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Sveti Petar u Šumi - Parcela se vende

85.000 EUR

Parcela (En venta)

Referencia: BIXK-T888 / 405007
Location: Istarska županija, Tinjan, Tinjan.In the surroundings of this charming town of Tinjan, a building plot with a conceptual project for a house with a swimming pool is for sale. The land has an area of 960 m2 and consists of two parcels. One plot has a surface of 842 m2 and a house with a swimming pool is planned on it, the second plot has a surface of 118 m2 and would serve as an additional access road to the plot so that it can be accessed from two sides. The surface of the land is flat and cleared. The electricity connection is located next to the field, while the water is about 30 meters away. Macadam access road, 35 meters away from asphalt. The land has a preliminary design for a family house with a swimming pool. Ownership 1/1. No burden. The price is subject to negotiation and it is possible to buy two more plots that are located next to the one mentioned above. In this case, the price for 2765 m2 and 3 projects for houses with a pool is 215,000 e. Certainly a beautiful property for a luxurious family life, but also suitable as an investment in the form of elite tourism. A UNIQUE PROPERTY DEFINITELY WORTH YOUR ATTENTION IN A GREAT LOCATION!!! ID CODE: 1287 Vanesa Marcan Vidas Agent pripravnik Mob: +385 95 511 4263 Tel: +385 95 584 4479 E-mail: vanesa@velvet-realestate.hr www.velvet-realestate.hrFeatures:Voda=1
Vlasnički list=1
Udaljenost od mora=20000
Tip zemljišta=građevinsko
Ver más Ver menos Location: Istarska županija, Tinjan, Tinjan.In der Umgebung dieser charmanten Stadt Tinjan steht ein Baugrundstück mit einem konzeptionellen Projekt für ein Haus mit Swimmingpool zum Verkauf. Das Grundstück hat eine Fläche von 960 m2 und besteht aus zwei Parzellen. Ein Grundstück hat eine Fläche von 842 m2 und darauf ist ein Haus mit Swimmingpool geplant, das zweite Grundstück hat eine Fläche von 118 m2 und würde als zusätzliche Zufahrtsstraße zum Grundstück dienen, so dass es von zwei Seiten erschlossen werden kann. Die Oberfläche des Landes ist flach und gerodet. Der Stromanschluss befindet sich neben dem Feld, während das Wasser etwa 30 Meter entfernt ist. Schotterweg, 35 Meter vom Asphalt entfernt. Das Land hat einen vorläufigen Entwurf für ein Einfamilienhaus mit Swimmingpool. Eigentum 1/1. Keine Belastung. Der Preis ist verhandelbar und es ist möglich, zwei weitere Grundstücke zu kaufen, die sich neben dem oben genannten befinden. In diesem Fall beträgt der Preis für 2765 m2 und 3 Projekte für Häuser mit Pool 215.000 e. Sicherlich ein wunderschönes Anwesen für ein luxuriöses Familienleben, aber auch als Kapitalanlage in Form von Elite-Tourismus geeignet. EINE EINZIGARTIGE IMMOBILIE IN EINER TOLLEN LAGE, DIE IHRE AUFMERKSAMKEIT DEFINITIV WERT WERT!!! ID CODE: 1287 Vanesa Marcan Vidas Agent pripravnik Mob: +385 95 511 4263 Tel: +385 95 584 4479 E-mail: vanesa@velvet-realestate.hr www.velvet-realestate.hrFeatures:Voda=1
Vlasnički list=1
Udaljenost od mora=20000
Tip zemljišta=građevinsko
Location: Istarska županija, Tinjan, Tinjan.U okolici ovog šarmantnog Tinjana, prodaje se građevinsko zemljište s idejnim projektom za kuću s bazenom. Zemljište broji površinu od 960 m2 i sastoji se od dvije čestice. Jedna čestica je površine 842 m2 i na njoj je predviđena kuća s bazenom, druga čestica je površine 118 m2 i služila bi kao dodatni pristupni put parceli tako da se može pristupiti s dvije strane. Površina zemljište ravna je te očišćena. Priključak za struju nalazi se do terena, dok je voda na udaljenosti od 30tak metara. Makadamski pristupni put, udaljen od asfalta 35 metara. Zemljište ima izrađen idejni projekt za obiteljsku katnicu s bazenom. Vlasništvo 1/1. Bez tereta. Cijena je podložna pregovoru a moguće je kupiti još dvije parcele koje se nalaze uz gore navedenu. U tom slučaju cijena za 2765 m2 i 3 projekta za kuće s bazenom iznosi 215 000 e. Svakako lijepa nekretnina za luksuzan obiteljski život, ali pogodna i kao investicija u vidu elitnog turizma. UNIKATNA NEKRETNINA SVAKAKO VRIJEDNA PAŽNJE NA ODLIČNOJ LOKACIJI!!! ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1287 Vanesa Marcan Vidas Agent pripravnik Mob: +385 95 511 4263 Tel: +385 95 584 4479 E-mail: vanesa@velvet-realestate.hr www.velvet-realestate.hrFeatures:Voda=1
Vlasnički list=1
Udaljenost od mora=20000
Tip zemljišta=građevinsko
Nei dintorni di questa affascinante cittadina di Tinjan è in vendita un terreno edificabile con un progetto concettuale per una casa con piscina. Il terreno ha una superficie di 960 mq ed è composto da due parcelle. Un lotto ha una superficie di 842 m2 e su di esso è prevista una casa con piscina, il secondo lotto ha una superficie di 118 m2 e fungerebbe da ulteriore strada di accesso al lotto in modo che vi si possa accedere da due lati. La superficie del terreno è pianeggiante e disboscata. L'allacciamento elettrico si trova accanto al campo, mentre l'acqua è a circa 30 metri. Strada di accesso in macadam, a 35 metri dall'asfalto. Il terreno presenta un progetto preliminare per una villa bifamiliare con piscina. Proprietà 1/1. Nessun onere. Il prezzo è soggetto a trattativa ed è possibile acquistare altri due lotti che si trovano accanto a quello sopra citato. In questo caso, il prezzo per 2765 m2 e 3 progetti per case con piscina è di 215.000 e. Certamente una bella proprietà per una lussuosa vita familiare, ma adatta anche come investimento sotto forma di turismo d'élite. UNA PROPRIETÀ UNICA CHE MERITA SICURAMENTE LA TUA ATTENZIONE IN UN'OTTIMA POSIZIONE!!! ID CODE: 1287 Vanesa Marcan Vidas Agent pripravnik Mob: +385 95 511 4263 Tel: +385 95 584 4479 E-mail: vanesa@velvet-realestate.hr www.velvet-realestate.hr Location: Istarska županija, Tinjan, Tinjan.In the surroundings of this charming town of Tinjan, a building plot with a conceptual project for a house with a swimming pool is for sale. The land has an area of 960 m2 and consists of two parcels. One plot has a surface of 842 m2 and a house with a swimming pool is planned on it, the second plot has a surface of 118 m2 and would serve as an additional access road to the plot so that it can be accessed from two sides. The surface of the land is flat and cleared. The electricity connection is located next to the field, while the water is about 30 meters away. Macadam access road, 35 meters away from asphalt. The land has a preliminary design for a family house with a swimming pool. Ownership 1/1. No burden. The price is subject to negotiation and it is possible to buy two more plots that are located next to the one mentioned above. In this case, the price for 2765 m2 and 3 projects for houses with a pool is 215,000 e. Certainly a beautiful property for a luxurious family life, but also suitable as an investment in the form of elite tourism. A UNIQUE PROPERTY DEFINITELY WORTH YOUR ATTENTION IN A GREAT LOCATION!!! ID CODE: 1287 Vanesa Marcan Vidas Agent pripravnik Mob: +385 95 511 4263 Tel: +385 95 584 4479 E-mail: vanesa@velvet-realestate.hr www.velvet-realestate.hrFeatures:Voda=1
Vlasnički list=1
Udaljenost od mora=20000
Tip zemljišta=građevinsko
Referencia: BIXK-T888
País: HR
Ciudad: Tinjan
Categoría: Residencial
Tipo de anuncio: En venta
Tipo de inmeuble: Parcela
Superficie: 960


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