185.000 EUR
2 hab
35 m²
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro sestiere is the one where most important museums are concentrated, including: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, animated by the nearby university campus and typical cafés, restaurants and markets.Available in 5 languages Ver más Ver menos Ort: Dorsoduro, Venedig
Nach San Marco ist das Stadtviertel Dorsoduro dasjenige, in dem sich die wichtigsten Museen befinden, darunter die Galerie Accademia, die Sammlung Peggy Guggenheim, der Palazzo Venier dei Leoni und das Museum Punta della Dogana - Fondation François Pinault. Einen Besuch wert sind auch der Squero di San Trovaso und der Campo Santa Margherita, ein Treffpunkt für Venezianer und Studenten.Die Wohnung befindet sich im Viertel Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini, das durch den nahe gelegenen Universitätscampus und die typischen Cafés, Restaurants und Märkte belebt wird. Location: Dorsoduro, Venice
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro sestiere is the one where most important museums are concentrated, including: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, animated by the nearby university campus and typical cafés, restaurants and markets.Available in 5 languages Location: Dorsoduro, Venice
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro sestiere is the one where most important museums are concentrated, including: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, animated by the nearby university campus and typical cafés, restaurants and markets.Available in 5 languages Posizione: Dorsoduro, Venezia
Dopo San Marco, il sestiere di Dorsoduro è quello dove più si concentrano musei importanti, tra cui ricordiamo: la Galleria dell'Accademia, la Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, il museo Punta della Dogana - Fondazione François Pinault. Meritano una visita anche lo squero di San Trovaso e campo Santa Margherita, luogo di ritrovo per veneziani e studenti.L'immobile si trova nella zona di Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini, animata dal vicino polo universitario e dai tipici caffè, ristoranti e mercatini. Location: Dorsoduro, Venice
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro sestiere is the one where most important museums are concentrated, including: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, animated by the nearby university campus and typical cafés, restaurants and markets.Available in 5 languages