Residencial - Venta
  • Vinkovci


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Vinkovci - Parcela se vende

96.500 EUR

Parcela (En venta)

Referencia: XZOA-T1701 / 572704
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.Building land for sale in the center of Privlaka near Zadar. Rectangular in shape, 10 m wide, with a building built before 1968.
Land ideal for setting up two mobile homes or one modular summer house with a swimming pool.
The distance from the beach is less than 500 m, or a 7-minute walk, if you bring inflatables and other beach props.
All facilities for a normal life are located at a similar distance from this land.Privlaka is a small tourist town located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea near the city of Zadar, in the northern part of Dalmatia, Croatia.
It is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, crystal clear sea and peaceful surroundings. The place is ideal for a family holiday and relaxation, and offers various outdoor activities such as swimming, diving, fishing and cycling.
Privlaka is located at a distance of approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Zadar, the regional center. This is an excellent location because it provides easy access to the urban amenities of the city of Zadar, such as historical sights, shops, restaurants and cultural events. Privlaka is also close to the island of Vir, only a few kilometers away. The island of Vir is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, pleasant atmosphere and rich nightlife.Documentation and ownership in order.
All other information on request.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
Contact: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-222Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
Ver más Ver menos Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.Baugrundstück zum Verkauf im Zentrum von Privlaka in der Nähe von Zadar. Rechteckiger Grundriss, 10 m breit, mit einem Gebäude aus der Zeit vor 1968.
Grundstück, ideal für die Errichtung von zwei Mobilheimen oder einem modularen Sommerhaus mit Swimmingpool.
Die Entfernung zum Strand beträgt weniger als 500 m bzw. 7 Gehminuten, wenn Sie Schlauchboote und andere Strandutensilien mitbringen.
Alle Einrichtungen für ein normales Leben liegen in ähnlicher Entfernung von diesem Grundstück.Privlaka ist eine kleine Touristenstadt an der Adriaküste in der Nähe der Stadt Zadar im nördlichen Teil Dalmatiens, Kroatien.
Es ist bekannt für seine wunderschönen Sandstrände, das kristallklare Meer und die friedliche Umgebung. Der Ort ist ideal für einen Familienurlaub und Entspannung und bietet verschiedene Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Schwimmen, Tauchen, Angeln und Radfahren.
Privlaka liegt etwa 20 Kilometer nordwestlich von Zadar, dem regionalen Zentrum. Dies ist ein ausgezeichneter Standort, da es einen einfachen Zugang zu den städtischen Annehmlichkeiten der Stadt Zadar, wie historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geschäften, Restaurants und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, bietet. Privlaka liegt auch in der Nähe der nur wenige Kilometer entfernten Insel Vir. Die Insel Vir ist ein beliebtes Touristenziel, das für seine schönen Strände, seine angenehme Atmosphäre und sein reichhaltiges Nachtleben bekannt ist.Dokumentation und Eigentumsverhältnisse in Ordnung.
Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage.
Besichtigung nach vorheriger Absprache möglich.
Kontakt: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-222Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište u centru Privlake kraj Zadra. Pravokutnog oblika, širine 10m, s objektom izgrađenim prije 1968.
Zemljište idealno za postavljanje dviju mobilnih kućica ili jedne modularne ljetne kućice s bazenom.
Udaljenost od plaže nepunih 500 m, odnosno 7 minuta hoda, ako nosite napuhance i ostale rekvizite za plažu.
Svi sadržaji za normalan život se nalaze na sličnoj udaljenosti od ovog zemljišta.Privlaka je malo turističko mjesto smješteno na obali Jadranskog mora u blizini grada Zadra, na sjevernom dijelu Dalmacije, Hrvatska.
Poznata je po svojim prekrasnim pješčanim plažama, kristalno čistom moru i mirnom okruženju. Mjesto je idealno za obiteljski odmor i opuštanje, a nudi i razne aktivnosti na otvorenom poput plivanja, ronjenja, ribolova i biciklizma.
Privlaka se nalazi na udaljenosti od otprilike 20-ak kilometara sjeverozapadno od Zadra, regionalnog središta Ovo je izvrsna lokacija jer omogućava laku povezanost s urbanim sadržajima grada Zadra, poput povijesnih znamenitosti, trgovina, restorana i kulturnih događaja. Privlaka je također blizu otoka Vira, udaljenog samo nekoliko kilometara. Otok Vir je popularno turističko odredište poznato po svojim prekrasnim plažama, ugodnoj atmosferi i bogatom noćnom životu.Dokumentacija i vlasništvo uredno.
Sve ostale informacije na upit.
Razgled moguć uz prethodni dogovor.
Kontakt: Emil Perović +38598633617ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501020-222Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka. Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.Building land for sale in the center of Privlaka near Zadar. Rectangular in shape, 10 m wide, with a building built before 1968.
Land ideal for setting up two mobile homes or one modular summer house with a swimming pool.
The distance from the beach is less than 500 m, or a 7-minute walk, if you bring inflatables and other beach props.
All facilities for a normal life are located at a similar distance from this land.Privlaka is a small tourist town located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea near the city of Zadar, in the northern part of Dalmatia, Croatia.
It is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, crystal clear sea and peaceful surroundings. The place is ideal for a family holiday and relaxation, and offers various outdoor activities such as swimming, diving, fishing and cycling.
Privlaka is located at a distance of approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Zadar, the regional center. This is an excellent location because it provides easy access to the urban amenities of the city of Zadar, such as historical sights, shops, restaurants and cultural events. Privlaka is also close to the island of Vir, only a few kilometers away. The island of Vir is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, pleasant atmosphere and rich nightlife.Documentation and ownership in order.
All other information on request.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
Contact: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-222Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
Referencia: XZOA-T1701
País: HR
Ciudad: Privlaka
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Parcela
Superficie: 386
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EUR Euro