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Paços - Parcela se vende

3.293.332 SEK

Parcela (En venta)

Referencia: BRIR-T53 / ga-9462
Parcela en Sabrosa, Vila RealTerreno con bosque de nogal, bosque mixto de pinos y arbustos.Tienen un pozo.
Categoría Energética: Exento
Ver más Ver menos Land in Sabrosa, Vila RealLand mit Walnusswald, Mischwald Kiefernwald und Busch.Sie haben einen Brunnen.
Energiekategorie: Befreit
Parcela en Sabrosa, Vila RealTerreno con bosque de nogal, bosque mixto de pinos y arbustos.Tienen un pozo.
Categoría Energética: Exento
Découvrez l'opportunité de vos rêves au cur de la région viticole du Douro, à Sabrosa, Vila Real.Ce terrain incroyable offre une combinaison unique de caractéristiques naturelles, avec une luxuriante forêt de noyers, un mélange charmant de pinède et de broussailles. De plus, il bénéficie de la commodité d'un puits privatif.Imaginez-vous en train de créer une retraite exclusive ou de développer un projet extraordinaire dans ce cadre magnifique. C'est le moment de concrétiser vos rêves. Contactez-nous pour explorer toutes les possibilités que ce terrain exceptionnel a à offrir !Bien sûr ! Voici la traduction en français :'Vila Real est une ville et une municipalité située dans la région du Nord du Portugal. Elle est la capitale du district de Vila Real et est située au cur de la région viticole du Douro, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Voici quelques points forts à propos de Vila Real :1. **Emplacement Géographique :** Vila Real est stratégiquement située dans le nord intérieur du Portugal, dans une région montagneuse. La ville et ses environs offrent des vues imprenables sur la vallée du fleuve Corgo et les chaînes de montagnes environnantes.2. **Patrimoine Historique :** Vila Real possède un riche patrimoine historique, comprenant la cathédrale de Vila Real et le Palais de Mateus, un magnifique exemple d'architecture baroque.3. **Région Viticole du Douro :** La région autour de Vila Real fait partie de la région viticole du Douro, célèbre pour ses vins mondialement reconnus. Le Douro est l'une des destinations viticoles les plus anciennes et traditionnelles du monde.4. **Culture et Événements :** Vila Real est connue pour sa vie culturelle active. La ville organise des événements culturels tout au long de l'année, notamment des festivals, des foires et des événements liés à la tradition viticole.5. **Nature et Paysages :** La proximité du parc naturel d'Alvão offre aux résidents et aux visiteurs l'opportunité d'explorer des paysages naturels époustouflants, des sentiers de randonnée et une variété d'activités de plein air.6. **Enseignement Supérieur :** Vila Real est le siège de l'Université de Trás-os-Montes et Alto Douro (UTAD), une institution d'enseignement supérieur contribuant à la vitalité académique et culturelle de la région.7. **Gastronomie :** Comme dans de nombreuses régions du Portugal, la gastronomie de Vila Real se distingue par la richesse des plats traditionnels. Les plats à base de viande, tels que le traditionnel 'Cozido à Portuguesa', sont appréciés dans la région.Vila Real est ainsi une ville qui allie histoire, culture, tradition viticole et beauté naturelle, en faisant une région attrayante tant pour y vivre que pour la visiter.Depuis 2009 sur le marché immobilier, Golden Properties dispose d'un portefeuille de plus de 1900 propriétés en Algarve et lisbonne, à partir d'appartements, villas, parcelles de terrain, magasins, bureaux, développements, en construction ou en plan, entre autres options d'investissement.Lors de l'achat de votre maison avec nous, vous pouvez bénéficier de divers services, tels que: soutien financier, conseils fiscaux, soutien juridique personnalisé, soutien à monétiser l'investissement effectué (location annuelle et / ou de vacances), après-vente, la gestion des inspections nécessaires à la propriété et aussi le suivi dans le processus de certification de l'énergie à travers la recherche des meilleurs professionnels du secteur.Visitez notre site web et trouvez votre maison de rêve!
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
Discover the opportunity of your dreams in the heart of the Douro Valley, in Sabrosa, Vila Real.This incredible plot of land offers a unique combination of natural features, with a lush walnut grove, a charming mix of pine forest and shrubbery. Moreover, it comes with the convenience of its own well.Picture yourself creating an exclusive retreat or developing an extraordinary project in this stunning setting. Now is the time to turn your dreams into reality. Contact us to explore all the possibilities that this unique plot of land has to offer!'Vila Real is a city and municipality located in the Northern region of Portugal. It is the capital of the Vila Real district and is situated in the heart of the Douro wine region, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here are some highlights about Vila Real:1. **Geographical Location:** Vila Real is strategically situated in the northern inland of Portugal, in a mountainous area. The city and its surroundings offer breathtaking views of the Corgo River valley and the surrounding mountain ranges.2. **Historical Heritage:** Vila Real boasts a rich historical heritage, including the Vila Real Cathedral and the Mateus Palace, a magnificent example of baroque architecture.3. **Douro Wine Region:** The region around Vila Real is part of the Douro wine region, famous for its world-renowned wines. The Douro is one of the oldest and most traditional wine destinations in the world.4. **Culture and Events:** Vila Real is known for its active cultural life. The city hosts cultural events throughout the year, including festivals, fairs, and events related to the wine tradition.5. **Nature and Landscapes:** Proximity to the Alvão Natural Park provides residents and visitors with the opportunity to explore stunning natural landscapes, hiking trails, and a variety of outdoor activities.6. **Higher Education:** Vila Real is home to the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), a higher education institution contributing to the academic and cultural vitality of the region.7. **Gastronomy:** As in many regions of Portugal, Vila Real's gastronomy stands out for the richness of traditional dishes. Meat-based dishes, such as the traditional 'Cozido à Portuguesa,' are enjoyed in the region.Vila Real is thus a city that combines history, culture, wine tradition, and natural beauty, making it an attractive area to live in and visit.'Since 2009 in the Real Estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio with more than 1.900 properties mainly in the Algarve and Lisbon areas, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other investment options.When you buy your home with us, you can enjoy several services such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, return on investment support (annual and/or holiday rental), post-sale, property inspections management and also the accompaniment in the energy certification process through the search of the best sector professionals.Visit our website and find your dream home!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Land in Sabrosa, Vila RealLand mit Walnusswald, Mischwald Kiefernwald und Busch.Sie haben einen Brunnen.
Energiekategorie: Befreit
Descubra a oportunidade dos seus sonhos em Douro Vinhateiro, em Sabrosa, Vila Real.Este incrível terreno oferece uma combinação única de características naturais, com uma exuberante mata de nogueiras, uma mistura encantadora de pinhal e mato. Além disso, conta com a conveniência de um poço próprio.Imagine-se criando um refúgio exclusivo ou desenvolvendo um projeto extraordinário neste cenário deslumbrante. Este é o momento de transformar seus sonhos em realidade. Entre em contato connosco para explorar todas as possibilidades que este terreno único tem a oferecer!Vila Real é uma cidade e município localizado na região do Norte de Portugal. É a capital do distrito de Vila Real e está situada no coração da região vinícola do Douro, classificada como Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO. Aqui estão alguns pontos destacados sobre Vila Real:1. **Localização Geográfica:** Vila Real está estrategicamente localizada no interior norte de Portugal, em uma área montanhosa. A cidade e seus arredores oferecem vistas deslumbrantes sobre o vale do Rio Corgo e as serras circundantes.2. **Patrimônio Histórico:** Vila Real possui um rico patrimônio histórico, incluindo a Sé Catedral de Vila Real e o Palácio de Mateus, um magnífico exemplar da arquitetura barroca.3. **Douro Vinhateiro:** A região ao redor de Vila Real faz parte da área vinícola do Douro, famosa por seus vinhos de renome mundial. O Douro é um dos destinos vinícolas mais antigos e tradicionais do mundo.4. **Cultura e Eventos:** Vila Real é conhecida por sua vida cultural ativa. A cidade abriga eventos culturais ao longo do ano, incluindo festivais, feiras e eventos relacionados à tradição vinícola.5. **Natureza e Paisagens:** A proximidade com o Parque Natural do Alvão proporciona aos residentes e visitantes a oportunidade de explorar paisagens naturais impressionantes, trilhas para caminhadas e uma variedade de atividades ao ar livre.6. **Ensino Superior:** Vila Real é sede da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), uma instituição de ensino superior que contribui para a vitalidade acadêmica e cultural da região.7. **Gastronomia:** Como em muitas regiões de Portugal, a gastronomia de Vila Real destaca-se pela riqueza dos pratos tradicionais. Pratos à base de carne, como o tradicional 'Cozido à Portuguesa', são apreciados na região.Vila Real é, assim, uma cidade que combina história, cultura, tradição vinícola e beleza natural, tornando-a uma área atrativa para viver e visitar.Desde 2009 no mercado imobiliário, a Golden Properties dispõe de um portfólio com mais de 1.900 imóveis no Algarve e na zona de Lisboa, desde apartamentos, moradias, lotes de terreno, lojas, escritórios, empreendimentos, em construção ou planta, entre outras opções de investimento.Ao comprar a sua casa connosco, pode usufruir de vários serviços, tais como: apoio financeiro, aconselhamento fiscal, apoio jurídico personalizado, apoio à rentabilização do investimento realizado (arrendamento anual e/ou para férias), pós-venda, gestão das inspecções necessárias ao imóvel e ainda o acompanhamento no processo de certificação energética através da procura dos melhores profissionais do sector.Visite o nosso website e encontre a sua casa de sonho!
Categoria Energética: Isento
Discover the opportunity of your dreams in the heart of the Douro Valley, in Sabrosa, Vila Real.This incredible plot of land offers a unique combination of natural features, with a lush walnut grove, a charming mix of pine forest and shrubbery. Moreover, it comes with the convenience of its own well.Picture yourself creating an exclusive retreat or developing an extraordinary project in this stunning setting. Now is the time to turn your dreams into reality. Contact us to explore all the possibilities that this unique plot of land has to offer!'Vila Real is a city and municipality located in the Northern region of Portugal. It is the capital of the Vila Real district and is situated in the heart of the Douro wine region, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here are some highlights about Vila Real:1. **Geographical Location:** Vila Real is strategically situated in the northern inland of Portugal, in a mountainous area. The city and its surroundings offer breathtaking views of the Corgo River valley and the surrounding mountain ranges.2. **Historical Heritage:** Vila Real boasts a rich historical heritage, including the Vila Real Cathedral and the Mateus Palace, a magnificent example of baroque architecture.3. **Douro Wine Region:** The region around Vila Real is part of the Douro wine region, famous for its world-renowned wines. The Douro is one of the oldest and most traditional wine destinations in the world.4. **Culture and Events:** Vila Real is known for its active cultural life. The city hosts cultural events throughout the year, including festivals, fairs, and events related to the wine tradition.5. **Nature and Landscapes:** Proximity to the Alvão Natural Park provides residents and visitors with the opportunity to explore stunning natural landscapes, hiking trails, and a variety of outdoor activities.6. **Higher Education:** Vila Real is home to the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), a higher education institution contributing to the academic and cultural vitality of the region.7. **Gastronomy:** As in many regions of Portugal, Vila Real's gastronomy stands out for the richness of traditional dishes. Meat-based dishes, such as the traditional 'Cozido à Portuguesa,' are enjoyed in the region.Vila Real is thus a city that combines history, culture, wine tradition, and natural beauty, making it an attractive area to live in and visit.'Since 2009 in the Real Estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio with more than 1.900 properties mainly in the Algarve and Lisbon areas, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other investment options.When you buy your home with us, you can enjoy several services such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, return on investment support (annual and/or holiday rental), post-sale, property inspections management and also the accompaniment in the energy certification process through the search of the best sector professionals.Visit our website and find your dream home!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Discover the opportunity of your dreams in the heart of the Douro Valley, in Sabrosa, Vila Real.This incredible plot of land offers a unique combination of natural features, with a lush walnut grove, a charming mix of pine forest and shrubbery. Moreover, it comes with the convenience of its own well.Picture yourself creating an exclusive retreat or developing an extraordinary project in this stunning setting. Now is the time to turn your dreams into reality. Contact us to explore all the possibilities that this unique plot of land has to offer!'Vila Real is a city and municipality located in the Northern region of Portugal. It is the capital of the Vila Real district and is situated in the heart of the Douro wine region, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here are some highlights about Vila Real:1. **Geographical Location:** Vila Real is strategically situated in the northern inland of Portugal, in a mountainous area. The city and its surroundings offer breathtaking views of the Corgo River valley and the surrounding mountain ranges.2. **Historical Heritage:** Vila Real boasts a rich historical heritage, including the Vila Real Cathedral and the Mateus Palace, a magnificent example of baroque architecture.3. **Douro Wine Region:** The region around Vila Real is part of the Douro wine region, famous for its world-renowned wines. The Douro is one of the oldest and most traditional wine destinations in the world.4. **Culture and Events:** Vila Real is known for its active cultural life. The city hosts cultural events throughout the year, including festivals, fairs, and events related to the wine tradition.5. **Nature and Landscapes:** Proximity to the Alvão Natural Park provides residents and visitors with the opportunity to explore stunning natural landscapes, hiking trails, and a variety of outdoor activities.6. **Higher Education:** Vila Real is home to the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), a higher education institution contributing to the academic and cultural vitality of the region.7. **Gastronomy:** As in many regions of Portugal, Vila Real's gastronomy stands out for the richness of traditional dishes. Meat-based dishes, such as the traditional 'Cozido à Portuguesa,' are enjoyed in the region.Vila Real is thus a city that combines history, culture, wine tradition, and natural beauty, making it an attractive area to live in and visit.'Since 2009 in the Real Estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio with more than 1.900 properties mainly in the Algarve and Lisbon areas, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other investment options.When you buy your home with us, you can enjoy several services such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, return on investment support (annual and/or holiday rental), post-sale, property inspections management and also the accompaniment in the energy certification process through the search of the best sector professionals.Visit our website and find your dream home!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Referencia: BRIR-T53
País: PT
Provincia: Vila Real
Ciudad: Sabrosa
Código postal: 5060-000
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Parcela
Superficie: 140.000
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