил - 16 м. дълбочина. Относно паркирането - 50 кв.м. гараж и 120кв.м. павиран паркинг. С действаща охранителна система. Агенцията разполага с ключ за имота. За всякакви възникнали въпроси, по-подробна информация и организиране на оглед, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. За Ваше удобство, екипът ни е договорил преференциални условия за банкови кредити с нашите финансови партньори. Консултацията, както и изготвянето на всички документи е напълно безплатно за клиенти на агенцията! Като допълнителна услуга, с нашите партньори от MALLIOS DESIGN STUDIO, можете да се възползвате и от преференциални цени за ИНТЕРИОРНО ПРОЕКТИРАНЕ, ПРОЕКТИРАНЕ НА МЕБЕЛИ, РЕНОВИРАНЕ И ПРЕУСТРОЙСТВО, ДОВЪРШИТЕЛНИ РАБОТИ и цялостно УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ПРОЕКТА. Екипът ни е тук, за да Ви помогне. CASA NUEVA REAL ESTATE is pleased to present an impeccable property that combines the tranquility of the forest environment with the functionality of the proximity to the city. The house is located in Pernik region, Dragichevo, 18km. from the center of Sofia. It can be reached by a private asphalt road, with year-round access. With a total built-up area of 385 sq.m., it has the following distribution: First floor - yard level: Kitchen (with electricity and gas) and dining room with direct access to the yard, convenient for everyday life Spacious closet adjacent to the kitchen Steam room with sink, shower cabin, laundry room Room with hydrophore and boilers Corridor and internal stairs Second floor: 50 sq.m. living room with fireplace with direct access to the courtyard Toilet Corridor and internal stairs Third floor: 3 rooms /bedrooms, study, etc./ Bathroom with toilet Corridor and internal stairs Fourth floor: 3 rooms /bedrooms, study, etc./ Bathroom with toilet Corridor and internal stairs The power supply is of two types - three-phase current / 380 volts / and single-phase / 220 volts /. Each floor has a separate current circle. Separate switchboards for groups of users. **The existing el. installation has the ability to take the load of a homemade charging station for charging a car on electricity. Heating: Automatic electric boiler three-phase Automatic oil boiler with oil holding /for 6 tons of oil/ Aluminium radiators, charged with antifreeze, with thermal screws in all rooms Circulation pump, providing quick start and uniform operation of the system Emergency hydrophore system, providing emergency protection of the boilers Seven air conditioners in each room / inverter / Wood burning fireplace **Full technical possibility for quick and trouble-free connection of a heat pump to the the built heating system with aluminum radiators. A hydrophore system was built, inside the house, with a Grundfos pump. Drainage system for surface and groundwater around the house and garage. Sewerage for rain, drainage and fecal water, and drainage of the pavements around the house with siphons. 2 boilers - 200 liters / electricity and coil from the heating / and another 80 liters / electricity /. Security and privacy - 1170sq.m perfectly maintained yard with a massive fence. The yard is professionally lit, with systems of automatic and manually controlled lighting fixtures. Cultivated and well-maintained lawns, flower beds, tui, trees, etc. Well in traditional style - 16 m. depth. About parking - 50 sq.m. garage and 120sq.m. paved parking. With a security system in place. The agency has a key to the property. For any questions, more detailed information and organizing a viewing, do not hesitate to contact us. For your convenience, our team has negotiated preferential terms for bank loans with our financial partners. The consultation, as well as the preparation of all documents is completely free of charge for clients of the agency! As an additional service, with our partners from MALLIOS DESIGN STUDIO, you can also take advantage of preferential prices for INTERIOR DESIGN, FURNITURE DESIGN, RENOVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION, FINISHING and overall PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Our team is here to help you.
Referencia: EDEN-T97724783
País: BG
Ciudad: Pernik
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Superficie: 385



Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
970 EUR


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