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Varna - Oportunidad de negocio se vende

313.950 EUR

oportunidad de negocio (En venta)

Referencia: EDEN-T102051169 / 102051169
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present an attractive and modern, showroom-type commercial premises for your successful business in a key location in Varna. The property is part of a promising investment project - a shopping complex located in the heart of the city of Varna, offering an ideal opportunity to purchase retail space of different sizes. The total retail area is 999.35 sq.m. Under construction, scheduled for completion at the end of 2025. The shopping complex occupies a strategic place on one of the main road arteries connecting the center of Varna and its surroundings, guaranteeing a constant flow of people and vehicles. The premises on the ground floor have a direct entrance to the local lane, and those on the first floor are accessible through comfortable staircases and an elevator, which guarantees a high level of comfort and accessibility. Features of the property: Shop/showroom on the ground floor, with an area of 125.58 sq.m, large showcases, visibility of the main street. Distribution: Open space room with its own bathroom and storage space, with direct entrance to a local lane. Within the shopping complex, you can choose between premises from 80.44 to 125.58 sq.m, each of which is equipped with its own bathroom and storage space, providing flexibility and comfort for your business. Why choose this property: Suitable for different types of activities - from a shop, office or clinic to sports centers; Local for car and pedestrian access from the boulevard, constant flow of people; 7 commercial premises, with a separate entrance to each site; Pedestrian promenade and parking spaces for visitors. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can The price of the property is 313,950 euros without VAT or 376,740 euros with VAT. A tax credit can be used under certain conditions. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: VAR-125966 Tel: ... , 052 813 656 Responsible broker: Julieta Bagdasarova Ver más Ver menos LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Представяме атрактивно и модерно, търговско помещение тип шоурум, за Вашия успешен бизнес на ключова локация във Варна. Имотът е част от един перспективен инвестиционен проект - търговски комплекс, разположен в сърцето на град Варна, предлагащ идеална възможност за закупуване на различни по големина търговски площи. Общата търговска площ е 999.35 кв.м. В процес на строителство, планирано завършване в края на 2025 г. Търговският комплекс заема стратегическо място на една от главните пътни артерии, свързващи центъра на град Варна и неговите околности, гарантирайки постоянен човекопоток и превозни средства. Помещенията на партерен етаж имат директен вход към локалното платно, а тези на първи етаж, са достъпни чрез удобни стълбища и асансьор, което гарантира високо ниво на комфорт и достъпност. Характеристики на имота: Магазин/шоурум на етаж партер, с площ 125.58 кв.м, големи витрини, видимост на главната улица. Разпределение: Open space помещение със собствен санитарен възел и складово пространство, с директен вход към локално платно. В рамките на търговския комплекс можете да избирате между помещения от 80.44 до 125.58 кв.м, всяко от които е оборудвано със собствен санитарен възел и складово пространство, осигуряващи гъвкавост и комфорт за Вашия бизнес. Защо да изберете този имот: Подходящ за различен вид дейности - от магазин, офис или клиника до спортни центрове; Локално за автомобилен и пешеходен достъп от булеварда, постоянен човекопоток; 7 търговски помещения, със самостоятелен вход на всеки обект; Пешеходна алея и паркоместа за посетители. Очакваме Вашето запитване Ако желаете да организирате оглед на имот, който Ви интересува, или да посетите някой от нашите офиси, моля свържете се с нас. За да уговорите ден и час за среща или оглед, можете Цената на имота е 313 950 евро без ДДС или 376 740 евро с ДДС. Данъчен кредит може да се ползва при определени условия. За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: VAR-125966 Тел: ... , 052 813 656 Отговорен брокер:Жулиета Багдасарова LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present an attractive and modern, showroom-type commercial premises for your successful business in a key location in Varna. The property is part of a promising investment project - a shopping complex located in the heart of the city of Varna, offering an ideal opportunity to purchase retail space of different sizes. The total retail area is 999.35 sq.m. Under construction, scheduled for completion at the end of 2025. The shopping complex occupies a strategic place on one of the main road arteries connecting the center of Varna and its surroundings, guaranteeing a constant flow of people and vehicles. The premises on the ground floor have a direct entrance to the local lane, and those on the first floor are accessible through comfortable staircases and an elevator, which guarantees a high level of comfort and accessibility. Features of the property: Shop/showroom on the ground floor, with an area of 125.58 sq.m, large showcases, visibility of the main street. Distribution: Open space room with its own bathroom and storage space, with direct entrance to a local lane. Within the shopping complex, you can choose between premises from 80.44 to 125.58 sq.m, each of which is equipped with its own bathroom and storage space, providing flexibility and comfort for your business. Why choose this property: Suitable for different types of activities - from a shop, office or clinic to sports centers; Local for car and pedestrian access from the boulevard, constant flow of people; 7 commercial premises, with a separate entrance to each site; Pedestrian promenade and parking spaces for visitors. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can The price of the property is 313,950 euros without VAT or 376,740 euros with VAT. A tax credit can be used under certain conditions. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: VAR-125966 Tel: ... , 052 813 656 Responsible broker: Julieta Bagdasarova LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES : ... Nous vous présentons un local commercial attrayant et moderne, de type showroom, pour votre entreprise prospère dans un emplacement clé à Varna. La propriété fait partie d’un projet d’investissement prometteur - un complexe commercial situé au cœur de la ville de Varna, offrant une opportunité idéale d’acheter des espaces commerciaux de différentes tailles. La surface commerciale totale est de 999,35 m². En construction, dont l’achèvement est prévu pour la fin de l’année 2025. Le complexe commercial occupe un emplacement stratégique sur l’une des principales artères routières reliant le centre de Varna et ses environs, garantissant un flux constant de personnes et de véhicules. Les locaux du rez-de-chaussée ont une entrée directe sur la ruelle locale, et ceux du premier étage sont accessibles par des escaliers confortables et un ascenseur, ce qui garantit un haut niveau de confort et d’accessibilité. Caractéristiques de la propriété : Boutique/salle d’exposition au rez-de-chaussée, d’une superficie de 125,58 m², grandes vitrines, visibilité de la rue principale. Distribution : Chambre ouverte avec sa propre salle de bain et espace de rangement, avec entrée directe sur une ruelle locale. Au sein du complexe commercial, vous avez le choix entre des locaux de 80,44 à 125,58 m², chacun d’entre eux étant équipé de sa propre salle de bain et de ses propres rangements, offrant flexibilité et confort à votre entreprise. Pourquoi choisir cette propriété : Convient à différents types d’activités - d’un magasin, d’un bureau ou d’une clinique aux centres sportifs ; Local pour l’accès en voiture et piéton depuis le boulevard, flux constant de personnes ; 7 locaux commerciaux, avec une entrée séparée pour chaque site ; Promenade piétonne et places de parking pour les visiteurs. Si vous souhaitez organiser une visite d’une propriété qui vous intéresse ou visiter l’un de nos bureaux, veuillez nous contacter. Pour convenir d’un jour et d’une heure pour une réunion ou une visite, vous pouvez Le prix de la propriété est de 313 950 euros hors TVA ou 376 740 euros avec TVA. Un crédit d’impôt peut être utilisé sous certaines conditions. Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété. Veuillez dire que vous avez vu l’annonce sur ce site. Numéro de référence : VAR-125966 Tél : ... , 052 813 656 Courtier responsable : Julieta Bagdasarova
Referencia: EDEN-T102051169
País: BG
Ciudad: Varna
Código postal: 9000
Categoría: Comercial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: oportunidad de negocio
Superficie: 125
Planta: 1
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