1.400.000 EUR
1.600.000 EUR
1.850.000 EUR
1.300.000 EUR
4 hab
277 m²
1.250.000 EUR
4 dorm
210 m²
1.550.000 EUR
3 dorm
270 m²
This modern villa with a swimming pool is located in a residential part of the town where luxury and modern buildings predominate, on a hill with a fantastic sea view.
The villa consists of ground floor and first floor which together make 260 m2 of pure luxury.
On the ground floor, at the entrance to the house there is a spacious hallway with access to a large open space area with a large kitchen with bar that shares a dining room and living room with exit to the terrace with an unreal view of the sea. On the ground floor there is also a technical room, laundry or laundry room with washing machine and dryer and toilet, sauna, jacuzzi and Wellness and fitness room with bathroom.
Upstairs is accessed by an internal staircase and there are four fully furnished bedrooms with double beds, each with its own bathroom and exit to the balcony, which also offers a beautiful sea view.
In the outer part of the building we find a large terrace (140 m2) lined with teak on which there is an infinity pool. The pool is 10 m long and 1.45 m deep, has a separate smaller and shallower part as a children's pool and in addition to the heating option, it also has the option of additional water cooling.
The location of the villa is excellent and provides shade and sun throughout the day. The yard is completely fenced for a complete guarantee of privacy while in front there are three more parking spaces.
Just 200 meters from the villa there are beautiful beaches and an enchanting coast that leaves everyone breathless. In addition, just a few minutes away there are various restaurants such as bars and restaurants, various shops and everything you need for a pleasant life or stay at vacation.
The villa has five stars and is currently in the tourist destination where it achieves top results and has excellent ratings.
It is a superbly equipped and tastefully furnished property, with all custom-made furniture and specially selected details. Due to the quality of its construction, isolated and quiet location and stunning and unobstructed sea views, this villa is ideal as a second home or as a potential investment with insurance and an annual return on money.
Make an appointment to see this Dalmatian beauty!
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 – 285/7323
Email: ...
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/285-7323
Tel: 052 770 811
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
- SwimmingPool
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Terrace Ver más Ver menos Rogoznica liegt in der Gespanschaft Šibenik-Knin, 32 Kilometer von Šibenik und 60 Kilometer von Split entfernt. Der bewohnte Teil der Küste ist eine der natürlichsten und geschütztesten Buchten an der Adria. Der Ort wird sowohl von inländischen Gästen als auch von Ausländern, die alle Schönheiten dieser dalmatinischen Perle erkennen, immer häufiger besucht und gesucht.
Diese moderne Villa mit Swimmingpool liegt im Wohnviertel der Stadt, wo Luxus- und moderne Gebäude vorherrschen, auf einem Hügel mit fantastischem Blick auf das Meer.
Die Villa besteht aus einem Erdgeschoss und einem Obergeschoss, die zusammen 260 m² puren Luxus ergeben.
Im Erdgeschoss, ganz am Eingang des Hauses, befindet sich eine geräumige Eingangshalle, von der aus Sie Zugang zu einem großen offenen Bereich haben, in dem sich eine große Küche mit einer Bar befindet, die das Esszimmer und das Wohnzimmer trennt, von dem aus Sie Zugang haben haben Zugang zur Terrasse mit einem unwirklichen Blick auf das Meer. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich außerdem ein Technikraum, eine Waschküche mit Waschmaschine und Trockner sowie eine Toilette, eine Sauna, ein Whirlpool sowie ein Wellness- und Fitnessraum mit Bad.
Der erste Stock ist über eine Innentreppe erreichbar und dort befinden sich vier komplett eingerichtete Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbetten, jeweils mit eigenem Bad und Zugang zum Balkon, der ebenfalls einen schönen Blick auf das Meer bietet.
Im äußeren Teil des Gebäudes befindet sich eine große, mit Teakholz ausgelegte Terrasse (140 m²), auf der sich ein Infinity-Pool befindet. Das Becken ist 10 m lang und 1,45 m tief, verfügt über einen separaten kleineren und flacheren Teil als Kinderbecken und verfügt neben der Möglichkeit der Beheizung auch über die Möglichkeit einer zusätzlichen Wasserkühlung.
Die Lage der Villa ist ausgezeichnet und bietet den ganzen Tag über Schatten und Sonne. Der Hof ist komplett eingezäunt, um absolute Privatsphäre zu gewährleisten. Vor dem Haus befinden sich drei weitere Parkplätze.
Nur 200 Meter von der Villa entfernt gibt es wunderschöne Strände und eine bezaubernde Küste, die jeden atemlos macht. Darüber hinaus gibt es nur wenige Minuten entfernt verschiedene gastronomische Einrichtungen wie Bars und Restaurants, verschiedene Geschäfte und alles, was Sie für ein angenehmes Leben benötigen oder im Jahresurlaub bleiben.
Die Villa verfügt über fünf Sterne und wird derzeit touristisch genutzt, wo sie hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielt und hervorragende Bewertungen erhält.
Es handelt sich um ein hervorragend ausgestattetes und geschmackvoll eingerichtetes Anwesen mit allen maßgefertigten Möbeln und speziell ausgewählten Details. Aufgrund der Bauqualität, der isolierten und ruhigen Lage und des atemberaubenden und unverbaubaren Meerblicks eignet sich diese Villa ideal als Zweitwohnsitz oder als potenzielle Investition mit Versicherung und jährlichem Cashback.
Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin, um diese dalmatinische Schönheit zu sehen!
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 – 285/7323
Email: ...
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/285-7323
Tel: 052 770 811
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
- SwimmingPool
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Terrace Rogoznica se nalazi u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji, 32 kilometra udaljena od Šibenika i 60-ak kilometara od Splita. Naseljeni dio obale je jedan od prirodno najsigurnijih i najzaštićenijih uvala na Jadranu. Mjesto je sve frekventnije i traženo, kako domaćim gostima tako i stranima koji prepoznaju sve ljepote ovog Dalmatinskog bisera.
U rezidencijalnom dijelu mjesta u kojem prevladavaju luksuzne i moderne građevine, na uzvisini s koje se pruža fantastičan pogled na more smjestila se ova moderna vila s bazenom.
Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i kata koji zajedno čine 260 m² čistog luksuza.
U prizemlju, na samom ulazu u kuću nalazi se prostrano predsoblje s kojeg se pristupa velikom open space dijelu u kojem se nalazi velika kuhinja sa šankom koja dijeli blagovaonicu i dnevni boravak iz kojeg se izlazi na terasu s koje se pruža nestvaran pogled na more. U prizemnom dijelu nalazi se još tehnička soba, praonica odnosno vešeraj s perilicom i sušilicom rublja i wc-om, sauna, jacuzzi te Wellness i fitness soba s kupaonicom.
Na kat se pristupa unutarnjim stepeništem te se tamo nalaze četiri kompletno uređene spavaće sobe s bračnim krevetima, svaka s vlastitom kupaonicom te izlaskom na balkon s kojeg se također pruža prekrasan pogled na more.
U vanjskom dijelu objekta nalazimo veliku terasu (140 m²) obloženu tikovinom na kojoj se nalazi infinity bazen. Bazen je 10m dužine te 1,45 m dubine, ima odvojeni manji i plići dio kao dječji bazen te osim opcije grijanja ima i opciju dodatnog hlađenja vode.
Položaj vile je odličan te osigurava hlad i sunce tijekom cijelog dana. Dvorište je potpuno ograđeno za kompletnu garanciju privatnosti dok se s prednje strane nalaze još tri parkirna mjesta.
Na samo 200 metara od vile nalaze se prekrasne plaže te očaravajuća obala koja svakog ostavlja bez daha osim toga isto tako na samo nekoliko minuta udaljenosti nalaze se razni ugostiteljski objekti poput barova i restorana, raznih trgovina te sve što je potrebno za ugodan život ili boravak na godišnjem odmoru.
Vila ima pet zvjezdica te je trenutno u turističkoj namjeni u kojoj ostvaruje vrhunske rezultate te ima izvanredne ocijene.
Riječ je o vrhunski opremljenoj i ukusno namještenoj nekretnini, sa svim namještajem izrađenim po mjeri te s posebno odabranim detaljima. Zbog kvalitete njene izrade, izolirane i mirne lokacije te zapanjujućeg i nesmetanog pogleda na more ova vila je idealna kao drugi dom ili kao potencijalna investicija s osiguranjem i godišnjim povratom novca.
Dogovorite svoj termin za razgled ove Dalmatinske ljepotice !
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 – 285/7323
Email: ...
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/285-7323
Tel: 052 770 811
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
- SwimmingPool
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Terrace ID CODE: DA109
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/285-7323
Tel: 052 770 811
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
- SwimmingPool
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Terrace Rogoznica is located in Šibenik-Knin County, 32 kilometers away from Šibenik and about 60 kilometers from Split. The inhabited part of the coast is one of the safest and most naturally protected bays on the Adriatic. The place is more and more frequent and sought after, both for domestic guests and foreigners who recognize all the beauties of this Dalmatian pearl.
This modern villa with a swimming pool is located in a residential part of the town where luxury and modern buildings predominate, on a hill with a fantastic sea view.
The villa consists of ground floor and first floor which together make 260 m2 of pure luxury.
On the ground floor, at the entrance to the house there is a spacious hallway with access to a large open space area with a large kitchen with bar that shares a dining room and living room with exit to the terrace with an unreal view of the sea. On the ground floor there is also a technical room, laundry or laundry room with washing machine and dryer and toilet, sauna, jacuzzi and Wellness and fitness room with bathroom.
Upstairs is accessed by an internal staircase and there are four fully furnished bedrooms with double beds, each with its own bathroom and exit to the balcony, which also offers a beautiful sea view.
In the outer part of the building we find a large terrace (140 m2) lined with teak on which there is an infinity pool. The pool is 10 m long and 1.45 m deep, has a separate smaller and shallower part as a children's pool and in addition to the heating option, it also has the option of additional water cooling.
The location of the villa is excellent and provides shade and sun throughout the day. The yard is completely fenced for a complete guarantee of privacy while in front there are three more parking spaces.
Just 200 meters from the villa there are beautiful beaches and an enchanting coast that leaves everyone breathless. In addition, just a few minutes away there are various restaurants such as bars and restaurants, various shops and everything you need for a pleasant life or stay at vacation.
The villa has five stars and is currently in the tourist destination where it achieves top results and has excellent ratings.
It is a superbly equipped and tastefully furnished property, with all custom-made furniture and specially selected details. Due to the quality of its construction, isolated and quiet location and stunning and unobstructed sea views, this villa is ideal as a second home or as a potential investment with insurance and an annual return on money.
Make an appointment to see this Dalmatian beauty!
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 – 285/7323
Email: ...
Claudio Mezzalira
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/285-7323
Tel: 052 770 811
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
- SwimmingPool
- Barbecue
- Alarm
- Terrace