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Forte dei Marmi - Oportunidad de negocio se vende

oportunidad de negocio (En venta)

10 hab
4 baños
Referencia: EDEN-T93977334 / 93977334
Bathing establishment in Forte dei Marmi in the central area of the east, 57 meters facing the sea with the possibility of creating a swimming pool. Forte dei Marmi is the jewel of Versilia, which does not know the passage of time. Tourist resort appreciated and known all over the world, a trendy destination par excellence, with its wide golden beach of fine sand, with shallow and sandy seabed and in the background the enchantment of the ancient alpine pastures of the Apuan Alps. In the last hundred years it has been able to transform a part of the original environment, into wonderful gardens and lush meadows with villas inserted in greenery, preserving intact the relationship with nature. Nobles from half of Europe, diplomats, businessmen and captains of industry, artists and famous people have built villas hidden and protected by the green of the pine forest, choosing its fine sands, to spend a period of holidays and rest there. The bathing establishment is among the largest in Forte dei Marmi and is in the central area of the east, the most famous and exclusive, always considered among the "top" bathrooms of the first level. Its large surfaces allow customers to have at their disposal important spaces on the beach and extensive distances between tents and umbrellas. Among the various services offered to customers there is the bar and catering area, which has always been known and appreciated for its excellence. The main structure called "guardian house" is spread over 2 floors, with a seafront canopy as well as a canopy between the main structure and the line of cabins on the sea side (bar and catering area) closed with windows. Add No. 2 canopies closed on the sides. - The seafront measures 57 linear meters, a condition for which it is possible to build a swimming pool, as determined in the master plan - 45 hut cabins style "Forte Marmine" (wooden structure) - 42 tents (size 4 x 3 mt) - 2 tents (size 5 x 4 mt) - 8 tents (size 2.5 x 2.5 mt) - 30 umbrellas - 3 bathrooms - 1 common dressing room - 1 bathroom and 1 disabled dressing room - boiler room and large storage room - 700 sqm. about parking - 850 sqm. about recreational area (transformable into swimming pool, whirlpool and SPA area)
- Parking
- Garden
Ver más Ver menos Stabilimento Balneare a Forte dei Marmi in zona centrale di levante, 57 metri fronte mare con la possibilità di realizzare una piscina. Forte dei Marmi è il gioiello della Versilia, che non conosce il passare del tempo. Località turistica apprezzata e conosciuta in tutto il mondo, meta di tendenza per eccellenza, con la sua ampia spiaggia dorata di sabbia fine, con fondali marini bassi e sabbiosi e sullo sfondo l'incanto degli antichi alpeggi delle Alpi Apuane. Negli ultimi cento anni ha saputo trasformare una parte dell'ambiente originario, in meravigliosi giardini e prati rigogliosi con ville inserite nel verde, conservando intatto il rapporto con la natura. Nobili di mezza Europa, diplomatici, uomini d'affari e capitani d'industria, artisti e personaggi famosi vi hanno costruito ville nascoste e protette dal verde della pineta, scegliendo le sue finissime sabbie, per trascorrervi un periodo di vacanze e di riposo. Lo stabilimento balneare è tra i più grandi di Forte dei Marmi ed è nella zona centrale di levante, la più blasonata ed esclusiva, da sempre considerato tra i Bagni top di primo livello. Le sue ampie superfici, permettono ai clienti di avere a disposizione importanti spazi sulla spiaggia ed estese distanze tra tende e ombrelloni. Tra i vari servizi offerti alla clientela è presente la zona bar e ristorazione, da sempre conosciuta ed apprezzata per la sua eccellenza. La struttura principale denominata casa di guardianaggio si sviluppa su 2 piani. Al piano terra la struttura è in parte adibita a cucina, con i relativi gli spazi di legge e in parte ad ufficio. Al primo piano sono presenti due camere matrimoniali e un bagno. A corredo della struttura principale, sui tre lati al piano terra, è presente un portico chiuso con vetrate e una terrazza con tettoia fronte mare, dalla struttura principale alla linea delle cabine lato mare, anche questa chiusa con vetrate, adibita al servizio della zona bar e ristorazione. - Il fronte mare misura ben 57 metri lineari, condizione per cui è possibile costruire una piscina, come determinato nel piano regolatore - 46 cabine a capanna stile Forte Marmine (struttura in legno) - Uno spazioso gazebo in legno sulla spiaggia, davanti alle cabine, destinato al servizio del bar e del ristorante. - 42 tende (misura 4 x 3 mt) - 2 tende (misura 5 x 4 mt) - 8 tende (misura 2,5 x 2,5 mt) - 30 ombrelloni - 3 bagni - 1 spogliatoio comune - 1 bagno e 1 spogliatoio disabili - locale caldaia e ampio locale rimessaggio - 700 mq. circa di parcheggio - 850 mq. circa area ricreativa (trasformabile in area piscina, idromassaggio e SPA) - parcheggio retrostante la struttura principale. *Per motivi di Privacy l'indirizzo in scheda è indicativo. L'immobile si trova comunque nelle vicinanze*
- Parking
- Garden
Bathing establishment in Forte dei Marmi in the central area of the east, 57 meters facing the sea with the possibility of creating a swimming pool. Forte dei Marmi is the jewel of Versilia, which does not know the passage of time. Tourist resort appreciated and known all over the world, a trendy destination par excellence, with its wide golden beach of fine sand, with shallow and sandy seabed and in the background the enchantment of the ancient alpine pastures of the Apuan Alps. In the last hundred years it has been able to transform a part of the original environment, into wonderful gardens and lush meadows with villas inserted in greenery, preserving intact the relationship with nature. Nobles from half of Europe, diplomats, businessmen and captains of industry, artists and famous people have built villas hidden and protected by the green of the pine forest, choosing its fine sands, to spend a period of holidays and rest there. The bathing establishment is among the largest in Forte dei Marmi and is in the central area of the east, the most famous and exclusive, always considered among the "top" bathrooms of the first level. Its large surfaces allow customers to have at their disposal important spaces on the beach and extensive distances between tents and umbrellas. Among the various services offered to customers there is the bar and catering area, which has always been known and appreciated for its excellence. The main structure called "guardian house" is spread over 2 floors, with a seafront canopy as well as a canopy between the main structure and the line of cabins on the sea side (bar and catering area) closed with windows. Add No. 2 canopies closed on the sides. - The seafront measures 57 linear meters, a condition for which it is possible to build a swimming pool, as determined in the master plan - 45 hut cabins style "Forte Marmine" (wooden structure) - 42 tents (size 4 x 3 mt) - 2 tents (size 5 x 4 mt) - 8 tents (size 2.5 x 2.5 mt) - 30 umbrellas - 3 bathrooms - 1 common dressing room - 1 bathroom and 1 disabled dressing room - boiler room and large storage room - 700 sqm. about parking - 850 sqm. about recreational area (transformable into swimming pool, whirlpool and SPA area)
- Parking
- Garden
Badeanstalt in Forte dei Marmi im zentralen Bereich des Ostens, 57 Meter mit Blick auf das Meer mit der Möglichkeit, ein Schwimmbad zu schaffen. Forte dei Marmi ist das Juwel der Versilia, die den Lauf der Zeit nicht kennt. Ein auf der ganzen Welt geschätzter und bekannter Ferienort, ein trendiges Reiseziel par excellence, mit seinem breiten goldenen Strand aus feinem Sand, mit flachem und sandigem Meeresboden und im Hintergrund der Zauber der alten Almen der Apuanischen Alpen. In den letzten hundert Jahren ist es ihr gelungen, einen Teil der ursprünglichen Umgebung in wunderschöne Gärten und üppige Wiesen mit Villen im Grünen zu verwandeln und die Beziehung zur Natur intakt zu halten. Adlige aus halb Europa, Diplomaten, Geschäftsleute und Industriekapitäne, Künstler und berühmte Persönlichkeiten haben Villen gebaut, die vom Grün des Pinienwaldes versteckt und geschützt sind, und haben seinen feinen Sand gewählt, um dort Urlaub zu machen und sich auszuruhen. Die Badeanstalt gehört zu den größten in Forte dei Marmi und befindet sich im zentralen Bereich des Ostens, der berühmtesten und exklusivsten, die immer als eines der "besten" Badezimmer der ersten Ebene gilt. Seine großen Flächen ermöglichen es den Kunden, wichtige Räume am Strand und große Abstände zwischen Zelten und Sonnenschirmen zur Verfügung zu haben. Zu den verschiedenen Dienstleistungen, die den Kunden angeboten werden, gehört der Bar- und Cateringbereich, der seit jeher für seine Exzellenz bekannt und geschätzt ist. Die Hauptstruktur, die als "Wächterhaus" bezeichnet wird, erstreckt sich über 2 Etagen, mit einem Vordach direkt am Meer sowie einem Vordach zwischen dem Hauptgebäude und der Reihe von Kabinen auf der Meerseite (Bar- und Cateringbereich), die mit Fenstern geschlossen sind. Fügen Sie Nr. 2 seitlich geschlossene Baldachine hinzu. - Die Strandpromenade misst 57 Laufmeter, eine Bedingung, für die es möglich ist, ein Schwimmbad zu bauen, wie im Masterplan festgelegt - 45 Hütten im Stil "Forte Marmine" (Holzkonstruktion) - 42 Zelte (Größe 4 x 3 m) - 2 Zelte (Größe 5 x 4 m) - 8 Zelte (Größe 2,5 x 2,5 m) - 30 Regenschirme - 3 Badezimmer - 1 gemeinsames Ankleidezimmer - 1 Badezimmer und 1 behindertengerechtes Ankleidezimmer - Heizungsraum und großer Abstellraum - 700 qm. Über das Parken - 850 qm. über den Erholungsbereich (umwandelbar in Schwimmbad, Whirlpool und SPA-Bereich)
- Parking
- Garden
Referencia: EDEN-T93977334
País: IT
Ciudad: Forte Dei Marmi
Código postal: 55042
Categoría: Comercial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: oportunidad de negocio
Superficie: 9.600
Habitaciones: 10
Cuartos de baño: 4
Aparcamiento(s): 1


Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
10.004 EUR


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