Parcela (En venta)
17.000 m²
/ 103631487
SUPRIMMO agency: ... Two neighboring properties are for sale, which form a plot of land with a size of 17000 sq.m. The plot is located on the route to the Vidin-Botevgrad highway and faces the road for 140 m. The land has the status of agricultural, but its purpose can be changed. All necessary communications are in close proximity to the property. At the back of the property there is a neighboring plot with an area of 45000 sq.m, which can be joined to the first one and so the area becomes 62000 sq.m. Within two years, the new highway will be ready for operation. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: Vd 93097 Tel: ... , 094 988 079 Responsible broker:Stefan Filaretov
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Агенция SUPRIMMO: ... Продават се два съседни имота, който образуват парцел с големина 17000 кв.м. Парцелът се намира на трасето за магистралата Видин-Ботевград и е с лице към пътя 140 м. Земята е със статут земеделска, но може да се промени предназначението й. Подходящ е за строителство на бензиностанция, паркинг, логистичен център, промишлено предприятие, мотел и др. Всички необходими комуникации са в непосредствена близост до имота. В задната част на имота има съседен парцел с площ 45000 кв.м, който може да се присъедини към първия и така площта да стане 62000 кв.м. До две години новата магистрала ще е готова за експлоатация. За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: Vd 93097 Тел: ... , 094 988 079 Отговорен брокер:Стефан Филаретов
SUPRIMMO agency: ... Two neighboring properties are for sale, which form a plot of land with a size of 17000 sq.m. The plot is located on the route to the Vidin-Botevgrad highway and faces the road for 140 m. The land has the status of agricultural, but its purpose can be changed. All necessary communications are in close proximity to the property. At the back of the property there is a neighboring plot with an area of 45000 sq.m, which can be joined to the first one and so the area becomes 62000 sq.m. Within two years, the new highway will be ready for operation. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: Vd 93097 Tel: ... , 094 988 079 Responsible broker:Stefan Filaretov
SUPRIMMO agentschap: ... Twee aangrenzende eigendommen zijn te koop, die een perceel vormen met een grootte van 17000 m². Het perceel is gelegen op de route naar de snelweg Vidin-Botevgrad en kijkt uit op de weg voor 140 m. Het land heeft de status van agrarisch, maar het doel kan worden gewijzigd. Alle noodzakelijke communicatie bevindt zich in de nabijheid van het pand. Aan de achterkant van het pand is er een aangrenzend perceel met een oppervlakte van 45000 m², dat kan worden samengevoegd met het eerste en zo wordt het gebied 62000 m². Binnen twee jaar is de nieuwe snelweg klaar voor gebruik. Neem voor meer informatie contact met ons op en vermeld het referentienummer van de woning. Gelieve te vermelden dat u de advertentie op deze site heeft gezien. Referentienummer: Vd 93097 Tel: ... , 094 988 079 Verantwoordelijke makelaar:Stefan Filaretov
Agence SUPRIMMO : ... Deux propriétés voisines sont à vendre, qui forment un terrain d’une superficie de 17000 m². Le terrain est situé sur la route menant à l’autoroute Vidin-Botevgrad et fait face à la route sur 140 m. Le terrain a le statut agricole, mais sa fonction peut être modifiée. Toutes les communications nécessaires sont à proximité de la propriété. À l’arrière de la propriété, il y a un terrain voisin d’une superficie de 45000 m², qui peut être joint au premier et ainsi la superficie devient 62000 m². D’ici deux ans, la nouvelle route sera prête à être mise en service. Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété. Veuillez dire que vous avez vu l’annonce sur ce site. Numéro de référence : Vd 93097 Tél. : ... , 094 988 079 Courtier responsable :Stefan Filaretov
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
17.000 m²