Venecia - Otros (mobile home, barcos, etc) se vende
520.000 EUR
Otros (Mobile home, barcos, etc) (En venta)
/ w-028yha
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
Otros (Mobile home, barcos, etc)
60 m²
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Castello is the largest of the six sestieri of Venice, and it is the biggest and most populated of the city, situated on the eastern part of the city, comparing Venice to a fish (that’s how it looks from above) the sestiere it the tail. The Sestiere is rich of history, and monuments to admire, few example of it are the Arsenale and the church of San Pietro di Castello, also in the quarter there are the main Biennale pavilions. It is a part of the city quite characteristic and “venetians” cant live Venice without a stroll on the quarter.Available in 5 languages Ver más Ver menos Ort: Castello, Venedig
Castello ist der größte der sechs Stadtteile der Lagunenstadt Venedig. Er liegt im nordöstlichen Teil der Stadt und reicht fast bis zum Markusplatz. Auch die Friedhofsinsel San Michele knapp 420 Meter nördlich, sowie die auch mit Brücken verbundenen Inseln San Pietro di Castello und Sant’Elena unmittelbar östlich gehören zum Stadtteil. Der Name Castello leitet sich ab von der antiken, befestigten Residenz des Bischofs von Olivolo, die sich auf der gleichnamigen Insel befand. Heute erinnert auf der Insel, die jetzt San Pietro di Castello heißt, nur mehr das Fondamenta di Castel Olivolo an den alten Sitz der venezianischen Bischöfe. Die im Osten von Castello liegenden Parkanlagen wurden 1810 während der französischen Herrschaft über Venedig angelegt, nachdem mehrere Kirchen und profane Bauten abgerissen worden waren. In der Parkanlage befinden sich Pavillons verschiedener Nationen, in denen während der Biennale Ausstellungen stattfanden. Entworfen wurden die Pavillons von Architekten, wie Scarpa, Stirling, Aalto. Sie bilden daher selbst ein kleines Museum zeitgenössischer Architektur für sich. Location: Castello, Venice
Castello is the largest of the six sestieri of Venice, and it is the biggest and most populated of the city, situated on the eastern part of the city, comparing Venice to a fish (that’s how it looks from above) the sestiere it the tail. The Sestiere is rich of history, and monuments to admire, few example of it are the Arsenale and the church of San Pietro di Castello, also in the quarter there are the main Biennale pavilions. It is a part of the city quite characteristic and “venetians” cant live Venice without a stroll on the quarter.Available in 5 languages Location: Castello, Venice
Castello is the largest of the six sestieri of Venice, and it is the biggest and most populated of the city, situated on the eastern part of the city, comparing Venice to a fish (that’s how it looks from above) the sestiere it the tail. The Sestiere is rich of history, and monuments to admire, few example of it are the Arsenale and the church of San Pietro di Castello, also in the quarter there are the main Biennale pavilions. It is a part of the city quite characteristic and “venetians” cant live Venice without a stroll on the quarter.Available in 5 languages Posizione: Castello, Venezia
Il sestiere di Castello, il più esteso e tra i più antichi di Venezia, si trova all'estremità orientale della città.
Da sempre uno dei quartieri più popolosi della città ha mantenuto intatto il tradizionale "stile di vita veneziano", con calli e campi molto frequentati dai residenti e ricchi di negozi di ogni genere.
Tra i numerosi monumenti ed opere d'arte che si possono ammirare non possiamo non citare l'Arsenale, per secoli culla della potenza della Serenissima, la Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo, una delle più amate dai veneziani, di S. Francesco in Vigna, di S. Maria Formosa.
Negli ultimi anni nuovo impulso alla rivitalizzazione del sestiere è venuta dalla presenza della Biennale d'Arte Moderna e di Architettura, allestita all'interno dei Giardini, vero polmone verde di Venezia, che ha reso quest'angolo di Venezia molto ricercato dagli artisti di tutto il mondo. Location: Castello, Venice
Castello is the largest of the six sestieri of Venice, and it is the biggest and most populated of the city, situated on the eastern part of the city, comparing Venice to a fish (that’s how it looks from above) the sestiere it the tail. The Sestiere is rich of history, and monuments to admire, few example of it are the Arsenale and the church of San Pietro di Castello, also in the quarter there are the main Biennale pavilions. It is a part of the city quite characteristic and “venetians” cant live Venice without a stroll on the quarter.Available in 5 languages