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Estoril - Oportunidad de negocio se vende

1.145.000 EUR

oportunidad de negocio (En venta)

Referencia: EDEN-T96116885 / 96116885
Refurbish and monetize! Add a floor and enjoy an unbeatable view of Monte Estoril. This building can be used for residential, commercial or service purposes. Many possibilities for use, benefiting from a location in the heart of Monte Estoril. PROFITABILITY - Building to be remodelled located in a prime area of Monte Estoril, close to charming hotels, bars and restaurants. This area is very popular with tourists, which opens up possibilities for residential, commercial or service use. The totally vacant building had the Cozinha do Mar restaurant on the ground floor / basement and two more flats on the first floor, one T0 and one T3 with the possibility of extending the building. The building is 100m from the well-known Jardim dos Passarinhos, whose official name is Jardim Carlos Anjos in honor of one of the driving forces behind the tourist and urban development of the Monte Estoril area. The green space is surrounded by charming hotels, bars and restaurants. The square is filled with flower beds, shrubs and brightly colored exotic trees and also has a large cage with exotic birds, which is where the common name Jardim dos Passarinhos comes from. In the center of the garden there is also a café with a terrace and a children's playground. Monte Estoril is a small town located in the highest and most luxurious area of the parishes of Cascais and Estoril. It is located in a privileged spot on the Cascais coastline, an area famous for its beaches. Since 1910, Monte Estoril has been a place of choice for the aristocracy, and later, with the Second World War, it became a refuge for luxury exiles and a place of choice for royal families. Today it has beautiful houses and small palaces, and is a favorite haunt of the national and international upper classes. This building benefits from Tax and Financial Incentives as it is part of an ARU.
- Exemption from IMT - Municipal Tax on Onerous Transactions (return).
- Exemption from IMI - Municipal Property Tax (for a period of 3 years).
- among others, IRS deduction of part of the costs borne by the owner, reduced taxation of capital gains, reduced taxation of rental income. More information: Location is a key factor when it comes to the real estate market. This is a sure bet, given its location and the growing demand in this area, both from foreigners and Portuguese.COME AND SEE THIS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY._______________________________We are a multidisciplinary team that will do everything to make your wish come true. Our focus is always on providing excellent customer service with total transparency and agility.We provide a service of excellence, with vast experience in the different areas of real estate. An award-winning team recognized in the world of real estate. We operate within the CENTURY21 network, the network with the best customer service in Portugal, and the Realty Art group, which since 2012 has been the #1 CENTURY21 Iberian network.Put your intentions in our hands, we do everything we can to ensure that you always leave with a smile. Our success depends on your complete satisfaction. Always!
Ver más Ver menos Rénovation et monétisation ! Ajoutez un étage et profitez d'une vue imprenable sur le Monte Estoril. Ce bâtiment peut être utilisé à des fins résidentielles, commerciales ou de services. Nombreuses possibilités d'utilisation, bénéficiant d'un emplacement au cur du Monte Estoril. PROFITABILITÉ - Immeuble à rénover situé dans un quartier privilégié de Monte Estoril, à proximité d'hôtels de charme, de bars et de restaurants. Cette zone est très populaire auprès des touristes, ce qui ouvre des possibilités d'utilisation résidentielle, commerciale ou de services. Le bâtiment totalement inoccupé comprenait le restaurant Cozinha do Mar au rez-de-chaussée / sous-sol et deux appartements supplémentaires au premier étage, un T0 et un T3, avec la possibilité d'agrandir le bâtiment. Le bâtiment se trouve à 100 mètres du célèbre Jardim dos Passarinhos, dont le nom officiel est Jardim Carlos Anjos en l'honneur de l'un des moteurs du développement touristique et urbain de la région du Monte Estoril. Cet espace vert est entouré de charmants hôtels, bars et restaurants. La place est remplie de parterres de fleurs aux couleurs vives, d'arbustes et d'arbres exotiques et possède également une grande cage avec des oiseaux exotiques, d'où le nom commun de « Jardim dos Passarinhos ». Au centre du jardin se trouve également un café avec une terrasse et une aire de jeux pour les enfants. Monte Estoril est une petite ville située dans la zone la plus élevée et la plus luxueuse des paroisses de Cascais et d'Estoril. Elle bénéficie d'une situation privilégiée sur le littoral de Cascais, une région célèbre pour ses plages. Le Monte Estoril est le lieu de prédilection de l'aristocratie depuis 1910, puis, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est devenu un refuge pour les exilés du luxe et un lieu de prédilection pour les familles royales. Aujourd'hui, il abrite de belles maisons et de petits palais, et constitue le lieu de prédilection de la haute société nationale et internationale. Ce bâtiment bénéficie d'incitations fiscales et financières car il fait partie d'une URA.
- Exemption de l'IMT - Taxe municipale sur les transactions onéreuses (retour).
- Exemption de l'IMI - Impôt municipal sur la propriété (pour une période de 3 ans).
- entre autres, déduction de l'IRS d'une partie des coûts supportés par le propriétaire, réduction de l'imposition des plus-values, réduction de l'imposition des revenus locatifs. Plus d'informations : L'emplacement est un facteur clé sur le marché de l'immobilier. Ce bien est une valeur sûre, compte tenu de son emplacement et de la demande croissante dans ce domaine, tant de la part des étrangers que des Portugais.VENEZ DÉCOUVRIR CETTE OPPORTUNITÉ D'INVESTISSEMENT.
________________________________Nous sommes une équipe multidisciplinaire qui fera tout pour réaliser votre souhait, notre objectif est toujours de fournir un excellent service client avec une transparence et une agilité totales.Nous fournissons un excellent service, avec une vaste expérience dans différents domaines de l'immobilier. Une équipe primée et reconnue dans le monde de l'immobilier.Nous opérons avec le réseau CENTURY21, le réseau avec le meilleur service au Portugal, et avec le groupe Realty Art, qui depuis 2012 est n°1 du réseau ibérique CENTURY21.Mettez vos intentions entre nos mains, nous faisons tout pour que vous repartiez toujours avec le sourire. Notre succès dépend de votre entière satisfaction. Déjà!
Remodelar e rentabilizar! Acrescente um piso e desfrute de uma vista inegualável do Monte Estoril. Esse prédio pode ser habitação, comercio ou serviço. Muitas possibilidades de utilização se beneficiando de uma localização no coração do Monte Estoril. RENTABILIDADE - Prédio para remodelar localizado em zona nobre do Monte Estoril, junto a área de hotéis de charme, bares, restaurantes. Área de muita procura pelo turismo, o que abre possibilidades para exploração tanto para residencial, comercial ou de serviço. O Prédio totalmente devoluto, contava com o restaurante Cozinha do Mar no rés do chão / cave e mais dois apartamentos no primeiro piso, sendo um T0 e um T3 com possibilidade de ampliação da construção. O Prédio fica a 100m do conhecido Jardim dos Passarinhos, cujo nome oficial é Jardim Carlos Anjos em homenagem a um dos impulsionadores do desenvolvimento turístico e urbanístico da zona do Monte Estoril. O espaço verde é circundado por hotéis de charme, bares e restaurantes. A praça é repleta de canteiros de flores, arbustos e árvores exóticas de cor viva e ainda conta com uma gaiola de grandes dimensões com aves exóticas, de onde provém o nome comum de "Jardim dos Passarinhos". No centro do jardim também existe um café com esplanada e um parque infantil. Monte Estoril é uma pequena localidade situada na zona mais alta e luxuosa das freguesias de Cascais e Estoril. Situada num local privilegiado da Linha de Cascais, zona muito famosa pelas suas praias. O Monte Estoril já era desde 1910 um local de eleição da aristocracia, e posteriormente, com a 2a Guerra Mundial passou a ser refúgio de exilados de luxo, e local de eleição de famílias reais. Hoje conta com belíssimas casas e pequenos palacetes, sendo um local de eleição da classe alta nacional e internacional. Este prédio se beneficia de Incentivos Fiscais e Financeiros por estar enquadrado numa ARU.
- Isenção de IMT - Imposto Municipal sobre as Transações Onerosas (devolução).
- Isenção de IMI - Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis (por um período de 3 anos)
- entre outros, dedução no IRS de parte dos encargos suportados pelo proprietário, tributação reduzida das mais valias, tributação reduzida dos rendimentos decorrentes do arrendamento. Mais informações: A localização é um fator chave quando se fala do mercado imobiliário. Esta é uma aposta garantida tendo em conta a sua localização e a procura crescente nesta zona, quer por cidadãos estrangeiros assim como pelos portugueses.VENHA CONHECER ESSA OPORTUNIDADE DE INVESTIMENTO.
________________________________Somos uma equipa multidisciplinar que tudo fará para que o seu desejo se torne realidade, nosso foco é prestar sempre um excelente serviço ao cliente com total transparência e agilidade.Prestamos um serviço de excelência, dotados de uma vasta experiência nas diferentes áreas do imobiliário. Uma equipa premiada e reconhecida no mundo do imobiliário. Operamos junto da rede CENTURY21, a rede com o melhor atendimento em Portugal, e do grupo Realty Art, que desde 2012 é a #1 da rede CENTURY21 Ibérica.Coloque as suas intenções nas nossas mãos, tudo fazemos para que saia sempre com um sorriso. O nosso sucesso depende da sua inteira satisfação. Sempre!
Refurbish and monetize! Add a floor and enjoy an unbeatable view of Monte Estoril. This building can be used for residential, commercial or service purposes. Many possibilities for use, benefiting from a location in the heart of Monte Estoril. PROFITABILITY - Building to be remodelled located in a prime area of Monte Estoril, close to charming hotels, bars and restaurants. This area is very popular with tourists, which opens up possibilities for residential, commercial or service use. The totally vacant building had the Cozinha do Mar restaurant on the ground floor / basement and two more flats on the first floor, one T0 and one T3 with the possibility of extending the building. The building is 100m from the well-known Jardim dos Passarinhos, whose official name is Jardim Carlos Anjos in honor of one of the driving forces behind the tourist and urban development of the Monte Estoril area. The green space is surrounded by charming hotels, bars and restaurants. The square is filled with flower beds, shrubs and brightly colored exotic trees and also has a large cage with exotic birds, which is where the common name Jardim dos Passarinhos comes from. In the center of the garden there is also a café with a terrace and a children's playground. Monte Estoril is a small town located in the highest and most luxurious area of the parishes of Cascais and Estoril. It is located in a privileged spot on the Cascais coastline, an area famous for its beaches. Since 1910, Monte Estoril has been a place of choice for the aristocracy, and later, with the Second World War, it became a refuge for luxury exiles and a place of choice for royal families. Today it has beautiful houses and small palaces, and is a favorite haunt of the national and international upper classes. This building benefits from Tax and Financial Incentives as it is part of an ARU.
- Exemption from IMT - Municipal Tax on Onerous Transactions (return).
- Exemption from IMI - Municipal Property Tax (for a period of 3 years).
- among others, IRS deduction of part of the costs borne by the owner, reduced taxation of capital gains, reduced taxation of rental income. More information: Location is a key factor when it comes to the real estate market. This is a sure bet, given its location and the growing demand in this area, both from foreigners and Portuguese.COME AND SEE THIS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY._______________________________We are a multidisciplinary team that will do everything to make your wish come true. Our focus is always on providing excellent customer service with total transparency and agility.We provide a service of excellence, with vast experience in the different areas of real estate. An award-winning team recognized in the world of real estate. We operate within the CENTURY21 network, the network with the best customer service in Portugal, and the Realty Art group, which since 2012 has been the #1 CENTURY21 Iberian network.Put your intentions in our hands, we do everything we can to ensure that you always leave with a smile. Our success depends on your complete satisfaction. Always!
Referencia: EDEN-T96116885
País: PT
Ciudad: Cascais e Estoril
Categoría: Comercial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: oportunidad de negocio
Superficie: 150


Precio medio por
Oct 2023
3 Meses
1 Año
7.605 EUR
7.821 EUR



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