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Pula - Casa y vivienda unifamiliar se vende

1.300.000 EUR

Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar (En venta)

5 hab
terreno 488
Referencia: EDEN-T102697687 / 102697687
Medulin - it is also called Vrh or punta Istria. In a multitude of beautiful locations, cultural heritage, rich cultural past, with a recognizable Church with two towers that rises above the town, Medulin is famous as the center of tourist life on the eastern coast of the Adriatic. In addition to numerous small islands, which are located in front of the town, there are also beautiful Arenahotels hotels, campsites, the Vižula Archaeological Park, numerous well-known sandy and pebble beaches...
In an excellent location, in the southernmost part of Istria, there is a fantastic dream villa, which will surely take your breath away and leave you speechless.
Fully furnished villa with an outdoor heated pool of 40 m2, located on a plot of 488 m2, divided into two floors.
An open living room with carefully selected furniture, a dining room, a fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom make up the ground floor, which offers a magnificent blend of modern design. Arriving on the first floor by internal stairs, there are 4 bedrooms and each of them has its own bathroom.
Underfloor heating has been introduced, every room is air-conditioned, and parking is provided next to the courtyard at the very entrance.
The courtyard of the villa is completely fenced, which provides privacy for an undisturbed vacation. Forgetting about everyday life, with deckchairs in the cozy summer lounge, you will find your personal refuge and let your soul go.
For lovers of a more intimate environment, there is also a sauna, which has a number of benefits for human health and which records better quality and better sleep.
With the modern design of the villa, large glass walls, luxurious details and materials, this kind of villa certainly has a huge investment potential in the form of tourist rental.
The distance from the beaches is only 1.5 km, while the distance from the famous sandy beach of Bijeca is only 1.9 km.
We are at your disposal for all inquiries.
More information: ...

ID CODE: 572

Berislava Crepulja
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />
Tea Vuković
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Garden
- SwimmingPool
Ver más Ver menos Medulin – wird auch Vrh oder Punta Istria genannt. Mit einer Vielzahl wunderschöner Orte, kulturellem Erbe, reicher kultureller Vergangenheit und einer erkennbaren Kirche mit zwei Türmen, die sich über der Stadt erhebt, ist Medulin als Zentrum des touristischen Lebens an der Ostküste der Adria bekannt. Neben zahlreichen kleinen Inseln, die vor der Stadt liegen, gibt es auch wunderschöne Arenahotels-Hotels, Campingplätze, den Archäologischen Park Vižula, zahlreiche bekannte Sand- und Kiesstrände...
In hervorragender Lage, im südlichsten Teil Istriens, befindet sich eine fantastische Traumvilla, die Ihnen sicherlich den Atem rauben und Sie sprachlos machen wird.
Komplett möblierte Villa mit beheiztem Außenpool von 40 m2, auf einem Grundstück von 488 m2 gelegen, aufgeteilt in zwei Etagen.
Ein offenes Wohnzimmer mit sorgfältig ausgewählten Möbeln, ein Esszimmer, eine voll ausgestattete Küche und ein Badezimmer bilden das Erdgeschoss, das eine herrliche Mischung aus modernem Design bietet. Über eine Innentreppe gelangen Sie in den ersten Stock. Dort befinden sich 4 Schlafzimmer, von denen jedes über ein eigenes Badezimmer verfügt.
Es wurde eine Fußbodenheizung eingeführt, jedes Zimmer ist klimatisiert und Parkplätze stehen neben dem Innenhof direkt am Eingang zur Verfügung.
Der Innenhof der Villa ist komplett eingezäunt, was Privatsphäre für einen ungestörten Urlaub bietet. Den Alltag vergessen, mit Liegestühlen in der gemütlichen Sommerlounge finden Sie Ihren persönlichen Rückzugsort und können die Seele baumeln lassen.
Für Liebhaber einer intimeren Umgebung gibt es auch eine Sauna, die zahlreiche Vorteile für die menschliche Gesundheit hat und eine bessere Qualität und einen besseren Schlaf verzeichnet.
Mit dem modernen Design der Villa, großen Glaswänden, luxuriösen Details und Materialien verfügt diese Art von Villa sicherlich über ein enormes Investitionspotenzial in Form der touristischen Vermietung.
Die Entfernung zu den Stränden beträgt nur 1,5 km, während die Entfernung zum berühmten Sandstrand von Bijeca nur 1,9 km beträgt.
Für alle Anfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Weitere Informationen: ...

ID CODE: 572

Berislava Crepulja
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />
Tea Vuković
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Garden
- SwimmingPool
Medulin - nazivaju ga još Vrh ili punta Istre. U mnoštvu predivnih lokacija, kulturnih baština, bogate kulturne prošlosti, s prepoznatljivom Crkvom s dva tornja koja se izdiže ponad mjesta, Medulin slovi kao središte turističkog života na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Uz brojne male otoke, koji se nalaze ispred mjesta, tu su još i prekrasni Arenahotels hoteli, kampovi, Arheološki park Vižula, mnogobrojne poznate pješčane i šljunčane plaže…
Na odličnoj lokaciji, na najjužnijem dijelu Istre, smjestila se fantastična vila iz snova, koja će vam zasigurno oduzeti dah i zajamčeno vas ostaviti bez riječi.
Potpuno uređena vila s vanjskim grijanim bazenom od 40 m2, smještena je na parceli površine 488 m2, podijeljena u dvije etaže.
Otvoreni dnevni boravak s pomno biranim namještajem, blagovaonica, potpuno opremljena kuhinja i kupaonica čine prizemlje, koje pruža veličanstven spoj modernog dizajna. Dolaskom na prvu etažu unutarnjim stepenicama, nalaze se 4 spavaće sobe i svaka od njih ima vlastitu kupaonicu.
Uvedeno je podno grijanje, svaka soba je klimatizirana, a parking je osiguran uz dvorište na samom ulazu.
Dvorište vile je potpuno ograđeno, što pruža privatnost za nesmetani odmor. Z aboravivši na svakodnevnicu, uz ležaljke  u ugodnom ljetnom salonu, pronaći ćete svoje osobno utočište i pustiti svoju dušu.
Za ljubitelje intimnijeg ambijenta, tu je i sauna koja ima niz prednosti za ljudsko zdravlje i koja bilježi kvalitetniji i bolji san.
Uz moderan dizajn vile, velike staklene stijenke, luksuzne detalje i materijale, ovakva vila zasigurno ima golem investicijski potencijal u vidu turističkog iznajmljivanja.
Udaljenost od plaža je samo 1,5 km, dok je udaljenost od poznate pješčane plaže Bijeca samo 1,9 km.
Za sve upite stojimo vam na raspolaganju.
Više informacija: ...  


Berislava Crepulja
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />
Tea Vuković
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Garden
- SwimmingPool
Medulin - it is also called Vrh or punta Istria. In a multitude of beautiful locations, cultural heritage, rich cultural past, with a recognizable Church with two towers that rises above the town, Medulin is famous as the center of tourist life on the eastern coast of the Adriatic. In addition to numerous small islands, which are located in front of the town, there are also beautiful Arenahotels hotels, campsites, the Vižula Archaeological Park, numerous well-known sandy and pebble beaches...
In an excellent location, in the southernmost part of Istria, there is a fantastic dream villa, which will surely take your breath away and leave you speechless.
Fully furnished villa with an outdoor heated pool of 40 m2, located on a plot of 488 m2, divided into two floors.
An open living room with carefully selected furniture, a dining room, a fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom make up the ground floor, which offers a magnificent blend of modern design. Arriving on the first floor by internal stairs, there are 4 bedrooms and each of them has its own bathroom.
Underfloor heating has been introduced, every room is air-conditioned, and parking is provided next to the courtyard at the very entrance.
The courtyard of the villa is completely fenced, which provides privacy for an undisturbed vacation. Forgetting about everyday life, with deckchairs in the cozy summer lounge, you will find your personal refuge and let your soul go.
For lovers of a more intimate environment, there is also a sauna, which has a number of benefits for human health and which records better quality and better sleep.
With the modern design of the villa, large glass walls, luxurious details and materials, this kind of villa certainly has a huge investment potential in the form of tourist rental.
The distance from the beaches is only 1.5 km, while the distance from the famous sandy beach of Bijeca is only 1.9 km.
We are at your disposal for all inquiries.
More information: ...

ID CODE: 572

Berislava Crepulja
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />
Tea Vuković
Viši savjetnik
Mob: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Garden
- SwimmingPool
Medulin – wordt ook wel Vrh of Punta Istria genoemd. Met een verscheidenheid aan mooie plekken, cultureel erfgoed, rijk cultureel verleden en een herkenbare kerk met twee torens die boven de stad uitsteken, staat Medulin bekend als het centrum van het toeristenleven aan de oostkust van de Adriatische Zee. Naast tal van kleine eilandjes die voor de stad liggen, zijn er ook prachtige Arenahotels, hotels, campings, het Archeologisch Park Vižula, tal van bekende zand- en kiezelstranden...
Op een uitstekende locatie, in het zuidelijkste deel van Istrië, staat een fantastische droomvilla die u zeker de adem zal benemen en u sprakeloos zal achterlaten.
Volledig ingerichte villa met verwarmd buitenzwembad van 40 m2, gelegen op een perceel van 488 m2, verdeeld over twee verdiepingen.
Een open woonkamer met zorgvuldig geselecteerde meubels, een eetkamer, een volledig uitgeruste keuken en een badkamer vormen de begane grond, die een heerlijke mix van modern design biedt. Een interne trap leidt naar de eerste verdieping. Er zijn 4 slaapkamers, die elk een eigen badkamer hebben.
Er is vloerverwarming geïntroduceerd, elke kamer is voorzien van airconditioning en er is parkeergelegenheid naast de binnenplaats direct bij de ingang.
De binnenplaats van de villa is volledig omheind, wat privacy biedt voor een ongestoorde vakantie. Vergeet het leven van alledag, met ligstoelen in de gezellige zomerlounge vindt u uw persoonlijke toevluchtsoord en kunt u ontspannen.
Voor liefhebbers van een meer intieme omgeving is er ook een sauna, die tal van voordelen heeft voor de menselijke gezondheid, met een betere kwaliteit en een betere slaap.
Met het moderne design van de villa, grote glazen wanden, luxe details en materialen heeft dit type villa zeker een enorm investeringspotentieel in de vorm van toeristische verhuur.
De afstand tot de stranden is slechts 1,5 km, terwijl de afstand tot het beroemde zandstrand van Bijeca slechts 1,9 km is.
Wij staan tot uw beschikking voor alle vragen.
Meer informatie: ...

ID-CODE: 572

Berislava Crepulja
Viši savjetnik
Bende: ...
E-mailadres: ...
... />
Thee Vuković
Viši savjetnik
Bende: ...
E-mailadres: ...
... />Features:
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Garden
- SwimmingPool
Referencia: EDEN-T102697687
País: HR
Ciudad: Medulin
Código postal: 52203
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Casa y Vivienda unifamiliar
Superficie: 224
Terreno: 488
Habitaciones: 5
Aseos: 5
Aparcamiento(s): 1


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