Venecia - Almacén & local industrial se vende
220.000 EUR
Almacén & Local industrial (En venta)
/ w-02wijr
Tipo de anuncio:
En venta
Tipo de inmeuble:
Almacén & Local industrial
Subtipo de inmeuble:
Local industrial
65 m²
Cuartos de baño:
The Castello district, the largest and among the oldest in Venice, is located at the eastern end of the city. Always one of the most densely populated districts of the city, it has maintained the traditional ‘Venetian way of life’ intact. Among the numerous monuments and works of art, we cannot fail to mention the Arsenale, for centuries the cradle of the power of the Serenissima, the Basilica of Sts. John and Paul, one of the best loved by Venetians, of S. Francesco in Vigna, of S. Maria Formosa.Available in 5 languages Ver más Ver menos Ort: Castello, Venedig
Das Castello-Viertel, das größte und eines der ältesten Viertel Venedigs, liegt am östlichen Ende der Stadt. Es war schon immer eines der am dichtesten besiedelten Viertel der Stadt und hat sich die traditionelle „venezianische Lebensart“ bewahrt. Unter den zahlreichen Denkmälern und Kunstwerken sind das Arsenale, jahrhundertelang die Wiege der Macht der Serenissima, die Basilika der Heiligen Johannes und Paulus, eine der beliebtesten der Venezianer, S. Francesco in Vigna und S. Maria Formosa zu nennen. Location: Castello, Venice
The Castello district, the largest and among the oldest in Venice, is located at the eastern end of the city. Always one of the most densely populated districts of the city, it has maintained the traditional ‘Venetian way of life’ intact. Among the numerous monuments and works of art, we cannot fail to mention the Arsenale, for centuries the cradle of the power of the Serenissima, the Basilica of Sts. John and Paul, one of the best loved by Venetians, of S. Francesco in Vigna, of S. Maria Formosa.Available in 5 languages Location: Castello, Venice
The Castello district, the largest and among the oldest in Venice, is located at the eastern end of the city. Always one of the most densely populated districts of the city, it has maintained the traditional ‘Venetian way of life’ intact. Among the numerous monuments and works of art, we cannot fail to mention the Arsenale, for centuries the cradle of the power of the Serenissima, the Basilica of Sts. John and Paul, one of the best loved by Venetians, of S. Francesco in Vigna, of S. Maria Formosa.Available in 5 languages Posizione: Castello, Venezia
Il sestiere di Castello, il più esteso e tra i più antichi di Venezia, si trova all'estremità orientale della città. Da sempre uno dei quartieri più popolosi della città ha mantenuto intatto il tradizionale "stile di vita veneziano”. Tra i numerosi monumenti ed opere d'arte non possiamo non citare l'Arsenale, per secoli culla della potenza della Serenissima, la Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo, una delle più amate dai veneziani, di S. Francesco in Vigna, di S. Maria Formosa. Location: Castello, Venice
The Castello district, the largest and among the oldest in Venice, is located at the eastern end of the city. Always one of the most densely populated districts of the city, it has maintained the traditional ‘Venetian way of life’ intact. Among the numerous monuments and works of art, we cannot fail to mention the Arsenale, for centuries the cradle of the power of the Serenissima, the Basilica of Sts. John and Paul, one of the best loved by Venetians, of S. Francesco in Vigna, of S. Maria Formosa.Available in 5 languages