816.381 EUR
2 hab
4 dorm
The ground floor accommodates four generously proportioned bedrooms, serviced by a family bathroom and a separate cloakroom. Bedrooms three and four, positioned at the rear of the property, feature stunning bay windows that frame picturesque views of the garden and surrounding woodland.The well-equipped kitchen/breakfast room is fitted with classic white shaker-style cabinets, laminate worktops, and flooring, complemented by a central island, perfect for casual dining or entertaining. The showpiece of the ground floor is the impressive double-aspect sitting room, showcasing a vaulted, beamed ceiling, parquet flooring, and a striking log burner set within a brick surround. Sliding patio doors flood the room with natural light and open to reveal the propertys magnificent vistas.First Floor
The first floor adds a sense of retreat and additional flexibility. A spacious reception room enjoys elevated valley views and leads to a study or potential sixth bedroom. The highlight of the upper level is the expansive principal bedroom. Measuring an impressive 18' x 18', this double-aspect sanctuary features built-in wardrobes, a well-appointed en-suite shower room, and uninterrupted panoramic views.Outside
Approached via a gated entrance, the property is fronted by a neatly maintained lawn and a patio area, ideal for taking in the spectacular countryside surroundings. A brick-built store/shed offers useful storage or potential for alternative use. The extensive grounds include a large lawn and an area of sloping woodland, providing both recreational space and a haven for wildlife.Location
Set in an enviable position within Cryers Hill, Sedgefield combines the tranquility of rural living with convenient access to local amenities. The surrounding Chiltern Hills offer an idyllic backdrop for outdoor pursuits, while nearby towns provide excellent schooling, shopping, and transport links.This cherished home offers a rare opportunity to reimagine and transform its exceptional space and setting into a modern masterpiece, perfect for family living or entertaining IMPORTANT NOTE TO PURCHASERS:
We endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, however, they do not constitute or form part of an offer or any contract and none is to be relied upon as statements of representation or fact. Any services, systems and appliances listed in this specification have not been tested by us and no guarantee as to their operating ability or efficiency is given. All measurements have been taken as a guide to prospective buyers only, and are not precise. Please be advised that some of the particulars may be awaiting vendor approval. If you require clarification or further information on any points, please contact us, especially if you are traveling some distance to view. Fixtures and fittings other than those mentioned are to be agreed with the seller.JFP240073Features:
- Garage
- Parking Ver más Ver menos Situated in the heart of the Chiltern Hills, Sedgefield is a distinctive and spacious chalet-style detached home, nestled at the end of a peaceful lane. Set within approximately 1/3 of an acre, the property boasts breathtaking, panoramic views across the rolling valleys, open farmland, and countryside. Offering substantial and versatile living space, this much-loved family home provides an incredible opportunity for modernisation and enhancement.Ground Floor
The ground floor accommodates four generously proportioned bedrooms, serviced by a family bathroom and a separate cloakroom. Bedrooms three and four, positioned at the rear of the property, feature stunning bay windows that frame picturesque views of the garden and surrounding woodland.The well-equipped kitchen/breakfast room is fitted with classic white shaker-style cabinets, laminate worktops, and flooring, complemented by a central island, perfect for casual dining or entertaining. The showpiece of the ground floor is the impressive double-aspect sitting room, showcasing a vaulted, beamed ceiling, parquet flooring, and a striking log burner set within a brick surround. Sliding patio doors flood the room with natural light and open to reveal the propertys magnificent vistas.First Floor
The first floor adds a sense of retreat and additional flexibility. A spacious reception room enjoys elevated valley views and leads to a study or potential sixth bedroom. The highlight of the upper level is the expansive principal bedroom. Measuring an impressive 18' x 18', this double-aspect sanctuary features built-in wardrobes, a well-appointed en-suite shower room, and uninterrupted panoramic views.Outside
Approached via a gated entrance, the property is fronted by a neatly maintained lawn and a patio area, ideal for taking in the spectacular countryside surroundings. A brick-built store/shed offers useful storage or potential for alternative use. The extensive grounds include a large lawn and an area of sloping woodland, providing both recreational space and a haven for wildlife.Location
Set in an enviable position within Cryers Hill, Sedgefield combines the tranquility of rural living with convenient access to local amenities. The surrounding Chiltern Hills offer an idyllic backdrop for outdoor pursuits, while nearby towns provide excellent schooling, shopping, and transport links.This cherished home offers a rare opportunity to reimagine and transform its exceptional space and setting into a modern masterpiece, perfect for family living or entertaining IMPORTANT NOTE TO PURCHASERS:
We endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, however, they do not constitute or form part of an offer or any contract and none is to be relied upon as statements of representation or fact. Any services, systems and appliances listed in this specification have not been tested by us and no guarantee as to their operating ability or efficiency is given. All measurements have been taken as a guide to prospective buyers only, and are not precise. Please be advised that some of the particulars may be awaiting vendor approval. If you require clarification or further information on any points, please contact us, especially if you are traveling some distance to view. Fixtures and fittings other than those mentioned are to be agreed with the seller.JFP240073Features:
- Garage
- Parking Sedgefield sa nachádza v srdci Chiltern Hills a je to osobitý a priestranný samostatný dom v štýle chaty, ktorý sa nachádza na konci pokojnej uličky. Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza približne do 1/3 hektára a môže sa pochváliť úchvatným panoramatickým výhľadom na zvlnené údolia, otvorenú poľnohospodársku pôdu a krajinu. Tento obľúbený rodinný dom, ktorý ponúka veľký a všestranný obytný priestor, poskytuje neuveriteľnú príležitosť na modernizáciu a vylepšenie.Prízemie
Na prízemí sa nachádzajú štyri veľkoryso dimenzované spálne, ktoré obsluhuje rodinná kúpeľňa a samostatná šatňa. Spálne tri a štyri, umiestnené v zadnej časti nehnuteľnosti, majú úžasné arkierové okná, ktoré rámujú malebný výhľad na záhradu a okolité lesy.Dobre vybavená kuchyňa a raňajková miestnosť je vybavená klasickými bielymi skrinkami v štýle šejkru, laminátovými pracovnými doskami a podlahou, doplnenou centrálnym ostrovčekom, ktorý je ideálny na neformálne stolovanie alebo zábavu. Ukradným prvkom prízemia je pôsobivá obývacia izba s dvojitým aspektom, ktorá predstavuje klenutý trámový strop, parketovú podlahu a nápadný horák na guľatinu zasadený do tehlového rámu. Posuvné terasové dvere zaplavujú miestnosť prirodzeným svetlom a otvárajú sa, aby odhalili nádherné výhľady na nehnuteľnosť.Prízemie
Prvé poschodie dodáva pocit ústupu a dodatočnú flexibilitu. Priestranná recepcia má vyvýšený výhľad do údolia a vedie do pracovne alebo prípadnej šiestej spálne. Vrcholom hornej úrovne je rozsiahla hlavná spálňa. Táto dvojstranná svätyňa s rozmermi 18' x 18' má vstavané skrine, dobre vybavenú sprchovací kút a ničím nerušený panoramatický výhľad.Mimo
K nehnuteľnosti sa pristupuje cez bránový vchod a pred ním je úhľadne udržiavaný trávnik a terasa, ktorá je ideálna na prehliadku nádherného vidieckeho prostredia. Tehlový obchod/kôlňa ponúka užitočné úložné priestory alebo potenciál na alternatívne využitie. Rozsiahly areál zahŕňa veľký trávnik a oblasť svahovitého lesa, ktorý poskytuje rekreačný priestor a útočisko pre voľne žijúce zvieratá.Miesto
Sedgefield sa nachádza na závideniahodnej polohe v Cryers Hill a kombinuje pokoj vidieckeho života s pohodlným prístupom k miestnej občianskej vybavenosti. Okolité Chiltern Hills ponúkajú idylickú kulisu pre outdoorové aktivity, zatiaľ čo neďaleké mestá poskytujú vynikajúce školstvo, nákupy a dopravné spojenie.Tento vzácny dom ponúka vzácnu príležitosť prehodnotiť a premeniť svoj výnimočný priestor a prostredie na moderné majstrovské dielo, ideálne pre rodinné bývanie alebo zábavu DÔLEŽITÁ POZNÁMKA PRE KUPUJÚCICH:
Snažíme sa, aby naše údaje o predaji boli presné a spoľahlivé, nepredstavujú však ani netvoria súčasť ponuky alebo zmluvy a nemožno sa na ne spoliehať ako na vyhlásenia o vyhlásení alebo skutočnosti. Žiadne služby, systémy a zariadenia uvedené v tejto špecifikácii neboli nami testované a neposkytujeme žiadnu záruku ich prevádzkovej schopnosti alebo účinnosti. Všetky merania boli použité len ako pomôcka pre potenciálnych kupujúcich a nie sú presné. Upozorňujeme, že niektoré údaje môžu čakať na schválenie dodávateľom. Ak potrebujete objasnenie alebo ďalšie informácie o akýchkoľvek bodoch, kontaktujte nás, najmä ak cestujete na určitú vzdialenosť. Iné ako uvedené príslušenstvo je potrebné dohodnúť s predávajúcim.JFP240073Features:
- Garage
- Parking