300 m²
300 m²
262.498 EUR
300 m²
- Only minutes to Leppington train station
- Future Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit
- Future Western Sydney International Airport and Aerotropolis
- Future Southwest Business Park
- Ingleburn Business Park
- Leppington station
- Country Club Glenwood Hills
- Village Square Shopping Centre
- Ed. Square Shopping Centre
- Denham Court Public School and Care
- Western Sydney Parklands
Contact Ali Ilyas ...
We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information relating to the property. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of the information or any further information supplied by or on our behalf, whether orally or in writing. Any interested party or parties should rely on their own enquiries a Ver más Ver menos Bring your property vision to life with this prime parcel of vacant land set within new, family- friendly enclave of Leppington. Choose your choice of builder and build your dream home footsteps away from lush green spaces and parklands, and elevated views over Leppington and Denham Court. The project is in close proximity to:
- Only minutes to Leppington train station
- Future Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit
- Future Western Sydney International Airport and Aerotropolis
- Future Southwest Business Park
- Ingleburn Business Park
- Leppington station
- Country Club Glenwood Hills
- Village Square Shopping Centre
- Ed. Square Shopping Centre
- Denham Court Public School and Care
- Western Sydney Parklands
Contact Ali Ilyas ...
We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information relating to the property. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of the information or any further information supplied by or on our behalf, whether orally or in writing. Any interested party or parties should rely on their own enquiries a Oživite svoju viziju nekretnine s ovom vrhunskom parcelom praznog zemljišta smještenom unutar nove, obiteljske enklave Leppingtona. Odaberite graditelja po svom izboru i izgradite svoj dom iz snova korak dalje od bujnih zelenih površina i parkova te povišenog pogleda na Leppington i Denham Court. Projekt je u neposrednoj blizini:
- Samo nekoliko minuta do željezničkog kolodvora Leppington
- Budući pametni prijevoz na Petnaestoj aveniji
- Buduća međunarodna zračna luka Western Sydney i Aerotropolis
- Budući jugozapadni poslovni park
- Poslovni park Ingleburn
- Stanica Leppington
- Seoski klub Glenwood Hills
- Trgovački centar Village Square
- Trgovački centar Ed. Square
- Javna škola i skrb Denham Court
- Zapadni Sydney Parklands
Obratite se Aliju Ilyasu ...
Ne dajemo nikakve izjave ili jamstva u pogledu točnosti, pouzdanosti ili potpunosti informacija koje se odnose na nekretninu. Neke su informacije dobivene od trećih strana i nisu neovisno provjerene. U skladu s tim, ne daje se nikakvo jamstvo, izjava ili obveza, bilo izričita ili implicitna, i ne prihvaćamo nikakvu odgovornost u pogledu točnosti bilo kojeg dijela informacija ili bilo koje daljnje informacije koju smo dostavili ili u naše ime, bilo usmeno ili pismeno. Svaka zainteresirana strana ili zainteresirane strane trebale bi se osloniti na vlastite upite i